Pages qui pointent vers « Barnett »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Barnett :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- Scene from Goldsmith's deserted Village (Wheatley) (← liens)
- An Interior, style of (Teniers) (← liens)
- The Dutch Surgeon (Rychart) (← liens)
- A Head and a Portrait (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Head and a Portrait (Vandyck) (← liens)
- Dead Game, View in a Park (Weenix) (← liens)
- A Pair of Heads (Piazetti) (← liens)
- The Holy Family in a Landscape, after (A. del Sarto) (← liens)
- A Man's Head, circular (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- The Angel appearing to the Shepherds (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- Boors Drinking (Zorg) (← liens)
- A Woman Paring Turnips, finely coloured (Chardin) (← liens)
- A Group of Dancing Villagers, elegant (Stella) (← liens)
- A Dutch Family with a Cradle, interior (Maas) (← liens)
- Joseph Sold to the Ishmaelites, in a richly coloured Landscape (Zuccarelli) (← liens)
- Jacob and Laban, the Companion (Zuccarelli) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Figures, very spiritedly touched (Hobbima) (← liens)
- A River Scene with Figures, Moonlight (Vanderneer) (← liens)
- A pair Sea Pieces (Storck) (← liens)
- The Holy Family with St. Catherine (Schiavone) (← liens)
- A Landscape with a Shepherd, &c. (N. Poussin) (← liens)
- The Companion -- of equal merit (Canaletti) (← liens)
- An octagon Landscape (Carracci) (← liens)
- A Wood Scene with Figures (Wynants) (← liens)
- The triumph of Neptune (Caracci) (← liens)
- A woody scene with figures (Waterloo) (← liens)
- An upright landscape (Mompert) (← liens)
- The Madonna and child (L. da Vinci) (← liens)
- St. John, after Raphael (Raphael) (← liens)
- Lucretia -- after (Guido) (← liens)
- Ruins with figures, P. Panini, ditto gilt frame (P. Panini) (← liens)
- A Portrait of King Charles on Horseback (Old Stone) (← liens)
- Cadmus and the Dragon -- a truly capital picture (Loutherbourgh) (← liens)
- Orpheus Attacked by the Thracian Women (Poussin) (← liens)
- A View in Venice -- painted with great brilliancy of effect (Canaletti) (← liens)
- A Portrait of a Sculptor with a Bust (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- The Companion, a Schoolmaster with his Pupil (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- A Pair of Flower Pieces (Babtist) (← liens)
- Landscape Cattle and Figures (M. Carre) (← liens)
- View in Holland (Decker) (← liens)
- The Virgin, a graceful and pleasing picture (Caracci) (← liens)
- A landscape and cattle, a pleasing cabinet picture (Ad. V. Velde) (← liens)
- A beautiful landscape with a passage boat, and a variety of figures -- painted with brillant effect (Pynacker) (← liens)
- Ditto Landscape with cottagers at an Inn door, very fine (Schweickhardt) (← liens)
- The Virgin and Child (Lanfranco) (← liens)
- The Holy Family, fine (Carracci) (← liens)
- Landscape and figures (Zuccarelli) (← liens)
- The Virgin, Child, and St. John (Ann Carracci) (← liens)
- Pair of Cattle pieces -- highly finished (Clomp) (← liens)
- View near Scheveling (Storck) (← liens)