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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Vernet :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A Sea Piece (Vernet) (← liens)
- A sea-storm, with figures escaping from a wreck in the rocky foreground (Vernet) (← liens)
- A rocky sea-shore, with figures pushing off a boat (Vernet) (← liens)
- A rocky landscape, with a waterfall, and figures drawing a net (Vernet) (← liens)
- An upright view of Tivoli, and figures fishing (Vernet) (← liens)
- An Italian sea-port, with a light-house, a vessel careening, and numerous figures; capital effect of mist (Vernet) (← liens)
- A view at Tivoli, with the cascade, and figures; a beautiful composition -- oval (Vernet) (← liens)
- A shipwreck off a rocky coast, with figures on a ledge of rock in the foreground; coloured with rich effect -- the companion (Vernet) (← liens)
- A rocky harbour-scene, with buildings and fishermen with nets in the foreground; warm evening scene, capitally painted -- unframed (Vernet) (← liens)
- Evening -- a sea-port, with figures assembled round a fire; beautiful effect of moonlight (Vernet) (← liens)
- Morning -- an Italian river, with figures fishing in the foreground (Vernet) (← liens)
- A storm off a rocky coast, with figures: a boat approaching a ruined watch-tower; a very spirited and capital picture (Vernet) (← liens)
- A storm off a rocky coast, near a harbour, with figures escaping to a rock in the foreground; a capital specimen (Vernet) (← liens)
- A seaport, with vessels and figures; beautiful effect of afternoon sun (Vernet) (← liens)
- A sea-port -- moonlight (Vernet) (← liens)
- A coast-scene, with boats and figures -- small (Vernet) (← liens)
- Females in a land storm; and a rocky landscape with an aqueduct (Vernet) (← liens)
- A pleasing Landscape, Cattle and Figures (Vernet) (← liens)
- A Sea Port, with Vessels in the Mediterranean; early morning (Vernet) (← liens)
- An Italian Landscape (Vernet) (← liens)
- Marine A Part of this Collection having been damaged by the Fire which took place on board the Soho Steamer (Vernet) (← liens)
- An Italian Landscape with figures; a man fishing (Vernet) (← liens)
- A storm off a rocky coast, with a ruined castle (Vernet) (← liens)
- A galley off a coast, with figures escaping from a wreck upon some rocks (Vernet) (← liens)
- A Shipwreck Oil Paintings (Vernet) (← liens)
- A River View with Figures, &c. Oil Paintings (Vernet) (← liens)
- Nymphs bathing at the mouth of a cavern (Vernet) (← liens)
- A pair of upright Landscapes (Vernet) (← liens)
- Moonlight, fine (Vernet) (← liens)
- Fishermen on a sea-shore, in a storm (Vernet) (← liens)
- An Italian seaport, with figures on the quay (Vernet) (← liens)
- Coast Scene Oil Paintings (Vernet) (← liens)
- Evening, Ditto an Italian Sea Port, the companion (Vernet) (← liens)
- Morning, an Italian Sea Port; a cabinet specimen (Vernet) (← liens)
- An upright Landscape with Fishing Party (Vernet) (← liens)
- Storm at Sea; capital (Vernet) (← liens)
- Moonlight; the companion (Vernet) (← liens)
- Ditto Sea View with Vessels and Figures, the companion (Vernet) (← liens)
- Sea View with Vessels and Figures (Vernet) (← liens)
- Shipwreck (Vernet) (← liens)
- A View in the Mediterranean (Vernet) (← liens)
- Ditto A Sea View with Vessels and Figures, the companion (Vernet) (← liens)
- View in Italy (Vernet) (← liens)
- A Sea View with Vessels and Figures (Vernet) (← liens)
- Sunset with Shipping (Vernet) (← liens)
- A Sea Port, upright (Vernet) (← liens)
- View in the Mediterranean with Shipping and Figures (Vernet) (← liens)
- A pair, Summer and Winter (Vernet) (← liens)
- Landscape and Figures (Vernet) (← liens)
- A Sea Storm. (Vernet) (← liens)