Pages qui pointent vers « Bassano »
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Les pages ci-dessous contiennent un lien vers Bassano :
Affichage de 50 éléments.
- A Baptism, painted with uncommon vigour and spirited effect; from the Palazzo Bolognetti (Bassano) (← liens)
- Our Saviour at Emaus (Bassano) (← liens)
- Noah entering into the Ark, a noble Picture of this Master (Bassano) (← liens)
- An angel appearing to the shepherds (Bassano) (← liens)
- Portrait of a Female; from the Orlean's collection (Bassano) (← liens)
- Our Saviour at Emaus, very finely coloured and in perfect preservation (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Birth of the Saviour (Bassano) (← liens)
- Head of an old Man -- from the Barberini Collection. This Picture is engraved in the Schola Italica of G. Hamilton (Bassano) (← liens)
- Lot and his Daughters, a very spirited and fine composition, undoubted of the master (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Mocking of Christ (Bassano) (← liens)
- A Night Scene (Bassano) (← liens)
- A Farm Yard (Bassano) (← liens)
- A Presentation in the Temple (Bassano) (← liens)
- Lot and his Daughters (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Circumcision, a rich and finely coloured Picture (Bassano) (← liens)
- The story of Lazarus, fine (Bassano) (← liens)
- The birth, a domestic scene (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Shepherd's Offering, a very spirited and capital Picture (Bassano) (← liens)
- Noah preparing to enter into the Ark (Bassano) (← liens)
- St. Jerome An excellent specimen of the Venetian colouring, and a choice cabinet picture of this great master, from the Orleans collection (Bassano) (← liens)
- Angel appearing to the Shepherds This fine cabinet specimen of Bassano, and beautiful sample of Venetian colouring, was lately brought from the Aldobrandine Palace at Rome (Bassano) (← liens)
- Lazarus at the Feast (Bassano) (← liens)
- Our Saviour in the house of Martha (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ driving the buyers and sellers out of the temple (Bassano) (← liens)
- The adoration of the magi (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Adoration of the Magi, very fine (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ in the Garden (Bassano) (← liens)
- An upright Landscape and Figures, and an Interior (Bassano) (← liens)
- Our Saviour with Mary and Martha (Bassano) (← liens)
- A boy kneeling (Bassano) (← liens)
- A man's portrait (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ carrying his cross -- spirited (Bassano) (← liens)
- Two historical (Bassano) (← liens)
- Two, sacred history (Bassano) (← liens)
- Birth of Christ (Bassano) (← liens)
- Peasants and Cattle in an upright landscape (Bassano) (← liens)
- A Scripture Piece (Bassano) (← liens)
- Alexander Viewing the Tomb of Achilles (Bassano) (← liens)
- An Evening Scene, the Game-keeper returning with the Greyhounds, a Female Milking a Goat, attended by other Servants of the Dairy (Bassano) (← liens)
- A Baptism, painted with uncommon Spirit and Effect from Bolognetti palace (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ dispersing the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple, finely coloured (Bassano) (← liens)
- Mocking of Christ (Bassano) (← liens)
- Presentation of a Bishop to the Virgin (Bassano) (← liens)
- Les Vendangeurs, &c. an autumnal scene, capital (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Vintagers, an Autumnal Scene (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ and his Disciples at Emaus (Bassano) (← liens)
- Christ mocked, and Head of an Old Woman, Spinning (Bassano) (← liens)
- The Wise Mens' Offering, and the Flight into Egypt, a pair (Bassano) (← liens)
- Ventes d'œuvres le 1746.05.29 (← liens)
- Ventes d'œuvres le 1747.02.11 (← liens)