Pages qui pointent vers « Wilson »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Wilson :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A landscape, ruins and figures, a warm evening scene (Wilson) (← liens)
- A small Landscape and Figures, an elegant Specimen of this admired English Artist (Wilson) (← liens)
- A small Landscape and Figures (Wilson) (← liens)
- The diversity of objects, expanse of water, and variation of tint and colour, render it a charming landscape (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View on the Thames (Wilson) (← liens)
- St. Peter denying Christ, Candle-light (Schalken) (← liens)
- Architecture and Ruins (P. Panini) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Drawbridge (Vander Neer) (← liens)
- A Pair of small Landscapes with Figures (Wilson) (← liens)
- A noble Landscape, View of Tivoli One of the finest Pictures of this great English Painter (Wilson) (← liens)
- A very capital Landscape, View in Italy (Wilson) (← liens)
- Landscape and Figures, after (Wilson) (← liens)
- Landscape and Figures, Beautiful (Wilson) (← liens)
- Sion House. As beautiful for tone and feeling of the season as was ever painted (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View in North Holland, commonly called the Bleaching Ground (Wilson) (← liens)
- Two, a View in the Adriatic, and a warm Landscape (Wilson) (← liens)
- A Pair of Landscapes (Wilson) (← liens)
- The Tomb of Horatius, &c. in a Landscape (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View in Italy, capital (Wilson) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Cattle (Wilson) (← liens)
- A pair, Landscapes and Figures (Wilson) (← liens)
- The Lake of Nemi (Wilson) (← liens)
- Ditto Landscape with an arched Rock, distant Country seen through (Wilson) (← liens)
- Pair Landscapes (Wilson) (← liens)
- Grapes (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View of Sandgate (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View of the Campagna, a very capital Picture (Wilson) (← liens)
- Four Landscapes, after Wilson, &c. (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View of Rome, after Wilson (Wilson) (← liens)
- Niobe, after Wilson, a Moon-light, and a Landscape (Wilson) (← liens)
- Six small Landscapes, after Wilson (Wilson) (← liens)
- The Rape of Europa, Stile of Wilson (Wilson) (← liens)
- Niobe, after (Wilson) (← liens)
- View of a Terrace and Bridge (Wilson) (← liens)
- View of the Compagna of Rome, very capital (Wilson) (← liens)
- View of Kingsgate, near Ramsgate (Wilson) (← liens)
- Two landscapes by Wilson in gilt frames (Wilson) (← liens)
- The Tomb of the Curiatii and Horatius (Wilson) (← liens)
- A small Landscape, with a Rock (Wilson) (← liens)
- View in Kent, with Figures, &c. in his best time and manner, warranted (Wilson) (← liens)
- Landscape, an early picture of Wilson (Wilson) (← liens)
- A View of Sion House, with the River Thames, &c. a warm rich Picture (Wilson) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Figures, a grand Scene (Wilson) (← liens)
- Rocks in Cumberland, after Wilson, and a fine Old Head (Wilson) (← liens)
- A Moonlight, one of the Finest Specimens of the Master (Pether) (← liens)
- A Sun Set, Companion of the preceding lot, and of equal merit (Pether) (← liens)
- A View of the Rialto, very fine (Marlow) (← liens)
- A Landscape after Wilson, and Ditto (De Heusch) (← liens)
- A Landscape after Wilson, and Ditto (Wilson) (← liens)
- A Flower Piece, Baptiest, and a head (C. Maratti) (← liens)