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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Davis :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- Figures at the entrance of a rocky cavern (Wynants) (← liens)
- The agony in the garden; in the manner of the Italian school (Francks) (← liens)
- A female saint (Domenichino) (← liens)
- The Virgin with the infant sleeping, after C. Maratti (Schmidt) (← liens)
- S Rosa? with a basket of fruit (Agnese Dolce) (← liens)
- The painter in bed, endeavouring to detain his wife (Jan Steen) (← liens)
- Two nymphs lighting a torch, assisted by Cupid (Boucher) (← liens)
- The gate of a Dutch town, on a river, and a small sea-piece (Van Goyen) (← liens)
- A Dutch court-yard, with a woman spinning and a servant girl with a pitcher; an admirable imitation of De Houghe (Regemorter) (← liens)
- A Spanish beggar, seated (Ribera) (← liens)
- A Landscape (S. Rosa) (← liens)
- South American Scenery with the Portrait of a Mule sent by Bolivar to George IV. shown in three positions (Davis) (← liens)
- View of Amsterdam, with figures (Van Essen) (← liens)
- A mother and child: very elegant, oval (Greuze) (← liens)
- Diana reposing from the chace, in a cavern; with architecture (Muller) (← liens)
- The Virgin and Child: very elegant (G.B. Paggi) (← liens)
- A landscape, with cattle -- evening (De Heusch) (← liens)
- A Portrait (Rubens) (← liens)
- Still Life (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A rocky landscape, with buildings and figures -- and the companion (Robert) (← liens)
- A Pastoral Landscape with Shepherdess and Sheep (F. Mola) (← liens)
- A mountainous Landscape, View in Italy, with Peasants (Van Lint) (← liens)
- Portrait of a Gentleman in a Military Costume (Sir J. Reynolds) (← liens)
- An Exterior, with a Bay Horse and Figures (Verschuring) (← liens)
- Portrait of the Duke d'Urbino; a splendid work of art (Raffaelle) (← liens)
- A Bird's-eye View of a Town in Holland; equal to Rembrandt (P. de Koning) (← liens)
- A Cottage on the banks of a River, with Figures by Ostade (Deckar) (← liens)
- An early Morning Scene, with a Shepherd attending his Flock in the Mountains; some Cows and a Horse form a part of the group (A. Cuyp) (← liens)
- Simeon, with the Virgin, offering the Infant Christ in the Temple. A peculiar expression is given to the characters, and the composition unites simplicity with grandeur. From the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- Shipping in a Calm; a bright silvery specimen (W. Vandervelde) (← liens)
- Landscape, Buildings and Figures; a high finished silvery specimen (Hobbema) (← liens)
- Flowers, Insects and Reptiles (Otho Masseus) (← liens)
- A Village on the Banks of a River and Figures (S. Ruysdael) (← liens)
- A Dutch Village on the Banks of a River, and Figures (P. Molyn) (← liens)
- A Winter Scene (J. Ostade) (← liens)
- Interior; a Lady and Gentleman seated at table, with a black Servant serving Tea (De Hooge) (← liens)
- Landscape with Banditti; a pasticcio in the manner of Salvator Rosa (Dietricy) (← liens)
- Landscape, Buildings and Figures (Zuccharelli) (← liens)
- Interior and Figures (Isaac Ostade) (← liens)
- A pair, Summer and Winter, and a Church on Fire (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A pair, Summer and Winter, and a Church on Fire (Breemberg) (← liens)
- A pair of Views on the Rhine, and a Woman frying Pancakes (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Two Battle pieces (E. Vandevelde) (← liens)
- Three small Landscapes (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Landscape and Cattle (Zuccharelli) (← liens)
- A Study of Heads, and 6 various (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Small Landscape, with Chateau, and Boors in conversation (D. Teniers) (← liens)
- Architecture and Figures. (Panini) (← liens)
- Interior of a Cabaret; in a genuine state. (Van Helmont) (← liens)
- The Death of Lord Nelson. (Davis) (← liens)