Ventes d'œuvres le 1803.04.30

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  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Entombing of Christ. Fine! From the collection of the Duke de Praslin; truly meriting the highest praise for composition, grandeur, freedom of design, and exquisite colouring. It is remarkable for containing the Portrait of Rubens himself, bearing the Body of Christ, and of one of his Wives (Rubens)|Entombing of Christ. Fine! From the collection of the Duke de Praslin; truly meriting the highest praise for composition, grandeur, freedom of design, and exquisite colouring. It is remarkable for containing the Portrait of Rubens himself, bearing the Body of Christ, and of one of his Wives]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par [[[Thomas Holcroft]]]. [49]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Beautiful High Finished Landscape, with buildings, cattle, and figures. This picture possesses all the neatness, and finished in that stile so peculiar to the patience of the master, in a pure and perfect state. The figures by Adrian Van de Velde (Vander Heyden)|A Beautiful High Finished Landscape, with buildings, cattle, and figures. This picture possesses all the neatness, and finished in that stile so peculiar to the patience of the master, in a pure and perfect state. The figures by Adrian Van de Velde]] réalisée par Vander Heyden, vendue par Birtels au prix de 40.9 £. [121]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Architectural Picture, representing the interior of the Cathedral Church of Malins. A bright and clear perspective performance, painted with that truth which has ever been held in estimation in the high and elaborate finished works of this master. The figures are by Old Francks. This picture was a long time in the possession of the Count de Frankenberg, late archbishop of Malins, in the Netherlands (Peter de Neefs)|An Architectural Picture, representing the interior of the Cathedral Church of Malins. A bright and clear perspective performance, painted with that truth which has ever been held in estimation in the high and elaborate finished works of this master. The figures are by Old Francks. This picture was a long time in the possession of the Count de Frankenberg, late archbishop of Malins, in the Netherlands]] réalisée par Peter de Neefs, vendue par Birtels, achetée par Spkmn au prix de 38.17 £. [126]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This Picture represents an Allegory to Trade and Commerce. A grand composition painted in a rich tone of colouring, touched with a free and spirited pencil throughout the whole, for which the works of this great master have ever been esteemed. It was painted for the Company of Merchants at Antwerp, in a high state of preservation, and one of his best performances (Jordaens)|This Picture represents an Allegory to Trade and Commerce. A grand composition painted in a rich tone of colouring, touched with a free and spirited pencil throughout the whole, for which the works of this great master have ever been esteemed. It was painted for the Company of Merchants at Antwerp, in a high state of preservation, and one of his best performances]] réalisée par Jordaens, vendue par Birtels au prix de 37.16 £. [127]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Most Beautiful Cabinet Picture, Representing a young gentleman playing with a Bird, seen through a window in which hangs a carpet most admirably painted. This is one of his soft warm pictures, and formerly in the Collection of the Duke of Choiseul. Painted in the year 1679 (Chevalier Vander Werf)|A Most Beautiful Cabinet Picture, Representing a young gentleman playing with a Bird, seen through a window in which hangs a carpet most admirably painted. This is one of his soft warm pictures, and formerly in the Collection of the Duke of Choiseul. Painted in the year 1679]] réalisée par Chevalier Vander Werf, vendue par Birtels au prix de 19.19 £. [132]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Interior of a Country House, with groups of figures diverting and regaling themselves. This picture may be deemed not inferior to the finest works of Ostade, being painted in his best manner. The works of this master are held in great estimation in the lower parts of Holland. Once in the Collection of the unfortunate Mons. De la Borde, banker to the late King of France (Cornelius Bega)|The Interior of a Country House, with groups of figures diverting and regaling themselves. This picture may be deemed not inferior to the finest works of Ostade, being painted in his best manner. The works of this master are held in great estimation in the lower parts of Holland. Once in the Collection of the unfortunate Mons. De la Borde, banker to the late King of France]] réalisée par Cornelius Bega, vendue par Birtels au prix de 12.1 £. [133]
  • 1803.04.30/ maison de ventes : Farebrother (Charles). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ with his Disciples at Emmaus. The Works of this inimitable Artist has been handed down to us with eclat In this picture his powerful abilities are fully exemplified. The grand composition, the lively and harmonious tone of colouring and finishing of this picture, render it truly undoubted. Engraved. (Cabinet Pictures of this master are very seldom to be met with.) (P.P. Rubens)|Christ with his Disciples at Emmaus. The Works of this inimitable Artist has been handed down to us with eclat In this picture his powerful abilities are fully exemplified. The grand composition, the lively and harmonious tone of colouring and finishing of this picture, render it truly undoubted. Engraved. (Cabinet Pictures of this master are very seldom to be met with.)]] réalisée par P.P. Rubens, vendue par Birtels au prix de 26.5 £. [136]