Pages qui pointent vers « Delcour »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Delcour :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- An Alchymist in his Labatory, painted in a fine tone and engraved by Le Bas (Teniers) (← liens)
- An Allegorical Subject, Highly Finished (G. Lairesse) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Cattle, and Figures (Pynaker) (← liens)
- The Rape of Europa (Polemburg) (← liens)
- Our Saviour restoring to Sight the Blind Boy (Huens) (← liens)
- A Small Landscape and Figures, view from Nature (Both) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with historical figures, fine (Polemburg) (← liens)
- The Head of our Saviour, Scarce and Valuable (Carlo Dolci) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with Horses and Figures (Wouvermans) (← liens)
- Four Heads, a Study for an Artist (Rubens) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with Cattle and Figures, View in Italy (Swaneveldt) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Cattle and Figures (Paul Brill) (← liens)
- A Flower Piece and Insects, fine (Morell) (← liens)
- A Landscape, and Figures, View in Italy (F. Mola) (← liens)
- The Assumption of the Virgin Mary, a very capital Cabinet Picture, in the Highest State of Preservation (Murillo) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with Numerous Cattle and Figures (Michaux) (← liens)
- A Landscape, the Figures by Teniers, fine (Van Euden) (← liens)
- The Inside of a Church (Peter Neefs) (← liens)
- A Small Cabinet Picture, representing a Woman holding a Vase, in Perfect Preservation, Exquisitely Finished (Mieris) (← liens)
- Diana at the Bath (Luca Giordano) (← liens)
- A Beautiful Cabinet Picture, representing Fruit Exquisitely Finished (R. Ruych) (← liens)
- Fruit, and Still Life (M.A. Campadolio) (← liens)
- Dead Game, Very Fine (Weeninx) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with Figures Dancing (Claude) (← liens)
- The Wise Mens' Offering, a Valuable Cabinet Picture (Titian) (← liens)
- Mary Magdalen, exquisitely Finished, and in a Perfect State of Preservation (Carlo Dolci) (← liens)
- A Beautiful High Finished, Capital Picture representing a Scene of Bacchanalian Figures, and is truly astonishingly Finished (W. Mieris) (← liens)
- Moses Striking the Rock (S. Conca) (← liens)
- Venus and Attendants, Companion to Lot 60 (Luca Giordano) (← liens)
- Noah offering Sacrifice, Companion to Lot 68 (S. Conca) (← liens)
- Horses and Figures (Wouvermans) (← liens)
- An upright warm Landscape, and Rinaldo and Armida (Asselyn) (← liens)
- An upright warm Landscape, and Rinaldo and Armida (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Fête Champêtre (Watteau) (← liens)
- Venus attended by Cupids (G. Lairesse) (← liens)
- Christ preaching to the Multitude (C. Veronese) (← liens)
- Destruction of an Enemy's Fleet (V. de Velde) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Horses and Figures (Roos) (← liens)
- A Landscape, View in Italy, and Figures (Millé) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Buildings and Figures (Teniers) (← liens)
- Meleager and Atalanta (Van Orley) (← liens)
- Going out a Hawking (Wouvermans) (← liens)
- Interior of a Church with many Figures (Steenwyck) (← liens)
- View of a Sea Port in the Levant, with Ditto many Figures (Wyck) (← liens)
- A Pair of small upright Landscapes, the Figures by Morland (Rathbone) (← liens)
- A small Flower Piece (N. Morell) (← liens)
- A View in Holland, Moonlight (V. der Neer) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Peasants Dancing (Claude) (← liens)
- An Old Man's Head (V. Dyck) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Figures (Fr: Bolognese) (← liens)