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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers John Webb :
Affichage de 44 éléments.
- The Rape of Proserpine (E Mille) (← liens)
- The Adoration of the Magi; finely grouped and finished, and highly coloured (Carlo Dolce) (← liens)
- St. John in the Wilderness; drawn with great lightness and grace, and richly coloured: a soft flowing outline, which distinguished the hand of this master is perceptible here (Albano) (← liens)
- The Crucifixion; composed with a free and vigorous pencil; and brilliantly coloured (P. Veronese) (← liens)
- A grand Landscape, with classical Figures, beautifully interspersed with Rivulets and Still Water, and a rich variety of undulating Scenery; composed and painted with poetical effect (N. Poussin) (← liens)
- Ecce Homo (Barroccio) (← liens)
- Portrait of the Grand Duke of Florence (Bronzino) (← liens)
- A classical Landscape and Figures; a cabinet production, painted with all the freshness and vigour of a rapid pencil, for which this master in his latter and best days was pre-eminently remarkable (G. Poussin) (← liens)
- The Flight into Egypt, in a Landscape; a highly finished production, very sweetly and transparently coloured (Paul Brill) (← liens)
- The Entombment; a cabinet picture (Parmegiano) (← liens)
- Interior of a Church, crowded with figures variously occupied; highly finished and exquisite specimen of this rare artist (Blieck) (← liens)
- Herod and Mariamne; a fine and spirited production of this master, with a rich contrast of colours, and light and shade (Farino) (← liens)
- Interior with Portrait of a Burgomaster and his Wife (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- A Battle (Cavalier D'Arpino) (← liens)
- A Saint in Adoration with Angels (Agostino Caracci) (← liens)
- Descent from the Cross (Cristofano Allori) (← liens)
- Jane Shore; full of expression and great feeling (Appiani) (← liens)
- A Beggar Boy (Thomas Barker) (← liens)
- Sleeping Nymph and Cupid in a Landscape discovered by a Satyr; one of the sweetest and most powerful compositions of the master (Coreggio) (← liens)
- Landscape with architectural buildings, and Cattle fording a River; pleasingly painted (Asselyn) (← liens)
- The Martyrdom of a Saint; an imaginative subject, executed with a very effective and masterly pencil (Tintoretto) (← liens)
- A Portrait of himself (Annibal Caracci) (← liens)
- Christ crowned (Guercino) (← liens)
- Portraits of a Venetian Lady and her Son; finished with great care, and exhibiting a happy disposition of the chairo scuro (Bronzino) (← liens)
- A ditto whole-length Figure of St. Mark; a worthy companion to the above (Giulio Romano) (← liens)
- A whole-length Figure of St. Matthew; drawn with great force and dignity, and fine effect (Giulio Romano) (← liens)
- Landscape with Rocky Scene anbd Waterfall (Duvardin) (← liens)
- Christ in the Garden with Angels (Carlo Cignani) (← liens)
- Portrait of a Comedian with a Guitar; drawn with all the freedom and characteristic elegance of the master (Watteau) (← liens)
- The Meeting of Christ and Mary (O. Luni) (← liens)
- Abraham and Isaac in a Landscape (Panfilo Nuvolone) (← liens)
- The Circumcision (Schiavone) (← liens)
- The Entombment of Our Saviour; engraved (Daniel Crespi) (← liens)
- The Marriage of St. Catherine (Agostino Caracci) (← liens)
- A Concert of Cupids; drawn with great taste and elegance (Luini) (← liens)
- An Allegorical Figure representing Justice (Veronese) (← liens)
- The Rape of Helen; a spirited and grand composition (Primaticcio) (← liens)
- The Landing of Cleopatra (Subleyras) (← liens)
- The Virgin with Saints in Adoration (Cavedone) (← liens)
- A Pug Dog; painted with great truth (Cuyp) (← liens)
- Landscape with Mountainous Scenery (Vander Cabel) (← liens)
- The Samnite Marriage (Primaticcio) (← liens)
- Charity (Carlo Dolce) (← liens)
- The Virgin and Saints surrounded by Angels (C. Maratti) (← liens)