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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Wilkinson :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A Landscape and Cattle, Griffier, and a Ditto (Griffier) (← liens)
- A Landscape and Cattle, Griffier, and a Ditto (P. Potter) (← liens)
- A Sea Piece (Lingleback) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Tull, and an Interior with Figures -- highly finished (Tull) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Tull, and an Interior with Figures -- highly finished (G. Dow) (← liens)
- A View on the Banks of a River (Brughel) (← liens)
- An Interior -- painted with great spirit and with brilliant effect (J. Ostade) (← liens)
- An Interior with Dutch Boors (J. Ostade) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Verdusen, and Lazarus at the Rich Man's Gate, after (Verdusen) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Verdusen, and Lazarus at the Rich Man's Gate, after (Bassan) (← liens)
- The Roman Charity (Lanfranco) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Cattle, Figures and Herbage (Le Nain) (← liens)
- A Winter scene (Droogslot) (← liens)
- A Battle Piece (Palemedes) (← liens)
- A View in Holland, Moonlight (Vanderneer) (← liens)
- A grand Landscape with Figures, in his best manner, a clear and brilliant specimen (S. Rosa) (← liens)
- The companion, of equal merit (S. Rosa) (← liens)
- A beautiful Landscape, with Buildings, Cattle and Figures, an exquisite cabinet picture (Cuyp) (← liens)
- The Magdalen, in a grand Landscape, a noble gallery picture, painted in his best time (P. Veronese) (← liens)
- That truly noble gallery picture, Moses with the Brazen Serpent, a grand composition, drawn with the correct taste of the Italian School, the whole masterly coloured, and painted with great spirit of pencil (Rubens) (← liens)
- A landscape (Waterloo) (← liens)
- A Subject from the Antique (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- An Historical, after (Guercino) (← liens)
- An Old Woman, candle-light (Schalken) (← liens)
- The Flower Girl (Northcote) (← liens)
- The Triumph of Amphitrite (Carracci) (← liens)
- Three, the Death of Dido, after Guercino; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, and the Descent from the Cross, after (Guercino) (← liens)
- Three, the Death of Dido, after Guercino; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, and the Descent from the Cross, after (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Three, the Death of Dido, after Guercino; Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, and the Descent from the Cross, after (Dan. da Volterra) (← liens)
- The Horse and Lion, and companion, after (Stubbs) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Cattle and Figures, a pleasing picture (Moucheron) (← liens)
- A large Landscape (Horizonti) (← liens)
- A View from Nature, style of (Wynants) (← liens)
- A Pair of Heads (Alcock) (← liens)
- A Battle piece, spirited (Huchtenburgh) (← liens)
- The Rape of Proserpine, highly finished (Elsheimer) (← liens)
- One of the Acts of Charity (Francks) (← liens)
- An Interior (De Gelder) (← liens)
- A Sybil (P. da Cortona) (← liens)
- Banditti plundering a Farm House (Zorg) (← liens)
- A Portrait of Rembrandt, finely coloured (Rembrandt) (← liens)
- A Pair, a Man mending a Pen and a Woman reading (Bracklencamp) (← liens)
- The March of an Army (Van Blomen) (← liens)
- An Interior with a Dutch Officer (Van Toll) (← liens)
- A Dutch Toper, a cabinet picture (Ad. Ostade) (← liens)
- A Landscape, Winter, with a variety of Figures (Brughel) (← liens)
- A Landscape with Figures, Winter (Morland) (← liens)
- Christ with his Desciples at Emaus, finely coloured (Bassan) (← liens)
- A Card Party, a pleasing picture (Terburg) (← liens)
- The Presentation in the Temple (Dietrich) (← liens)