Ventes d'œuvres le 1796.04.27

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  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Wisemens' Offering -- one of the most extraordinary high-finished and curious pictures that the art of painting ever produced. This celebrated picture has been painted upwards of three hundred years, and is still in the most perfect preservation -- it contains the portraits of John, Duke of Brabant, that of the Painter, Albert Durer, Lucas of Leyden, and others. It was orginally painted for the Abbey of St. Adrien, near Brussells, and was the work of upwards of seven Years. When Albert and Isabella became governors of the Low Countries, they distinguished themselves by the patronage they gave to the Arts, and this curious picture was recommended to their notice by Rubens, who purchased it for them: after the death of Prince Charles of Lorraine it was publicly sold, and has been since brought to this Country (John de Mabuse)|The Wisemens' Offering -- one of the most extraordinary high-finished and curious pictures that the art of painting ever produced. This celebrated picture has been painted upwards of three hundred years, and is still in the most perfect preservation -- it contains the portraits of John, Duke of Brabant, that of the Painter, Albert Durer, Lucas of Leyden, and others. It was orginally painted for the Abbey of St. Adrien, near Brussells, and was the work of upwards of seven Years. When Albert and Isabella became governors of the Low Countries, they distinguished themselves by the patronage they gave to the Arts, and this curious picture was recommended to their notice by Rubens, who purchased it for them: after the death of Prince Charles of Lorraine it was publicly sold, and has been since brought to this Country]] réalisée par John de Mabuse, vendue par Bryan. [3]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea-port on the Coast of Italy -- a noble prospect, with the remains of a magnificent building. The beautiful and serene effect of this captivating picture is beyond description. It was formerly one of the principal ornaments of Lord Northington's Collection, and is engraved by Vivares (Claude)|A Sea-port on the Coast of Italy -- a noble prospect, with the remains of a magnificent building. The beautiful and serene effect of this captivating picture is beyond description. It was formerly one of the principal ornaments of Lord Northington's Collection, and is engraved by Vivares]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par Bryan. [8]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Death of Dido. This admirable picture is alone sufficient to hand to posterity the wonderful powers of the first-rate Genius that has adorned this country. It is painted in a sublime and masterly manner, and possesses a force and harmony of colouring that may vie with the works of Titian (Sir J. Reynolds)|The Death of Dido. This admirable picture is alone sufficient to hand to posterity the wonderful powers of the first-rate Genius that has adorned this country. It is painted in a sublime and masterly manner, and possesses a force and harmony of colouring that may vie with the works of Titian]] réalisée par Sir J. Reynolds, vendue par Bryan. [9]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Allegorical Subject, representing a Youthful Poet presenting his work to Apollo, as a Candidate for the Laurel. The figures are as large as life, and evidently prove that this learned painter excelled equally in his Gallery Pictures, as in the exquisite productions he has left for the ornament of the Cabinet (N. Poussin)|An Allegorical Subject, representing a Youthful Poet presenting his work to Apollo, as a Candidate for the Laurel. The figures are as large as life, and evidently prove that this learned painter excelled equally in his Gallery Pictures, as in the exquisite productions he has left for the ornament of the Cabinet]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par Bryan. [10]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[In this Classical and Sublime Production Salvator has treated a most interesting circumstance of Roman History. Timon of Athens visited in his retirement by an assemblage of his Quondam Friends. It is impossible to convey a just idea of a group of figures so admirably composed, and characterised with such scientific propriety. It does not yield to the chastest picture of Poussin in point of design, and possesses a grandeur and sublimity that is peculiar to himself. The scene he has chosen is admirably appropriated to the subject, and displays the superior excellence that distinguishes him as a painter of Landscape (Sal. Rosa)|In this Classical and Sublime Production Salvator has treated a most interesting circumstance of Roman History. Timon of Athens visited in his retirement by an assemblage of his Quondam Friends. It is impossible to convey a just idea of a group of figures so admirably composed, and characterised with such scientific propriety. It does not yield to the chastest picture of Poussin in point of design, and possesses a grandeur and sublimity that is peculiar to himself. The scene he has chosen is admirably appropriated to the subject, and displays the superior excellence that distinguishes him as a painter of Landscape]] réalisée par Sal. Rosa, vendue par Bryan. [11]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Lion Hunting -- engraved by Zoutman. This Chef d'OEuvre of Rubens has been so justly celebrated by his Biographers, that it is scarce necessary to make further mention of it. Monsieur Michel, in his account of the life, and of the works of this great master, describes it as the first and finest of his Huntings, of which he only painted Eight. As he was principally occupied in painting for the churches and convents, Works of this Nature, which were so peculiarly suited to his Genius, are scarcely to be met with. It is one of the greatest efforts of Genius and Science that the art has produced, and possesses every excellence for which this eminent Artist is so deservedly distinguished (Rubens)|A Lion Hunting -- engraved by Zoutman. This Chef d'OEuvre of Rubens has been so justly celebrated by his Biographers, that it is scarce necessary to make further mention of it. Monsieur Michel, in his account of the life, and of the works of this great master, describes it as the first and finest of his Huntings, of which he only painted Eight. As he was principally occupied in painting for the churches and convents, Works of this Nature, which were so peculiarly suited to his Genius, are scarcely to be met with. It is one of the greatest efforts of Genius and Science that the art has produced, and possesses every excellence for which this eminent Artist is so deservedly distinguished]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Bryan. [12]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Assumption of the Virgin. Perhaps there does not exist a more captivating picture by this charming Painter. There is a Grace, Ease, and Dignity in the attitude of the Virgin that cannot be surpassed, and the surrounding Cherubs are designed with a beautiful simplicity that Morillio alone could express. This admirable picture has always been esteemed the most capital, and most desirable production of this enchanting Artist that has been seen in this Country (Morillio)|The Assumption of the Virgin. Perhaps there does not exist a more captivating picture by this charming Painter. There is a Grace, Ease, and Dignity in the attitude of the Virgin that cannot be surpassed, and the surrounding Cherubs are designed with a beautiful simplicity that Morillio alone could express. This admirable picture has always been esteemed the most capital, and most desirable production of this enchanting Artist that has been seen in this Country]] réalisée par Morillio, vendue par Bryan. [13]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Family of De Witt, the famous Minister and Patriot of Holland. In painting the portraits of this celebrated family Terbourg has exerted all his excellencies; it is inimitable for the suavity and mellowness of its finishing, and is one of the finest pictures he has ever painted (Terbourg)|The Family of De Witt, the famous Minister and Patriot of Holland. In painting the portraits of this celebrated family Terbourg has exerted all his excellencies; it is inimitable for the suavity and mellowness of its finishing, and is one of the finest pictures he has ever painted]] réalisée par Terbourg, vendue par Bryan. [30]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Adoration of the Shepherds. This very capital picture of Morillio has ever been considered as a Chef D'oeuvre; the composition is admirable, and there is an intelligence of light and shadow through the whole, that is only to be found in the works of the greatest masters (Morillo)|The Adoration of the Shepherds. This very capital picture of Morillio has ever been considered as a Chef D'oeuvre; the composition is admirable, and there is an intelligence of light and shadow through the whole, that is only to be found in the works of the greatest masters]] réalisée par Morillo, vendue par Bryan. [34]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A group of Cattle. No picture can more deservedly authenticate the reputation of this scarce and incomparable master, esteemed in Holland the father of animal painters; here is boldness and effect, with accuracy of drawing that cause the animals to appear like real objects, and not like painting. It was formerly in the cabinet of Monsieur Braam-Camp of Amsterdam (Potter)|A group of Cattle. No picture can more deservedly authenticate the reputation of this scarce and incomparable master, esteemed in Holland the father of animal painters; here is boldness and effect, with accuracy of drawing that cause the animals to appear like real objects, and not like painting. It was formerly in the cabinet of Monsieur Braam-Camp of Amsterdam]] réalisée par Potter, vendue par Bryan. [35]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This celebrated Jewel has long been distinguished amongst the Connoisseurs by the title of La Charette. It is acknowledged to be the most exquisite picture known of this much-admired master, and unites every quality for which Wouvermans is so justly admired. It is no small part of its value, that though finished in the most delicate manner, it is still in the most perfect preservation (Philip Wouvermans)|This celebrated Jewel has long been distinguished amongst the Connoisseurs by the title of La Charette. It is acknowledged to be the most exquisite picture known of this much-admired master, and unites every quality for which Wouvermans is so justly admired. It is no small part of its value, that though finished in the most delicate manner, it is still in the most perfect preservation]] réalisée par Philip Wouvermans, vendue par Bryan. [36]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A warm clear Landscape -- a grand and extensive scene. This painter acquired and merited the title of Both of Italy: he united the finished and delicate execution of the Dutch school to the magnificent scenes of nature in that country: this is one of his most capital works, and produces a noble effect (Both)|A warm clear Landscape -- a grand and extensive scene. This painter acquired and merited the title of Both of Italy: he united the finished and delicate execution of the Dutch school to the magnificent scenes of nature in that country: this is one of his most capital works, and produces a noble effect]] réalisée par Both, vendue par Bryan. [39]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Dutch Cabaret, Peasantry of both Sexes dancing, drinking, and making merry. No artist ever composed these subjects more successfully than Ostade, nor drew with greater truth the native characters of the boors of Holland; the whole scene is pleasing and animated. It is impossible in the art of colouring to surpass this beautiful picture for richness and effect. When pictures of Adrien Ostade possess these high qualities, they become truly invaluable; it is in the highest preservation (A. Ostade)|A Dutch Cabaret, Peasantry of both Sexes dancing, drinking, and making merry. No artist ever composed these subjects more successfully than Ostade, nor drew with greater truth the native characters of the boors of Holland; the whole scene is pleasing and animated. It is impossible in the art of colouring to surpass this beautiful picture for richness and effect. When pictures of Adrien Ostade possess these high qualities, they become truly invaluable; it is in the highest preservation]] réalisée par A. Ostade, vendue par Bryan. [44]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A charming Landscape, enriched with groups of Cattle and Figures, with a clear and brilliant sky, producing a most beautiful effect, and finished in the finest style of this inestimable master. It was formerly one of the principal ornaments of the collection of the Marechal de Noialles (Berchem)|A charming Landscape, enriched with groups of Cattle and Figures, with a clear and brilliant sky, producing a most beautiful effect, and finished in the finest style of this inestimable master. It was formerly one of the principal ornaments of the collection of the Marechal de Noialles]] réalisée par Berchem, vendue par Bryan. [49]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Sketches for the Cielings at the Church of the Jesuits at Antwerp; one, the Queen of Sheba before Solomon; the other, Esther before Ahasuerus. These original designs possess all the fire and animation that distinguish the works of this astonishing genius (Rubens)|The Sketches for the Cielings at the Church of the Jesuits at Antwerp; one, the Queen of Sheba before Solomon; the other, Esther before Ahasuerus. These original designs possess all the fire and animation that distinguish the works of this astonishing genius]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Bryan. [50]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Saviour, with Martha and Mary. This capital picture exhibits the joint excellencies of two great artists; the disposition of the figures is happily appropriated to their respective characters; the graceful dignity, and the expression in the countenance of the Saviour, is admirable (Rubens)|The Saviour, with Martha and Mary. This capital picture exhibits the joint excellencies of two great artists; the disposition of the figures is happily appropriated to their respective characters; the graceful dignity, and the expression in the countenance of the Saviour, is admirable]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Bryan. [77]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Entombing of Christ. In this sublime picture the solemnity of the subject is treated in an aweful and impressive manner; in composition it is not inferior to the finest productions of Carrache, and unites the magic colouring of this great founder of the Venetian School; one of his most capital works (Titian)|The Entombing of Christ. In this sublime picture the solemnity of the subject is treated in an aweful and impressive manner; in composition it is not inferior to the finest productions of Carrache, and unites the magic colouring of this great founder of the Venetian School; one of his most capital works]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Bryan. [81]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Saviour bearing his Cross -- this sublime picture is alone sufficient to justify the appellation given to this inimitable painter in his own country, of the Divine Moralis -- It is impossible to describe the expression of patient and dignified suffering in the head of the Saviour; it fills the mind with the most impressive emotions (The Divine Moralis)|The Saviour bearing his Cross -- this sublime picture is alone sufficient to justify the appellation given to this inimitable painter in his own country, of the Divine Moralis -- It is impossible to describe the expression of patient and dignified suffering in the head of the Saviour; it fills the mind with the most impressive emotions]] réalisée par The Divine Moralis, vendue par Bryan. [93]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Madona and Infant Saviour -- there is a beauty and simplicity in this lovely picture that exceed description; the carnation is delicate and tender, and there is an appearance of life and animation in the expression of the heads, that is perhaps peculiar to this favorite painter; it is certainly one of the happiest productions oifhelni.cps (Morillio)|The Madona and Infant Saviour -- there is a beauty and simplicity in this lovely picture that exceed description; the carnation is delicate and tender, and there is an appearance of life and animation in the expression of the heads, that is perhaps peculiar to this favorite painter; it is certainly one of the happiest productions oifhelni.cps]] réalisée par Morillio, vendue par Bryan. [95]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Saviour on the Cross -- a finished design for the large picture at Ghendt. The correct drawing of this fine figure, and the grandeur of the surrounding scene, produce an effect awful and impressive; it is one of the finest pictures of Vandyke (Vandyke)|The Saviour on the Cross -- a finished design for the large picture at Ghendt. The correct drawing of this fine figure, and the grandeur of the surrounding scene, produce an effect awful and impressive; it is one of the finest pictures of Vandyke]] réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par Bryan. [96]
  • 1796.04.27/ maison de ventes : Bryan (Michael). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Satyrs, with a Tygress and her Young. The pictures of this admirable artist are extremely scarce in England; the few that we possess have deservedly raised his reputation to an equality with the greatest masters of the art; the colouring in this astonishing picture is rich and harmonious, and it is painted with a spirit and vigour that excite the surprise and admiration of the artist and connoisseur (Velasquez)|Satyrs, with a Tygress and her Young. The pictures of this admirable artist are extremely scarce in England; the few that we possess have deservedly raised his reputation to an equality with the greatest masters of the art; the colouring in this astonishing picture is rich and harmonious, and it is painted with a spirit and vigour that excite the surprise and admiration of the artist and connoisseur]] réalisée par Velasquez, vendue par Bryan. [104]