Pages qui pointent vers « Tassaert »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Tassaert :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A lady's portrait (Porbus) (← liens)
- A landscape with cattle and figures (Breemberg) (← liens)
- Italian Peasants dancing and regaling (Stella) (← liens)
- A grand scene of Architecture, with Curtius leaping the Gulf (P. Panini) (← liens)
- A pair of small landscapes views of the lakes (Ibitson) (← liens)
- Moses passing the Red Sea (L. Giordano) (← liens)
- Silenus in Chiaro-scuro, copied from a Drawing of Polidore in a celebrated Collection at Messina (Fabris) (← liens)
- A Pair of Views in the Environs of Rome (Horizonti) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Watermill (Lambert) (← liens)
- A View on a River in Holland (V. Goyen) (← liens)
- A Sea Beach with Figures (V. Goyen) (← liens)
- The Building of the Tower of Babel, with Figures (P. Brill) (← liens)
- The meeting of David and Abigail (Quillinus) (← liens)
- A Ditto Landscape the Companion (V. der Doos) (← liens)
- Two Circles, Landscapes with Ruins and Figures (Breembergh) (← liens)
- A Domestic Scene (Modern) (← liens)
- A Camp Scene (Modern) (← liens)
- Abraham putting away Agar (Tassaert) (← liens)
- Ditto View in Italy View through a Cavern, and one more (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Subject from the Roman History (Modern) (← liens)
- Descent from the Cross (A. del Sarto) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Figures (N. Poussin) (← liens)
- An Allegorical Portrait (Domenichino) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Waterfall, style of (Ruysdael) (← liens)
- Portrait of a Prince and Princess of Orange, a Family Picture, allegorical (Hanneman) (← liens)
- A Subject from Tasso (J. Miel) (← liens)
- St. Catharine (Barocio) (← liens)
- A View of the Dogana at Venice (Calvario) (← liens)
- Figures going out to the Chace (C. du Jardin) (← liens)
- A Fête Champêtre (Lancret) (← liens)
- Two, a Shepherd and Shepherdess, School of (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- Finding of Moses, its Companion (Tassaert) (← liens)
- A Triumph of Sea Nymphs and Tritons in Chiaro Oscuro (Italian) (← liens)
- Descent from the Cross, in the Stile of Caravagio (V. Dyck) (← liens)
- St. John in the Wilderness (Tintoretto) (← liens)
- A View in Rome with Ruins and Buildings (P. Panini) (← liens)
- Portrait of Rubens's wife, an Allegorical Character (Rubens) (← liens)
- A Head of a Turkish Nobleman (Titian) (← liens)
- A Landscape, a grand Italian Scene (G. Poussin) (← liens)
- St. Catharine, a very capital Picture (Guercino) (← liens)
- A Wild Boar Hunting, Capital (Rubens) (← liens)
- A Larder, with a variety of Dead Game and Fruit (Rubens) (← liens)
- A Frost Piece, View in Flanders (Mompert) (← liens)
- An Interior with Boors Smoking, fine (Teniers) (← liens)
- A Sybil, a very graceful elegant Picture (Murillo) (← liens)
- A Flemish Village Feast with many Figures, a rich, warm and glowing Picture (Teniers) (← liens)
- A View in Holland, Frost Piece, and a Conversation Champetre (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Portrait of a Knight of the Bath (Sir P. Lelly) (← liens)
- A Portrait of Sir Jeffery Palmer (Sir P. Lelly) (← liens)
- A Half Length Portrait (Sir G. Kneller) (← liens)