Ventes d'œuvres le 1803.03.29

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  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A noble Landscape, (companion to the above) Perfect as the work of two such able masters might be supposed to be -- the waterfall so true from nature, you might think it was heard, and added to the calm appearance of a neighbouring hermit -- originally the property of a noble Venetian -- cost a large sum in Verona, and was brought into this country for en- engraving, but the death of one of the parties occasioned their being sold, for which the purchaser paid a very liberal price (Titian)|A noble Landscape, (companion to the above) Perfect as the work of two such able masters might be supposed to be -- the waterfall so true from nature, you might think it was heard, and added to the calm appearance of a neighbouring hermit -- originally the property of a noble Venetian -- cost a large sum in Verona, and was brought into this country for en- engraving, but the death of one of the parties occasioned their being sold, for which the purchaser paid a very liberal price]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par J Mosenau. [17]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Carousal, with the Artist's Portrait, &c. In the act of taking the oath exacted by the Bent-Vogel society in Rome, where the great painters were assembled, -- each figure a real portrait -- a spirited and truly rare cabinet painting -- name in the picture (Ascanus)|A Carousal, with the Artist's Portrait, &c. In the act of taking the oath exacted by the Bent-Vogel society in Rome, where the great painters were assembled, -- each figure a real portrait -- a spirited and truly rare cabinet painting -- name in the picture]] réalisée par Ascanus, vendue par J Mosenau. [40]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Venus detaining Mars, or the Miseries of War, and Destruction of the Arts The great favorite of Mons. de Calonne, who paid two hundred and fifty guineas for it, which he hoped some day to re-purchase -- the paintings for the Gobiline tapestry were always done on copper, and most highly finished -- an exquisitely fine cabinet morceau (P.P. Rubens)|Venus detaining Mars, or the Miseries of War, and Destruction of the Arts The great favorite of Mons. de Calonne, who paid two hundred and fifty guineas for it, which he hoped some day to re-purchase -- the paintings for the Gobiline tapestry were always done on copper, and most highly finished -- an exquisitely fine cabinet morceau]] réalisée par P.P. Rubens, vendue par J Mosenau. [43]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Crucifixion, on Copper A noble painting of this awful and sublime subject -- figures judiciously grouped; full of character, and fine effect -- the Artists, Nobility, and Connoisseurs, who have travelled, will remember it in the private Chapel of the castle in Brussels -- a piece for Amateurs and Connoisseurs (Sir P.P. Rubens)|The Crucifixion, on Copper A noble painting of this awful and sublime subject -- figures judiciously grouped; full of character, and fine effect -- the Artists, Nobility, and Connoisseurs, who have travelled, will remember it in the private Chapel of the castle in Brussels -- a piece for Amateurs and Connoisseurs]] réalisée par Sir P.P. Rubens, vendue par J Mosenau. [45]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Cascade of Tivoli, taken on the spot Justly delineated, and highly finished -- painted for the Duke of Modena -- sent for engraving into this country, but by the death of an Artist became the property of the present possessor -- the plate may be had with the painting (Detrick)|The Cascade of Tivoli, taken on the spot Justly delineated, and highly finished -- painted for the Duke of Modena -- sent for engraving into this country, but by the death of an Artist became the property of the present possessor -- the plate may be had with the painting]] réalisée par Detrick, vendue par J Mosenau. [56]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The ancient Church and Sea Port of Cevita Vecchio, with Ships at Anchor, and Figures So accurately described, that the minutest article is observable, even to the falling of a gentle shower -- the distant view of Rome, and effect of the setting sun, truly grand and sublime -- a warm, interesting, and most beautiful picture, a chef d'oeuvre of that divine master (Claude Lorrain)|The ancient Church and Sea Port of Cevita Vecchio, with Ships at Anchor, and Figures So accurately described, that the minutest article is observable, even to the falling of a gentle shower -- the distant view of Rome, and effect of the setting sun, truly grand and sublime -- a warm, interesting, and most beautiful picture, a chef d'oeuvre of that divine master]] réalisée par Claude Lorrain, vendue par J Mosenau. [73]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of a noble Roman Lady and Niece to the then Pope A lady much admired by Raphael, and though near three hundred years past, much in the present style of cool dressing, and is one of the very few by that old and scarce master in this country (Del Piombo)|Portrait of a noble Roman Lady and Niece to the then Pope A lady much admired by Raphael, and though near three hundred years past, much in the present style of cool dressing, and is one of the very few by that old and scarce master in this country]] réalisée par Del Piombo, vendue par J Mosenau. [74]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures A most beautiful painting in the style of Claude -- a tenderness and uncommon warmth and neatness pervade the whole -- highly finished and in perfect preservation valuable and rare cabinet piece ... from the Duke of Choisseul's cabinet (A. Vandervelde)|A Landscape and Figures A most beautiful painting in the style of Claude -- a tenderness and uncommon warmth and neatness pervade the whole -- highly finished and in perfect preservation valuable and rare cabinet piece ... from the Duke of Choisseul's cabinet]] réalisée par A. Vandervelde, vendue par J Mosenau. [78]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Building the Ark, many Figures, &c. A most noble painting, done with great force and truth -- a perfect resemblance of simple nature -- done in his best time, and style of colouring -- undoubted originals -- formerly ornamented a royal gallery. (G. Bassan)|Building the Ark, many Figures, &c. A most noble painting, done with great force and truth -- a perfect resemblance of simple nature -- done in his best time, and style of colouring -- undoubted originals -- formerly ornamented a royal gallery.]] réalisée par G. Bassan, vendue par J Mosenau. [84]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea piece, Ships, &c. A most sweet and impressive scene -- a setting sun, and rising moon among the waves -- the reflection of the lights on various objects -- the appearance of a coming storm, all perfect as nature's self -- the undoubted performance of that divine artist -- needs only to be seen to gain universal admiration -- in an elegant frame (Claude)|A Sea piece, Ships, &c. A most sweet and impressive scene -- a setting sun, and rising moon among the waves -- the reflection of the lights on various objects -- the appearance of a coming storm, all perfect as nature's self -- the undoubted performance of that divine artist -- needs only to be seen to gain universal admiration -- in an elegant frame]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par J Mosenau. [92]
  • 1803.03.29/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Virgin and Child, a true Portrait of one of the Princesses of the House of Medici A most beautiful picture from the Florentine Gallery, too well known to need description, comprising various beauties -- child in the style of Raphael. This bijou unique is in the highest preservation (Andrea del Sarto)|Virgin and Child, a true Portrait of one of the Princesses of the House of Medici A most beautiful picture from the Florentine Gallery, too well known to need description, comprising various beauties -- child in the style of Raphael. This bijou unique is in the highest preservation]] réalisée par Andrea del Sarto, vendue par J Mosenau. [93]