Ventes d'œuvres le 1772.02.08

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  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ disputing with the doctors -- This picture must be considered not only as a great curiosity for its antiquity and good preservation, but as a picture of real merit: the characters are very expressive; the head dresses and other ornaments are full of fancy and variety; a characteristic simplicity of those times appears throughout (Lucas Van Leyden)|Christ disputing with the doctors -- This picture must be considered not only as a great curiosity for its antiquity and good preservation, but as a picture of real merit: the characters are very expressive; the head dresses and other ornaments are full of fancy and variety; a characteristic simplicity of those times appears throughout]] réalisée par Lucas Van Leyden, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell au prix de 32 gs. [36]
  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Charles the First with his queen and children This a miniature repetition of that in his majesty's possession, and was originally the property of king Charles the First: it is finely relieved and and finished with a delicate pencil so admirable in this master (Vandyck)|Charles the First with his queen and children This a miniature repetition of that in his majesty's possession, and was originally the property of king Charles the First: it is finely relieved and and finished with a delicate pencil so admirable in this master]] réalisée par Vandyck, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell, achetée par Morland au prix de 33.12 gs. [40]
  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[a view of Scheveling -- this picture gives us the most delightful sea prospect Holland affords, and has been frequently painted by all its greatest masters, but it may be presumed, none ever equalled this picture, not only for its high finishing, harmony and transparency of colouring, but the objects so justly placed and finished with great spirit, cannot fail of recommending itself (De Vleiger)|a view of Scheveling -- this picture gives us the most delightful sea prospect Holland affords, and has been frequently painted by all its greatest masters, but it may be presumed, none ever equalled this picture, not only for its high finishing, harmony and transparency of colouring, but the objects so justly placed and finished with great spirit, cannot fail of recommending itself]] réalisée par De Vleiger, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell, achetée par Sr B au prix de 8.16 gs. [56]
  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A landscape with figures, cattle, &c. -- this picture is remarkable for its great force and clearness of tints, the water and trees on the fore ground inimitable, the figures are by D, Van, Den Bergen in the manner of Ad, Van de Velde, its quite unblemished and perfect (Ruysdae)|A landscape with figures, cattle, &c. -- this picture is remarkable for its great force and clearness of tints, the water and trees on the fore ground inimitable, the figures are by D, Van, Den Bergen in the manner of Ad, Van de Velde, its quite unblemished and perfect]] réalisée par Ruysdae, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell, achetée par [[Agre [?]]] au prix de 53 gs. [57]
  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Judith presenting the head of Holofernes -- If we consider this most desirable and well composed picture for its greatness of character and expression, it must be looked upon as a truly great acquisition, and cannot fail our admiration; the drawing of each figure is correct and graceful, united with a boldness; the colouring is agreeably relieved and harmonizes with a spirit predominant throughout, 'tis very well known how scarce cabinet pictures are of this great master, and what renders this picture still more valuable, is, its being in the highest preservation (Dominichino)|Judith presenting the head of Holofernes -- If we consider this most desirable and well composed picture for its greatness of character and expression, it must be looked upon as a truly great acquisition, and cannot fail our admiration; the drawing of each figure is correct and graceful, united with a boldness; the colouring is agreeably relieved and harmonizes with a spirit predominant throughout, 'tis very well known how scarce cabinet pictures are of this great master, and what renders this picture still more valuable, is, its being in the highest preservation]] réalisée par Dominichino, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell, achetée par [[Fulton [?]]] au prix de 41 gs. [58]
  • 1772.02.08/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A sea piece -- the view is taken at Helvoet Sluys, this picture is a sufficient proof of Vande Velde's much superior knowledge and picturesque taste in shipping, to any other masters, the agitation and swell of the sea, is beyond any thing seen of its kind, the colouring and perspective true; its is painted in his best time of life with great freedom and spirit, and by all judges allowed to be superior to any he afterwards painted in England Purchased out of Mr. Bramcamp's collection (W. Van de Velde)|A sea piece -- the view is taken at Helvoet Sluys, this picture is a sufficient proof of Vande Velde's much superior knowledge and picturesque taste in shipping, to any other masters, the agitation and swell of the sea, is beyond any thing seen of its kind, the colouring and perspective true; its is painted in his best time of life with great freedom and spirit, and by all judges allowed to be superior to any he afterwards painted in England Purchased out of Mr. Bramcamp's collection]] réalisée par W. Van de Velde, vendue par Mr. Robert Ansell au prix de 111 [?] gs. [59]