Ventes d'œuvres le 1800.07.07

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  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A View in Switzerland with Figures and Cattle, a warm evening scene, representing a Farm, with an extensive Tract of Country, and a Savoyard Girl crossing a Bridge, attempting to divert the attack of a young Bull, who leaving the Herd, is approaching towards her (Sir Francis Bourgeois)|A View in Switzerland with Figures and Cattle, a warm evening scene, representing a Farm, with an extensive Tract of Country, and a Savoyard Girl crossing a Bridge, attempting to divert the attack of a young Bull, who leaving the Herd, is approaching towards her]] réalisée par Sir Francis Bourgeois, vendue par John Hickman. [5]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family with St. John. -- This Picture is Painted in the best stile of this great Ornament of the Venetian School, there is grace, grandeur, and elegance prevailing throughout, with a perfect harmony of Coloring that forms one of the sublimest Compositions imaginable; purchased at Venice from the Contarine Family, and deserving of being placed as a Center Picture in the very first Collection (Titiano Vecelli)|The Holy Family with St. John. -- This Picture is Painted in the best stile of this great Ornament of the Venetian School, there is grace, grandeur, and elegance prevailing throughout, with a perfect harmony of Coloring that forms one of the sublimest Compositions imaginable; purchased at Venice from the Contarine Family, and deserving of being placed as a Center Picture in the very first Collection]] réalisée par Titiano Vecelli, vendue par John Hickman. [10]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Old Man's Head. -- A performance in which this very extraordinary and celebrated Artist, whose Pictures are a principal Ornament in the first Collections in Europe, has depicted venerable old Age by the happy powers of his Pencil, with that regard to truth and propriety, which have rendered his best Works of the highest importance, both in value and esteem; of such estimation were his Pictures held by the Emperor Charles the VI. that he carefully kept about his own Person the Key of the Cabinet which contained the Works of Denner in his possession (Balthazar Denner)|An Old Man's Head. -- A performance in which this very extraordinary and celebrated Artist, whose Pictures are a principal Ornament in the first Collections in Europe, has depicted venerable old Age by the happy powers of his Pencil, with that regard to truth and propriety, which have rendered his best Works of the highest importance, both in value and esteem; of such estimation were his Pictures held by the Emperor Charles the VI. that he carefully kept about his own Person the Key of the Cabinet which contained the Works of Denner in his possession]] réalisée par Balthazar Denner, vendue par John Hickman. [13]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Portrait of an Old Woman. -- Denner has in this Portrait (if the expression may be allowed) excelled even himself in this perfect representation of the human Countenance in the Autumn of Life, having given all the merit of his Art, in the highest and exquisite effect of Finishing and Pefection , for which his Pencil has been justly and invariably Admired. Art cannot go farther. This Picture and the Companion, are matchless. They were Painted by Denner for the express purpose of being presented by him to a Physician at Hamburgh, his most particular Friend, as a mark of his esteem, and the Chef D'Oeuvres of his own unrivalled Performance; and were recently brought to England to be disposed of, by the descendants of that Family, to whom they had been thus originally given (Balthazar Denner)|The Portrait of an Old Woman. -- Denner has in this Portrait (if the expression may be allowed) excelled even himself in this perfect representation of the human Countenance in the Autumn of Life, having given all the merit of his Art, in the highest and exquisite effect of Finishing and Pefection , for which his Pencil has been justly and invariably Admired. Art cannot go farther. This Picture and the Companion, are matchless. They were Painted by Denner for the express purpose of being presented by him to a Physician at Hamburgh, his most particular Friend, as a mark of his esteem, and the Chef D'Oeuvres of his own unrivalled Performance; and were recently brought to England to be disposed of, by the descendants of that Family, to whom they had been thus originally given]] réalisée par Balthazar Denner, vendue par John Hickman. [15]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Italian Fair. -- The Variety of Character, and judicious Arrangement of this Composition, replete with humourous Festivity, and around which, are various remains of antient Architectural Buildings, with an extensive View of delightful Country; is truly worthy the Pencil of this esteemed Pupil of John Both (Henry Verschuring)|An Italian Fair. -- The Variety of Character, and judicious Arrangement of this Composition, replete with humourous Festivity, and around which, are various remains of antient Architectural Buildings, with an extensive View of delightful Country; is truly worthy the Pencil of this esteemed Pupil of John Both]] réalisée par Henry Verschuring, vendue par John Hickman. [16]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Portrait of a Lady of Distinction. -- The Portraits of this Master are extremely scarce, as he was particularly attentive to the likeness he produced; it is recorded of him, that he sometimes spent a whole Year on one of those Performances before he considered it compleat (Leonardi de Vinci)|The Portrait of a Lady of Distinction. -- The Portraits of this Master are extremely scarce, as he was particularly attentive to the likeness he produced; it is recorded of him, that he sometimes spent a whole Year on one of those Performances before he considered it compleat]] réalisée par Leonardi de Vinci, vendue par John Hickman. [17]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Water Mill. -- This Picture is unquestionably the Chef D'Oeuvre of this admired, and favorite Master of the English School, who may justly be stiled the Teniers of this Country, with more than his accustomed Truth in the representation of Nature, there is an unusual force of Color, the Figures and Scenery admirably adapted, and the whole evidently Painted in his very best Manner (George Morland)|The Water Mill. -- This Picture is unquestionably the Chef D'Oeuvre of this admired, and favorite Master of the English School, who may justly be stiled the Teniers of this Country, with more than his accustomed Truth in the representation of Nature, there is an unusual force of Color, the Figures and Scenery admirably adapted, and the whole evidently Painted in his very best Manner]] réalisée par George Morland, vendue par John Hickman. [41]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful extent of Landscape, with Figures, at the font of the Alps representing the Rocks and natural Cascades in which that Country abounds, forming a grand and romantic Scene, enriched with Plants, most exquisitely finished, by this great Artist, and Instructor of the inimitable Pynaker (A. F. Vidoil)|A beautiful extent of Landscape, with Figures, at the font of the Alps representing the Rocks and natural Cascades in which that Country abounds, forming a grand and romantic Scene, enriched with Plants, most exquisitely finished, by this great Artist, and Instructor of the inimitable Pynaker]] réalisée par A. F. Vidoil, vendue par John Hickman. [48]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Water Mill, and an extent of Country, depicted in a very superior Stile, and enriched with the Story of Joseph's Flight into Egypt with the Infant Saviour, whose course is happily directed by the introduction of an Angel leading the Ass, on which is seated the Virgin and Child, whose sweetness of character is beyond all praise (Herman Swaneveldt)|A Landscape with a Water Mill, and an extent of Country, depicted in a very superior Stile, and enriched with the Story of Joseph's Flight into Egypt with the Infant Saviour, whose course is happily directed by the introduction of an Angel leading the Ass, on which is seated the Virgin and Child, whose sweetness of character is beyond all praise]] réalisée par Herman Swaneveldt, vendue par John Hickman. [64]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An elegant Landscape, with a View of Camp Vaccino. -- This representation of a vast extent of beautiful Country, is one of the best composed Pictures of the Master, and for effect equals Clade Lorraine, it is recorded to have been Painted by him at Paris, for the Cabinet of Monsieur Lambert, at Lille, in the year 1645, and was afterwards in the Orleans Collection at Paris (Herman Swaneveldt)|An elegant Landscape, with a View of Camp Vaccino. -- This representation of a vast extent of beautiful Country, is one of the best composed Pictures of the Master, and for effect equals Clade Lorraine, it is recorded to have been Painted by him at Paris, for the Cabinet of Monsieur Lambert, at Lille, in the year 1645, and was afterwards in the Orleans Collection at Paris]] réalisée par Herman Swaneveldt, vendue par John Hickman. [69]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful Landscape, with a Triumphal Arch, encirched with Figures, Sculpture, and Basso Relievo. -- There is a peculiar grandeur in the judicious management of this Subject, wherein the Artist has happily united the Classic graces of the Antique, with all the Perfection of his own enlightened Mind. This superb Picture was purchased from the Collection of the Marquis Pettigatti, at Florence (Nicolo Poussin)|A beautiful Landscape, with a Triumphal Arch, encirched with Figures, Sculpture, and Basso Relievo. -- There is a peculiar grandeur in the judicious management of this Subject, wherein the Artist has happily united the Classic graces of the Antique, with all the Perfection of his own enlightened Mind. This superb Picture was purchased from the Collection of the Marquis Pettigatti, at Florence]] réalisée par Nicolo Poussin, vendue par John Hickman. [75]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Woman taken in Adultery. -- This Groupe is finely conceived, and the conscious Guilt of the Accused, and Disappointment of her Accusers, happily contrasted by the Meekness and Dignity of the Saviour. -- A fine Specimen of the Genius of this Artist, who is distinguished by the Name of the Blacksmith of Antwerp (Quintus Matsys)|The Woman taken in Adultery. -- This Groupe is finely conceived, and the conscious Guilt of the Accused, and Disappointment of her Accusers, happily contrasted by the Meekness and Dignity of the Saviour. -- A fine Specimen of the Genius of this Artist, who is distinguished by the Name of the Blacksmith of Antwerp]] réalisée par Quintus Matsys, vendue par John Hickman. [91]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Italian Sea Port -- an Evening Prospect, with an English Man of War saluting the Port, and numerous Figures on the Shore, in various Pursuits. A beautiful Italian Scenery, enriched with Rocks and remote Mountains, while the setting Sun throws a glowing Warmth upon the whole Subject, which forms one of the most desirable Pictures of the Master, and worthy of a Place in the first Cabinet (Vernet)|An Italian Sea Port -- an Evening Prospect, with an English Man of War saluting the Port, and numerous Figures on the Shore, in various Pursuits. A beautiful Italian Scenery, enriched with Rocks and remote Mountains, while the setting Sun throws a glowing Warmth upon the whole Subject, which forms one of the most desirable Pictures of the Master, and worthy of a Place in the first Cabinet]] réalisée par Vernet, vendue par John Hickman. [92]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Moon-Light, with Figures on the Pier surrounding a Fire; a View of a Light-house, Vessels at Sea, and a Man of War entering the Harbour. The judicious Introduction of two different Lights, that of the Light-house, and the Fire on the Beach, is happily contrasted by the mild Effect of the rising Moon, which illuminates the distant Mountains, and renders the whole a truly interesting, animated, and captivating Performance: -- It is a Picture of uncommon Merit (Vernet)|A Moon-Light, with Figures on the Pier surrounding a Fire; a View of a Light-house, Vessels at Sea, and a Man of War entering the Harbour. The judicious Introduction of two different Lights, that of the Light-house, and the Fire on the Beach, is happily contrasted by the mild Effect of the rising Moon, which illuminates the distant Mountains, and renders the whole a truly interesting, animated, and captivating Performance: -- It is a Picture of uncommon Merit]] réalisée par Vernet, vendue par John Hickman. [93]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior -- a Mother suckling her Infant. Maternal Affection and natural Instinct were never more happily depicted. Maas was a distinguished Scholar of Rembrant, whose colouring and forcible Effect he truly possessed: -- A very capital Picture, from the celebrated Collection of Mons. de Calonne (Nicholas Maas)|An Interior -- a Mother suckling her Infant. Maternal Affection and natural Instinct were never more happily depicted. Maas was a distinguished Scholar of Rembrant, whose colouring and forcible Effect he truly possessed: -- A very capital Picture, from the celebrated Collection of Mons. de Calonne]] réalisée par Nicholas Maas, vendue par John Hickman. [95]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape and Figures: -- A Stage Waggon at the Door of a Country Public-house. This inimitable Cabinet Picture, has by Cogniscenti, always been esteemed as one of the best Productions of the Master, and sufficiently evinces superior Talent, and the Merit of the English School (P. J. de Loutherbourg)|Landscape and Figures: -- A Stage Waggon at the Door of a Country Public-house. This inimitable Cabinet Picture, has by Cogniscenti, always been esteemed as one of the best Productions of the Master, and sufficiently evinces superior Talent, and the Merit of the English School]] réalisée par P. J. de Loutherbourg, vendue par John Hickman. [100]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Infant Saviour sleeping, with a Scull and Hour Glass, emblematical of Mortality. This sublime Composition is painted at that Period when Guido excelled in coloring, and possesses his highest Qualities: -- There is an Effect of roundness in every Limb, produced by his tender demy Tints, that makes it appear a proper Distance, as projecting from the Canvas (Guido Reni)|The Infant Saviour sleeping, with a Scull and Hour Glass, emblematical of Mortality. This sublime Composition is painted at that Period when Guido excelled in coloring, and possesses his highest Qualities: -- There is an Effect of roundness in every Limb, produced by his tender demy Tints, that makes it appear a proper Distance, as projecting from the Canvas]] réalisée par Guido Reni, vendue par John Hickman. [101]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Miraculous Draught of Fishes -- vid. 21 Ch. of St. John. -- Christ on the Shore of the Sea of Tiberias. This sacred Subject, which is marked by a Gesture the most plain and simple, and expressed so correctly, that, at first view, every one perceives that the Saviour is addressing himself to the Fishermen. This, perhaps, is one of the most astonishing Productions of the Art of Painting, which for Composition and Grandeur, vies with the first Works of Dominichino; at the same time, for Vapour and Effect, equals the fascinating Landscapes of Claude Lorraine, and was purchased in Tuscany, from one of the abandoned Villas of Leopold the Second (Phillippi Champagne)|The Miraculous Draught of Fishes -- vid. 21 Ch. of St. John. -- Christ on the Shore of the Sea of Tiberias. This sacred Subject, which is marked by a Gesture the most plain and simple, and expressed so correctly, that, at first view, every one perceives that the Saviour is addressing himself to the Fishermen. This, perhaps, is one of the most astonishing Productions of the Art of Painting, which for Composition and Grandeur, vies with the first Works of Dominichino; at the same time, for Vapour and Effect, equals the fascinating Landscapes of Claude Lorraine, and was purchased in Tuscany, from one of the abandoned Villas of Leopold the Second]] réalisée par Phillippi Champagne, vendue par John Hickman. [102]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Lucretia. Guercino has here combined all his Talents, for this Picture possesse a rich Tone of coloring, seldom, if ever, exceeded; while the Attitude of Lucretia is noble and affecting, and with the Air of dignified Grief which he has given to her Countenance, at once emphatically depicts Distress for the recent Violence offered to her by Tarquin, and her Resolution not to survive the Disgrace of her injured Honor. Purchased from a Convent in Tuscany, suppressed by the Emperor Leopold the Second (Guercino da Cento)|Lucretia. Guercino has here combined all his Talents, for this Picture possesse a rich Tone of coloring, seldom, if ever, exceeded; while the Attitude of Lucretia is noble and affecting, and with the Air of dignified Grief which he has given to her Countenance, at once emphatically depicts Distress for the recent Violence offered to her by Tarquin, and her Resolution not to survive the Disgrace of her injured Honor. Purchased from a Convent in Tuscany, suppressed by the Emperor Leopold the Second]] réalisée par Guercino da Cento, vendue par John Hickman. [103]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape representing a warm Evening Scene, with Figures and Cattle by Berghem. The characteristic of the Cattle here represented, with a dute observance to the Truth of Nature in the surrounding Scenery, form an interesting, and most admirable Picture. An Union of the excellence of two great Masters (Frederic Moucheron)|A Landscape representing a warm Evening Scene, with Figures and Cattle by Berghem. The characteristic of the Cattle here represented, with a dute observance to the Truth of Nature in the surrounding Scenery, form an interesting, and most admirable Picture. An Union of the excellence of two great Masters]] réalisée par Frederic Moucheron, vendue par John Hickman. [104]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, representing the approach to a Monastry, through a rocky Cavern, in the opening of which are Friars conversing, and others in various Occupations, which, with the Appendages of this religious Habitation, are finished in the highest, and most esteemed Stile of this Master, and ass an approval of the Execution of this Performance, Teniers has portraied Himself and Pages, with his Chateau, in the Distance (David Teniers)|A Landscape, representing the approach to a Monastry, through a rocky Cavern, in the opening of which are Friars conversing, and others in various Occupations, which, with the Appendages of this religious Habitation, are finished in the highest, and most esteemed Stile of this Master, and ass an approval of the Execution of this Performance, Teniers has portraied Himself and Pages, with his Chateau, in the Distance]] réalisée par David Teniers, vendue par John Hickman. [106]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, an Harvest Scene, with an Herd of Cattle, placed in half Shadow, equal to Rembrant. This Picture possesses all the warmth of Coloring so peculiar to this great Artist, whose Works of this Class are extremely scarce, and which was once an Ornament in the Cabinet of the Prince of Saxtachea, Governor of the Netherlands (Adrian Ostade)|A Landscape, an Harvest Scene, with an Herd of Cattle, placed in half Shadow, equal to Rembrant. This Picture possesses all the warmth of Coloring so peculiar to this great Artist, whose Works of this Class are extremely scarce, and which was once an Ornament in the Cabinet of the Prince of Saxtachea, Governor of the Netherlands]] réalisée par Adrian Ostade, vendue par John Hickman. [121]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Composition, in which the Painter has introduced a Drawing of Basso Releivo, a Print, and a small Landscape, as affixed to a Deal Board standing upon his Easel, about which, he has placed in Brushes, &c. and over them, hung his Pallet set with Colours: -- The whole, forming a most admirable Deception, even to a critical Eye (Gerards)|A Composition, in which the Painter has introduced a Drawing of Basso Releivo, a Print, and a small Landscape, as affixed to a Deal Board standing upon his Easel, about which, he has placed in Brushes, &c. and over them, hung his Pallet set with Colours: -- The whole, forming a most admirable Deception, even to a critical Eye]] réalisée par Gerards, vendue par John Hickman. [124]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Figures, and Cattle. -- The judicious Arrangement of the Animals, and the Stile of Landscape appropriate, fully convince us of the Genius of the Artist, who died at the Age of 27 Years, the greatest Ornament of the Dutch School (Adrian vande Velde)|Landscape, with Figures, and Cattle. -- The judicious Arrangement of the Animals, and the Stile of Landscape appropriate, fully convince us of the Genius of the Artist, who died at the Age of 27 Years, the greatest Ornament of the Dutch School]] réalisée par Adrian vande Velde, vendue par John Hickman. [128]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Evening Scene, with a warm glowing Sky harmonizing the whole with beautiful Effect, and enriched with elegant Figures, forming with its Companion, a Pair of the choicest Cabinet Pictures of the Master: -- From the Mazarine Gallery at Paris (Jean Francois Grimaldi, called Bolognese)|An Evening Scene, with a warm glowing Sky harmonizing the whole with beautiful Effect, and enriched with elegant Figures, forming with its Companion, a Pair of the choicest Cabinet Pictures of the Master: -- From the Mazarine Gallery at Paris]] réalisée par Jean Francois Grimaldi, called Bolognese, vendue par John Hickman. [131]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, with a Roman Bridge. -- The sublimity and superior Taste of this great Artist is manifest in this Picture, in which Genius and masterly Fancy are combined to produce a grand Scene. -- Purchased from the celebrated Collection of Cardinal Crescenzi, at Rome (Nicolo Poussin)|A Landscape, with a Roman Bridge. -- The sublimity and superior Taste of this great Artist is manifest in this Picture, in which Genius and masterly Fancy are combined to produce a grand Scene. -- Purchased from the celebrated Collection of Cardinal Crescenzi, at Rome]] réalisée par Nicolo Poussin, vendue par John Hickman. [134]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A grand Antique Bronze, representing Neptune treading on a Dolphin's Head, and holding in his Hand the Trident. This is one of those Master Pieces of Art, which, for Regularity and Proportions, evince the Work of Genius, and forms a Figure truly commanding in Effect from Dignity of Design, and Justness of Execution (Antique)|A grand Antique Bronze, representing Neptune treading on a Dolphin's Head, and holding in his Hand the Trident. This is one of those Master Pieces of Art, which, for Regularity and Proportions, evince the Work of Genius, and forms a Figure truly commanding in Effect from Dignity of Design, and Justness of Execution]] réalisée par Antique, vendue par John Hickman. [136]
  • 1800.07.07/ maison de ventes : Hickman (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Crucifixion, carved in Wood. This curious Specimen of Sculpture is unique, and represents the Saviour of the World, suffering on the Cross for the Redemption of Mankind, and departing Life with a calm Serenity truly impressive: -- The Execution shows a profound anatomical Knowledge, and the Drapery round the Body of Christ is cast in the most natural Folds. Presumed from the Hand of Michael Angelo Buonaroti (Michael Angelo Buonaroti)|A Crucifixion, carved in Wood. This curious Specimen of Sculpture is unique, and represents the Saviour of the World, suffering on the Cross for the Redemption of Mankind, and departing Life with a calm Serenity truly impressive: -- The Execution shows a profound anatomical Knowledge, and the Drapery round the Body of Christ is cast in the most natural Folds. Presumed from the Hand of Michael Angelo Buonaroti]] réalisée par Michael Angelo Buonaroti, vendue par John Hickman. [137]