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Ceci est une page décrivant toutes les missions qui on comme endroit de décollage :Kenya
Missions en 2eme Guerre Mondiale
Les Mission sont les suivante:
the Mission Date is 1940-06-13 00:00:001940-06-13 00:00:00| the Target City is ITALIAN MOYALEITALIAN MOYALE| the Country is SOUTH AFRICAAttaque de: SOUTH AFRICA the Target Country is ETHIOPIApar ETHIOPIA the Mission Date is 1940-06-16 00:00:001940-06-16 00:00:00| the Target City is "YAVELLO, MEGA, NEGHELLI (ABYSSINIA)""YAVELLO, MEGA, NEGHELLI (ABYSSINIA)"| the Country is SOUTH AFRICAAttaque de: SOUTH AFRICA the Target Country is ETHIOPIApar ETHIOPIA the Mission Date is 1940-08-19 00:00:001940-08-19 00:00:00| the Target City is "AFMADU, GODWEN, YAVELLO, NEGHELLI, LUGH FERRANDI, ISHA BAIDOA, MERKA AND MOGADISHU ""AFMADU, GODWEN, YAVELLO, NEGHELLI, LUGH FERRANDI, ISHA BAIDOA, MERKA AND MOGADISHU "| the Country is SOUTH AFRICAAttaque de: SOUTH AFRICA the Target Country is ETHIOPIApar ETHIOPIA