Ventes d'œuvres le 1803.03.22

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  • 1803.03.22/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Infant Fame, crowning the fine Arts, an Allegorical Groupe, conceived with great Taste and Elegance, the Drawing correct, and the finishing in the highest style of the Master; formerly in the collection of Monsieur Robit; engraved, in the Collection of Mr. Le Brun (V. DER WERF)|Infant Fame, crowning the fine Arts, an Allegorical Groupe, conceived with great Taste and Elegance, the Drawing correct, and the finishing in the highest style of the Master; formerly in the collection of Monsieur Robit; engraved, in the Collection of Mr. Le Brun]] réalisée par V. DER WERF, vendue par Walsh Porter, achetée par Willett au prix de 89.5 £. [253]
  • 1803.03.22/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Cascade and Figures, a warm Evening Scene, with a clear effect of Sunshine, truly a Cabinet Jewel. This Chef d'oeuvre of the very esteemed Master is well known, having been formerly a leading ornament in the Choiseuil Collection (PYNAKER)|A Landscape with a Cascade and Figures, a warm Evening Scene, with a clear effect of Sunshine, truly a Cabinet Jewel. This Chef d'oeuvre of the very esteemed Master is well known, having been formerly a leading ornament in the Choiseuil Collection]] réalisée par PYNAKER, vendue par Walsh Porter, achetée par Cowper au prix de 117.12 £. [254]
  • 1803.03.22/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Dutch Family at a Repast, beneath an Arbour, listening to a Player upon the Hurdy-gurdy, a Genuine Scene from Life painted with infinite Spirit, and in a rich harmonious tone. This exquisite Cabinet Picture far exceeds the usual works of this Master, and for richness and height of finishing it rivals the finest productions of the Dutch School, engraved in the Collection of Le Brun (DUSART)|A Dutch Family at a Repast, beneath an Arbour, listening to a Player upon the Hurdy-gurdy, a Genuine Scene from Life painted with infinite Spirit, and in a rich harmonious tone. This exquisite Cabinet Picture far exceeds the usual works of this Master, and for richness and height of finishing it rivals the finest productions of the Dutch School, engraved in the Collection of Le Brun]] réalisée par DUSART, vendue par Walsh Porter, achetée par Humble au prix de 157.10 £. [255]