Ventes d'œuvres le 1800.05.05

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  • 1800.05.05/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven. This picture engaged the particular attention of the Presidency; it is one of his happiest efforts, and it is of no wonder that his peculiar abilities should be called forth with honor to himself, as the Proprietors agreed, And Paid Him Six Hundred Guineas for the performance Pictures painted for Macklin's Bible (West)|Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven. This picture engaged the particular attention of the Presidency; it is one of his happiest efforts, and it is of no wonder that his peculiar abilities should be called forth with honor to himself, as the Proprietors agreed, And Paid Him Six Hundred Guineas for the performance Pictures painted for Macklin's Bible]] réalisée par West, vendue par Mr Macklin. [11]
  • 1800.05.05/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Triumph of Virtue, from Young's Night Thoughts; an admirable performance, for which he was paid Four Hundred Guineas; a picture of uncommon excellence, and worthy of the master's great reputation Pictures painted for the Poet's Prints, &c. of Macklin's Gallery (Peters)|The Triumph of Virtue, from Young's Night Thoughts; an admirable performance, for which he was paid Four Hundred Guineas; a picture of uncommon excellence, and worthy of the master's great reputation Pictures painted for the Poet's Prints, &c. of Macklin's Gallery]] réalisée par Peters, vendue par Mr Macklin. [58]
  • 1800.05.05/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Amyntor and Theodora, from Mallet's Amyntor. For chasteness of stile, simplicity of character, and harmonious colouring, this picture is allowed to be of the first merit of the master's pencil Pictures painted for the Poet's Prints, &c. of Macklin's Gallery (Stothard)|Amyntor and Theodora, from Mallet's Amyntor. For chasteness of stile, simplicity of character, and harmonious colouring, this picture is allowed to be of the first merit of the master's pencil Pictures painted for the Poet's Prints, &c. of Macklin's Gallery]] réalisée par Stothard, vendue par Mr Macklin au prix de 12.12 £. [65]