Pages qui pointent vers « John Richards »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers John Richards :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- John Richards (disambiguation) (← liens)
- Portrait of a Gentleman (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A pair of Portraits (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Eighteen Sketches and unfinished Pieces (Richards) (← liens)
- A Cavern with Banditti, and 4 Landscapes (Richards) (← liens)
- A Scene by Moonlight, and a Waterfall (Richards) (← liens)
- A pair of Landscapes (Richards) (← liens)
- Two Views of Corfe Castle (Richards) (← liens)
- A pair of Landscapes with Figures and Water Mill (Richards) (← liens)
- Flowers in a China Vase, and a Fruit Piece (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Sea Piece and 2 Landscapes (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Two Portraits of Ladies (Sir P. Lely) (← liens)
- Two ditto Portraits (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Two Portraits of Gentlemen (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Landscape and Figures, and a View of a Granary (Lambert) (← liens)
- A pair of Ditto Landscapes, with Travellers (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- A Combat, a Conversation, and a Study (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Two Landscapes, Ruins and Figures (Richards) (← liens)
- A pair of circular Landscapes, and a Portrait of Jenny Cameron (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Portrait of Suckling, and Hippisley the Comedian (La Gar) (← liens)
- A pair of small Landscape and Figures (Richards) (← liens)
- Two upright Ditto Landscapes in gilt frames (Richards) (← liens)
- A pair of Views in Scadbury Park (Richards) (← liens)
- A ditto pair of Views of the Coliseum (Richards) (← liens)
- Two small Landscapes, and Views of Thames Ditton and Tooting Churches (Richards) (← liens)
- View of the Brill House at Pancras (Richards) (← liens)
- Land and Sea Storm, a pair (Lambert) (← liens)
- A pair of upright ditto Landscapes, Figures, Barn, &c. (Richards) (← liens)
- Interior Views of a Monastery and a Cathedral (Richards) (← liens)
- Shepherd Boy, and Travellers after Berchem (Bourgeois) (← liens)
- Shepherd Boy, and Travellers after Berchem (Berchem) (← liens)
- Portrait of Mr. Lambert (Wilson) (← liens)
- Ditto Portrait of a Young Gentleman and a Lady (Sir P. Lely) (← liens)
- Head of an Old Man, and a French Water Dog (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Head of an Old Man, and a French Water Dog (Calton) (← liens)
- Two Portraits, a Gentleman and a Lady (Sir P. Lely) (← liens)
- A Falconer (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Ditto Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour (Sir G. Kneller) (← liens)
- Two upright Landscapes (Richards) (← liens)
- Ruins and Figures, a pair (Richards) (← liens)
- Interiors of a Manufactory and a Prison (Richards) (← liens)
- A Cavern, and Card Players (Richards) (← liens)
- View of a Country Church, and Landscape with a Party Fishing (Richards) (← liens)
- A Landscape and a Waterfall, and a Painting at the back (Richards) (← liens)
- Travellers in a Landscape (Richards) (← liens)
- The Judgment of Solomon, and the Story of Pyramus and Thisbe (Poussin) (← liens)
- Landscape and Cattle (Zuccarelli) (← liens)
- Ditto Landscape, with a Fall of Water (artiste anonyme) (← liens)
- Landscape, Summer Evening (Wilson) (← liens)
- Views of Farm House, Cattle, Figures, &c. (Richards) (← liens)