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Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A Peasant driving Cattle and others crossing a Bridge over a rapid Brook; a warm Evening Scene -- a beautiful Picture -- engraved (Berghem) (← liens)
- View of the great Church at Antwerp with Figures by Teniers -- a clear and silvery Picture (P. Neefs) (← liens)
- View of a Kitchen, with female Figures in domestic Employment (Slingelandt) (← liens)
- A Shepherdess with favorite Sheep -- for beauty of finishing not inferior to V. der Werff (V. der My) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Water Mill, with an over-shot Wheel; a dance of Peasants in the Shade, and Cattle on the Brink of a Sheet of Water, a Warm Evening; Painted in his best manner -- capital (Claude) (← liens)
- Finished Study for his St Cecilia, a fine and rare Sketch of this Master (Domenichino) (← liens)
- Portrait of Cosmo de' Medici, the Character fine, and exquisitely finished (Leo. da Vinci) (← liens)
- The Virgin and Child, seated beneath Drapery; Infant Angels presenting Fruits, and others descending, scattering Flowers; a beautiful Gem, in the most elegant and finished Style of the Master (N. Poussin) (← liens)
- The lower part of the Colysseum, with Figures and Animals, Pencilled with all the freedom and delicacy of Berchem. -- a very beautiful Specimen of this Master: from the Calonne Collection (Jan Asselyn) (← liens)
- A Man playing upon a Flute (Brauwr) (← liens)
- The Portrait of Cardinal Boromeo; from Mr. Agar's Collection -- strong Character marks this Cardinal's Countenance, who is in the act of Devotion, worshipping a Crucifix (Corregio) (← liens)
- Landscape and Figures, an oval, from the Agar Collection (Francisco Mola) (← liens)
- In Interior; painted with great vigor, and force of expression and color (Jan Steen) (← liens)
- The Salutation, a highly finished Cabinet Picture of this great and esteemed Master -- from the Agar Collection (Baroccio) (← liens)
- A View by a River Side, with a Town and Mill on the opposite Bank, and Figures Shooting and Fishing (Cuyp) (← liens)
- Cattle and Figures fording a Brook (Klomp) (← liens)
- Satyr and Nymphs in a Landscape (Poelemberg) (← liens)
- Sea Port in the Levant (Ferg) (← liens)
- A Cavalier (Wouvermans) (← liens)
- Figures in a Landscape, a beautiful Gem (Ferg) (← liens)
- A Flower Piece, with a Bird's Nest -- very highly finished (Van Huysum) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Waterfall -- painted in his best time (Ruysdael) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Figures -- touched with surprising spirit and brilliancy of effect, in his best manner (Teniers) (← liens)
- A View of Colone -- highly finished (Vanderheyden) (← liens)
- An Out-Door Scene, with a Woman cleaning Fish -- in his brilliant manner (A. Ostade) (← liens)
- A Painting (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Two Portraits in one Picture -- very animated and elaborately finished (Q. Matzys) (← liens)
- An Interior with Figures, Herbage, &c. (Van Utrecht) (← liens)
- A View of the Adelphi -- painted with great truth (Marlow) (← liens)
- Roman Bath with Figures and Cattle -- painted in his best time (Robert) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Figures and Dead Game (Snyders) (← liens)
- A Pair of Views in Venice (Canalletti) (← liens)
- A Landscape with the Reposo -- exquisitely finished (Rottenhamer) (← liens)
- A pair of elegant Landscapes, with Figures (Zuccarelli) (← liens)
- A Battle Piece -- very spirited (Vandermeulen) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with Horses and Figures (Vandermeulen) (← liens)
- The School Master -- a pleasing interesting Composition, highly finished (Van Toll) (← liens)
- A pair of Views in Venice Formerly collected by the late Earl of Halifax, Deceased, and brought from his Villa, the Green House, Hampton Court (Canaletti) (← liens)
- An Interior, with Figures and a variety of Utensils, highly finished (Schalken) (← liens)
- An upright Landscape, Cattle and Figures -- an elegant composition, spiritedly touched, and painted in a clear tone of colour (Berchem) (← liens)
- A Landscape, with a Chase -- a charming scene of nature; for truth of effect and delicacy of pencil, this capital picture cannot be excelled (Wouvermans) (← liens)
- Boys with Fruit and Flowers, a pair (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Daphne and Apollo (Stella) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Cattle and Fignres (Swaneveldt) (← liens)
- Boors at Skettles (Bamboccio) (← liens)
- The Holy Family (Murillo) (← liens)
- Moses driving the Shepherds from the Well (Poussin) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Figures -- a pleasing composition (Berchem) (← liens)
- A capital Landscape and Figures, the Scenery is very romantic and beautiful, and painted with great spirit and effect (G. Poussin) (← liens)
- The Holy Family, very fine (Schidone) (← liens)