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What is Power Yoga?
Power yoga is among the fastest growing and most inspiring types of yoga currently in practice. For its vigorous work out component, it is also well known for the word Dynamic Yoga. The tendency for this started way back during the mid 90's when it was launched by two American yoga instructors.
Bienvenue sur <strong>Wikipast</strong>, le mediawiki du cours Digital humanities (HUM-369).
Consequently, power yoga creates its distinction from other yoga practices by straining out on-the fitness objectives. Actually, many fitness specialists believe it can remain in your heavy workout routine, particularly for those needing to realize elasticity and strength in your body.  
Since the exercise parts can be quite rigorous as the name implies, this kind of yoga training isn't for the milder persons. One of the discovery aspects of the power yoga is that it has empowered yoga to be considered as [http://lakemurrayradio.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=62221 detox weight loss retreat]. This particular department is a reinterpretation of the Indian practice of Ashtanga Yoga.  
Practical Suggestions During Power Yoga Sessions
Professeur: [http://people.epfl.ch/frederic.kaplan Frédéric Kaplan]<br>
When selecting the place where you'll perform power yoga, opt for those with ambience that encourage one to yoga teacher. Open areas are more preferable for energy yoga.  
Assistant: [http://people.epfl.ch/vincent.buntinx Vincent Buntinx]
Throughout performance of poses, concentrate on each and every one before considering the next group of moves. This will allow you to keep the degree of concentration and prevent complications.  
Always ask for expert assistance and never execute it on your own, particularly if you are new to the training and lack substantial knowledge. Doing so will put you at an increased risk of acquiring injuries.  
For more usefulness, it is necessary to wear comfortable clothes in your practice. Prefer for sweat-absorbent ones too.  
* Site Moodle [http://moodle.epfl.ch/course/view.php?id=14977]
Incorporating With Fitness Regimen
* Archive de presse utilisée dans le cours [http://letempsarchives.ch]
People fascinated with realizing optimum level of fitness are gaining interest in the benefits of power yoga. One of the most appealing facets of it that has gotten fitness enthusiasts interested is its combination of three different components in to one: the body, head, and spirit.  
* Ngram viewer : [http://dhlabsrv4.epfl.ch/ngviewer.php]
Its primary performance rely on the asanas that incorporate exercises for improved physical power and stamina, along with enhancing one's flexibility. On top of the typical yoga asanas exercises, it incorporates cardio approach also. Therefore, it can be readily integrated into your present fitness routine. Then you are going to burn calories and fat at a faster speed, in the event that you were then to combine power yoga with your existing cardio workouts.  
* Datafication biographiques en cours de création: page [[Biographies ]]
Power Yoga Benefits
* Typologie d'[[évènements]]
The health and psychological benefits of yoga has been proven. But with power yoga, you're nurturing your techniques for a more profound health benefit. The advantages here are suitable for individuals that are mindful about their health and fitness. Allow me to share just a few of the advantages you may enjoy:
* [[FAQ]] pour ce cours
As you sweat while performing power yoga, you also eliminate body toxins.  
* [[Utilisateurs]]
It can help combat the effects of any weight related difficulties and obesity.  
* [[Typologie de courbes]]
When combined with your fitness program, it can increase the body's metabolism and ability to burn off calories.  
* [[Bots]]
It shows significant ability to combat diseases like insomnia, certain kinds of cancer, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis.  
* [[Peergrading‎]]
You can increase your amount of flexibility, muscle strength, and stamina.  
* [[Tutorial_python]]
It increases your immune-system and suits a healthy blood flow.  
* [[SPARQL_python]]
Learning Power Yoga
* [[Hackathon Le Temps 2016]]
Within the power yoga objectives, one could be subjected to lots of stretches and aerobic workout by means of this yoga stretches. If you're a beginner and would need to learn about the systems of power yoga, most experts would counsel you to begin with the basic techniques first till you develop your skills for this advanced sort of yoga class.
* [[Listepagesbot|Bot pour obtenir une liste de pages récentes et valides]]
But, there are particular yoga teacher training uk used for rookies who are interested to-learn about the core concepts of power yoga or only to get comfortable with [http://en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php?title=Why_Yoga_Is_Fantastic_For_Your_Body Hiking Holiday uk]. There are many athletes who practice this process for the advantage of creating balance between various muscle groups. This helps prevent the chance of getting any sort of sports injuries or irritation. Hence, that clearly signifies the rigorous character of power yoga for more sophisticated workout schemes.  
If you're interested to learn power yoga and have acquired and understood the basic levels of yoga training, there power yoga classes designed for you personally to start in. In comparison with other types of yoga classes, they do not follow strict sequenceBut the primary parts of the power yoga practice shows itself, such as lots of stretches and aerobic approach.
In between power yoga courses, a few minutes are set apart for meditationMost of the meditative process are done with seated pose. The preparation phase is one of the very most crucial elements of the practice as it conditions your physique for the practices inside your program.  
Ce cours permet de découvrir les Digital Humanities par la pratique.
But unlike other yoga practices, it's not governed by sequence but permit practitioners to omit one aspect of-the chain for an alternative sort of focus. Ergo, it really is more flexible as compared to other yoga methods.  
Power Yoga Exercises
==Plan ==
Some philosophies behind Power Yoga is carefully connected with Bikram Yoga, wherein it entails brisk work out and vigorous fitness routines. It utilises the basics of the asanas series but launches them towards new heights by polishing those techniques for improved benefits.  
Power Yoga generally comprises a collection of yoga poses. Still, it truly is combined with breathing workouts that is matched with every move. Most movements so exemplary grace and unity in them. If you should analyze them, it might appear to become a trancelike dance. It consequently contours and shove each branch to it-s limit for a graceful movement. Energy Yoga is, in addition, closely linked to the core techniques of Sun Salutation. And So, if-you have understanding of the latter, then it will greatly help your techniques of Energy Yoga.  
* 21.02.2017 Introduction au cours. Présentation des outils du cours (MediaWiki, Python). Ecriture d'une biographie simple pour s'initier à la syntaxe MediaWiki
For better outcomes, practice power yoga at least 4-5 minutes a day, 3 times a week.  
When executing certain moves, do not overextend yourself. Eventually, your system will adapt and you should take things at a slow but sluggish pace.
* 28.02.2017 Principes de la reconstitution à partir d'archives. Exemple du projet Venice Time Machine. Techniques pour la numérisation massive (méthodes robotiques, tomographie). Reconnaissance des écritures manuscrites. Introduction au concept d'entité nommée. Réseaux d'entités nommées. Principes de la reconstitution cadastrale. Modélisation 4d. Introduction à la base d'archives de presse qui sera utilisée ce semestre pour le cours. Principe de la [[datafication biographique]]. Discussion d'un exemple.  Choix d'une personne pour le projet personnel.
* 07.03.2017 Linguistique des grands nombres. [[N-gramme]]. Champ attentionel d'un media (attention temporelle, attention spatiale). [[Typologie de courbes]]. Suite de la [[datafication biographique]]. Exercice d'indexation en transformant chaque terme en [[hypermot]].
* 14.03.2017 Discretisation de l'espace et du temps. [[UT]].[[TAI]]. [[UTC]]. Classes d'équivalences temporelles. Classes d'équivalences spatiales. Exercices de conversion de dates. Complétion de la [[datafication biographique]]
* 21.03.2017(*) Procéduralité et automatisme - Les bots dans Wikipedia - Statistiques - Wikification du domaine public - Les controverses des bots - Présention des projets de bots -  Deadline pour la remise de la datafication biographique (30%)
* 28.03.2017 Constitution des groupes (4 +/- 1) et choix des projets - Explication du Peer-grading - Tutorial Python
* 04.04.2017 Crowdsourcing - Onboarding - Roles et specialisation dans Wikipedia - Deadline Peer-grading des datatifactions biographiques (10%)
* 11.04.2017(*) Algorithmes d'analyses textuelles - Introduction aux techniques de traitement du langage naturel - Les conférences MUC - Typologie des entités nommées (ENAMEX, TIMEX, NUMEX) - Gazetters - Tokenizers / Language guessers / POS - Tagger - Méthodes à base de règles - Méthodes à base d'apprentissage (Bayesian classifier, Hidden Markov Models, CRF) - Clustering / Linking - Extraction des entitées nommées dans la base des articles de presse - Calcul sur les noeuds du cluster - Exemple de règles ecrites en ExPRESS - Cascade de règles - Travail sur les projets
* 18.04.2017 Pas de cours
* 25.04.2017 Algorithmes d'analyses visuelles - Méthode de comparaison de recherche visuelle et distances entre images -  Histogrammes de gradients - Deep learning - Moteur de recherche visuel - Travail sur les projets - Presentation des résultats du peer-grading
* 02.05.2017 Travail sur les projets - Presentation informelle de chaque groupe - Detection des éventuelles incompatibilités entre bots
* 09.05.2017 Travail sur les projets - Essai de tous les bots sur une page test - Deadline pour la description technique du bot (30%)
* 16.05.2017 Travail sur les projets - Scheduling des bots - Remise des fiches d'évaluation
* 23.05.2017 Presentation des projets (30%) - 15 minutes par projet (10 minutes présentation, 5 minutes questions)
* 30.05.2017  Presentation des projets (30%) - 15 minutes par projet (10 minutes présentation, 5 minutes questions)
Référentiels temporels :
* [[UT|UT : Temps universel]]
* [[TAI|TAI : Temps Atomique International]]
* [[UTC|UTC : Temps Universel Coordonné]]
Référentiels spatiaux :
* [[Ellipsoidal_Coordinates|Coordonnées ellipsoïdales]]
* [[WGS84_GRS80|Exemples : WGS84, GRS80]]
==Barème ==
=== Barème pour la [[Datafication biographique]] (30 % de la note finale) ===
* Une biographie avec au moins 15 entrées a été écrite sous la forme d'une chronologie sourcée. Certaines entrées ont été indexées avec des hypermots > 4
** La présentation et la syntaxe Wiki ont été respectée +0.5
** Toutes les entrées sont sourcées avec au moins un article +0.5
** Le codage utilisant des hypermots est satisfaisant +0.5
** Au moins cinq pages liées ont été créées ou mises à jour.+0.5
=== Barème pour le peer-grading (10 % de la note finale)  ===
* 5 datafication ont été notée : 6, sinon 0
=== Barème pour la description technique du bot  (30 % de la note finale)  ===
* La page du bot a été créée, le code est inséré sur Wikipast ou GitHub, un résumé des fonctionnalités est présent ainsi qu'une discussion critique des performances (au moins 300 mots) > 4
** Le bot réalisé répond aux fonctionnalités attendues +0.5
** La description est claire et précise +0.5
** Des exemples de résultats sont proposés +0.5
** La discussion est bien argumentée +0.5
=== Barème pour la presentation  (30 % de la note finale)  ===
* Une présentation en groupe du projet de bot (10 mn) avec des slides est effectuée > 4
** La présentation orale est dynamique, précise et claire +0.5
** Les réponses aux questions sont pertinentes + 0.5
** Les slides sont bien présentés  +0.5
** L'ensemble du projet est cohérent et bien réalisé +0.5

Version du 1 juin 2017 à 01:17

What is Power Yoga? Power yoga is among the fastest growing and most inspiring types of yoga currently in practice. For its vigorous work out component, it is also well known for the word Dynamic Yoga. The tendency for this started way back during the mid 90's when it was launched by two American yoga instructors. Consequently, power yoga creates its distinction from other yoga practices by straining out on-the fitness objectives. Actually, many fitness specialists believe it can remain in your heavy workout routine, particularly for those needing to realize elasticity and strength in your body. Since the exercise parts can be quite rigorous as the name implies, this kind of yoga training isn't for the milder persons. One of the discovery aspects of the power yoga is that it has empowered yoga to be considered as detox weight loss retreat. This particular department is a reinterpretation of the Indian practice of Ashtanga Yoga. Practical Suggestions During Power Yoga Sessions When selecting the place where you'll perform power yoga, opt for those with ambience that encourage one to yoga teacher. Open areas are more preferable for energy yoga. Throughout performance of poses, concentrate on each and every one before considering the next group of moves. This will allow you to keep the degree of concentration and prevent complications. Always ask for expert assistance and never execute it on your own, particularly if you are new to the training and lack substantial knowledge. Doing so will put you at an increased risk of acquiring injuries. For more usefulness, it is necessary to wear comfortable clothes in your practice. Prefer for sweat-absorbent ones too. Incorporating With Fitness Regimen People fascinated with realizing optimum level of fitness are gaining interest in the benefits of power yoga. One of the most appealing facets of it that has gotten fitness enthusiasts interested is its combination of three different components in to one: the body, head, and spirit. Its primary performance rely on the asanas that incorporate exercises for improved physical power and stamina, along with enhancing one's flexibility. On top of the typical yoga asanas exercises, it incorporates cardio approach also. Therefore, it can be readily integrated into your present fitness routine. Then you are going to burn calories and fat at a faster speed, in the event that you were then to combine power yoga with your existing cardio workouts. Power Yoga Benefits The health and psychological benefits of yoga has been proven. But with power yoga, you're nurturing your techniques for a more profound health benefit. The advantages here are suitable for individuals that are mindful about their health and fitness. Allow me to share just a few of the advantages you may enjoy: As you sweat while performing power yoga, you also eliminate body toxins. It can help combat the effects of any weight related difficulties and obesity. When combined with your fitness program, it can increase the body's metabolism and ability to burn off calories. It shows significant ability to combat diseases like insomnia, certain kinds of cancer, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. You can increase your amount of flexibility, muscle strength, and stamina. It increases your immune-system and suits a healthy blood flow. Learning Power Yoga Within the power yoga objectives, one could be subjected to lots of stretches and aerobic workout by means of this yoga stretches. If you're a beginner and would need to learn about the systems of power yoga, most experts would counsel you to begin with the basic techniques first till you develop your skills for this advanced sort of yoga class. But, there are particular yoga teacher training uk used for rookies who are interested to-learn about the core concepts of power yoga or only to get comfortable with Hiking Holiday uk. There are many athletes who practice this process for the advantage of creating balance between various muscle groups. This helps prevent the chance of getting any sort of sports injuries or irritation. Hence, that clearly signifies the rigorous character of power yoga for more sophisticated workout schemes. If you're interested to learn power yoga and have acquired and understood the basic levels of yoga training, there power yoga classes designed for you personally to start in. In comparison with other types of yoga classes, they do not follow strict sequence. But the primary parts of the power yoga practice shows itself, such as lots of stretches and aerobic approach. In between power yoga courses, a few minutes are set apart for meditation. Most of the meditative process are done with seated pose. The preparation phase is one of the very most crucial elements of the practice as it conditions your physique for the practices inside your program. But unlike other yoga practices, it's not governed by sequence but permit practitioners to omit one aspect of-the chain for an alternative sort of focus. Ergo, it really is more flexible as compared to other yoga methods. Power Yoga Exercises Some philosophies behind Power Yoga is carefully connected with Bikram Yoga, wherein it entails brisk work out and vigorous fitness routines. It utilises the basics of the asanas series but launches them towards new heights by polishing those techniques for improved benefits. Power Yoga generally comprises a collection of yoga poses. Still, it truly is combined with breathing workouts that is matched with every move. Most movements so exemplary grace and unity in them. If you should analyze them, it might appear to become a trancelike dance. It consequently contours and shove each branch to it-s limit for a graceful movement. Energy Yoga is, in addition, closely linked to the core techniques of Sun Salutation. And So, if-you have understanding of the latter, then it will greatly help your techniques of Energy Yoga. For better outcomes, practice power yoga at least 4-5 minutes a day, 3 times a week. When executing certain moves, do not overextend yourself. Eventually, your system will adapt and you should take things at a slow but sluggish pace.