Ventes d'œuvres le 1805.06.18

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  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Holy Family and Angels. Carlo Maratti. This picture is perhaps the utmost effort of this great masters hand, The child with a Heavenly fortitude and resignation holds the cross and takes up one of the nails that is to peirce his tender hand, The expression of the Mother, the feeling, contemplating Joseph, the Angels, the look of pity and solicitation to the Heavenly Father, Art can go no farther on the mind, There is a print from this picture (Carlo Maratti)|Holy Family and Angels. Carlo Maratti. This picture is perhaps the utmost effort of this great masters hand, The child with a Heavenly fortitude and resignation holds the cross and takes up one of the nails that is to peirce his tender hand, The expression of the Mother, the feeling, contemplating Joseph, the Angels, the look of pity and solicitation to the Heavenly Father, Art can go no farther on the mind, There is a print from this picture]] réalisée par Carlo Maratti, achetée par Couns Moore au prix de 9.7 £. [116]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Flemish fete. Molinear. The grouping of the Figures, the happy disposition of light and shade, the accuracy of the drapery, conspire to fix attention and afford an high idea of the talents of this master, so justly esteemed on the Continent for the excellence of his performances (Molinear)|Flemish fete. Molinear. The grouping of the Figures, the happy disposition of light and shade, the accuracy of the drapery, conspire to fix attention and afford an high idea of the talents of this master, so justly esteemed on the Continent for the excellence of his performances]] réalisée par Molinear, achetée par Counr Murray au prix de 8.10 £. [134]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, Cattle and Figures. Roberts. Never did the pencil of our esteemed Countryman, produce a more pleasing effusion than the present, the eye reposes with delight on this cheerful and beautiful scene, remarkable for the judicious disposition of the Figures and the tone of Harmony in coloring (Roberts)|Landscape, Cattle and Figures. Roberts. Never did the pencil of our esteemed Countryman, produce a more pleasing effusion than the present, the eye reposes with delight on this cheerful and beautiful scene, remarkable for the judicious disposition of the Figures and the tone of Harmony in coloring]] réalisée par Roberts, achetée par Major Sirr au prix de 14.15 £. [137]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Dutch Peasants smoaking. Begeyn. This Painter, the most famous of all the disciples of Ostade, has risen in the low countries, to a reputation equal to the first masters for the peculiar felicity of delineating scenes of low life and the manners of his countrymen, his works are placed in the first collections (Begeyn)|Dutch Peasants smoaking. Begeyn. This Painter, the most famous of all the disciples of Ostade, has risen in the low countries, to a reputation equal to the first masters for the peculiar felicity of delineating scenes of low life and the manners of his countrymen, his works are placed in the first collections]] réalisée par Begeyn, achetée par Davis au prix de 4.19 £. [138]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Town on Fire. Van Heil. The consternation of the Inhabitants escaping in Boats, the anxiety of those already in safety for the arrival of their friends, the distribution of the light from the conflagration, shew this master to have had an extensive and thorough knowledge of his subject (Van Heil)|A Town on Fire. Van Heil. The consternation of the Inhabitants escaping in Boats, the anxiety of those already in safety for the arrival of their friends, the distribution of the light from the conflagration, shew this master to have had an extensive and thorough knowledge of his subject]] réalisée par Van Heil, achetée par Palliser au prix de 2.8 £. [147]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Ditto Landscape and Figures, companion. Never did these associate Artists more happily blend their various talents than in the captivating little Landscapes before us, whether we consider the judicious distribution of the groups of Figures, the richness of the coloring, the truth of the perspective or mellowness and decision of the Pencil (Bout)|Ditto Landscape and Figures, companion. Never did these associate Artists more happily blend their various talents than in the captivating little Landscapes before us, whether we consider the judicious distribution of the groups of Figures, the richness of the coloring, the truth of the perspective or mellowness and decision of the Pencil]] réalisée par Bout, achetée par Townsend au prix de 11.18 £. [153]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape and Figures. Ferg. Of a size unusual for this master, yet painted with all the care and beauty which he bestowed upon his most minute performances, at the same time free from all appearance of labour. The charming glow of colouring, the leafing of the trees, the tenderness and truth of the distances, render it a truly desirable picture (Ferg)|Landscape and Figures. Ferg. Of a size unusual for this master, yet painted with all the care and beauty which he bestowed upon his most minute performances, at the same time free from all appearance of labour. The charming glow of colouring, the leafing of the trees, the tenderness and truth of the distances, render it a truly desirable picture]] réalisée par Ferg, achetée par O'Mara au prix de 7.19 £. [156]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape. Van Goyen. It is unnecessary to inform the enlightened Connoisseur in what estimation the works of Van Goyen are held throughout Europe, the present performance is of his best time and manner, in perfect preservation, his spirited touch and unrivalled management of the reflexions in still Water, are here admirably displayed (Van Goyen)|Landscape. Van Goyen. It is unnecessary to inform the enlightened Connoisseur in what estimation the works of Van Goyen are held throughout Europe, the present performance is of his best time and manner, in perfect preservation, his spirited touch and unrivalled management of the reflexions in still Water, are here admirably displayed]] réalisée par Van Goyen, achetée par Manning au prix de 7.1 £. [157]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Cymon and Iphigene. Lens. A most captivating production, the brilliant colouring, graceful contour and good expression, render this picture decidedly one of the best ever painted by this master, it was purchased at the late Judge Hellen's sale, at a very high price (Lens)|Cymon and Iphigene. Lens. A most captivating production, the brilliant colouring, graceful contour and good expression, render this picture decidedly one of the best ever painted by this master, it was purchased at the late Judge Hellen's sale, at a very high price]] réalisée par Lens, achetée par Major Sirrs au prix de 22.15 £. [159]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Dutch Family. Teniers. The genuine works of this master, are sought after with an avidity equal to their merit, and the production before us does not fall short of his high reputation, we clearly trace it in all the wonderful trasparency of colouring, all that lightness and freedom of pencil, together with that just conception and expression of a nature for which he was remarkable (Teniers)|Dutch Family. Teniers. The genuine works of this master, are sought after with an avidity equal to their merit, and the production before us does not fall short of his high reputation, we clearly trace it in all the wonderful trasparency of colouring, all that lightness and freedom of pencil, together with that just conception and expression of a nature for which he was remarkable]] réalisée par Teniers, achetée par A Moore au prix de 11.7 £. [162]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Astronomy. Romanelli. The air of graceful dignity, which the head of this beautiful picture presents us, is worthy the fame of this great artist, the Disciple and Rival of Cortona -- the hand has particularly attracted the attention of the best judges -- It is infinitely more interesting than emblematical figures generally are -- The late Sir. Wm. Parsons purchased it for a very large sum on the continent (Romanelli)|Astronomy. Romanelli. The air of graceful dignity, which the head of this beautiful picture presents us, is worthy the fame of this great artist, the Disciple and Rival of Cortona -- the hand has particularly attracted the attention of the best judges -- It is infinitely more interesting than emblematical figures generally are -- The late Sir. Wm. Parsons purchased it for a very large sum on the continent]] réalisée par Romanelli, achetée par Moore au prix de 11.7 £. [163]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Lot and his Daughters. Luca Giordano. This grand picture, would be an acquisition to any collection, the story is delicately treated, the female figures peculiarly graceful, the expression of the whole admirable and finished in the best stile of that eminent master (Luca Giordano)|Lot and his Daughters. Luca Giordano. This grand picture, would be an acquisition to any collection, the story is delicately treated, the female figures peculiarly graceful, the expression of the whole admirable and finished in the best stile of that eminent master]] réalisée par Luca Giordano, achetée par Manning au prix de 17.12 £. [164]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Roman Seizing a Sabine Woman. Michael Angelo Carravagio. This picture is painted on a flag and affords a specimen of the wonderful force that this celebrated artist knew so well how to give his figures by the depth of the shadows. It cannot be exceeded in the expression of the attitude, or the excellent effect of the foreshortening. The scarcity of this painters works, in these countries, must make this picture a desideratum to every Connoisseur (Michael Angelo Carravagio)|A Roman Seizing a Sabine Woman. Michael Angelo Carravagio. This picture is painted on a flag and affords a specimen of the wonderful force that this celebrated artist knew so well how to give his figures by the depth of the shadows. It cannot be exceeded in the expression of the attitude, or the excellent effect of the foreshortening. The scarcity of this painters works, in these countries, must make this picture a desideratum to every Connoisseur]] réalisée par Michael Angelo Carravagio, achetée par Manning au prix de 14.15 £. [166]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Vertumnus and Pomona. marked Wigmani. The vanity of this artist (called the Raphael of Friesland) was only equalled by his merit, the present production fully justifies his own ideas of his talents, the clearness and brilliancy of his tints, the delicate management of his shadows, a light and faithful pencil, joined to extremely careful and high finishing, are exhibited to the utmost perfection in this matchless picture, which though a century painted, is as fresh and uninjured as the moment it was finished (Wigmani)|Vertumnus and Pomona. marked Wigmani. The vanity of this artist (called the Raphael of Friesland) was only equalled by his merit, the present production fully justifies his own ideas of his talents, the clearness and brilliancy of his tints, the delicate management of his shadows, a light and faithful pencil, joined to extremely careful and high finishing, are exhibited to the utmost perfection in this matchless picture, which though a century painted, is as fresh and uninjured as the moment it was finished]] réalisée par Wigmani, achetée par A Moore au prix de 34.2 £. [167]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Cattle. Adrian Vandervelde. The disciple of John Wynants, whose principles he perfectly understood, he was a curious and accurate observer of Nature, it was his custom to sketch every object in the fields which enabled him to give such truth and variety of attitudes to his compositions and a Warmth and tenderness that give his pictures great value (Adrian Vandervelde)|Cattle. Adrian Vandervelde. The disciple of John Wynants, whose principles he perfectly understood, he was a curious and accurate observer of Nature, it was his custom to sketch every object in the fields which enabled him to give such truth and variety of attitudes to his compositions and a Warmth and tenderness that give his pictures great value]] réalisée par Adrian Vandervelde, achetée par M Sirr au prix de 10.16 £. [168]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape. Nicholas Poussin. The scene of this picture is excessively pleasing, there is a peculiar beauty in the situation, a grandeur and novelty arising from the whole that could only be the result of the exalted mind of this admirable man (Nicholas Poussin)|Landscape. Nicholas Poussin. The scene of this picture is excessively pleasing, there is a peculiar beauty in the situation, a grandeur and novelty arising from the whole that could only be the result of the exalted mind of this admirable man]] réalisée par Nicholas Poussin, achetée par Major Sirr au prix de 15.18 £. [169]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae. Young Franks. Pirothous son of Ixion king of the Lapithae espousing Hippodamia, invited the Centaurs to his marriage, when heated with wine they attempt to carry off the bride. The contest that ensues in her defence, is the subject of this admirable performance. The moment of highest interest is happily chosen and as happily portrayed. The terror of Hippodamia, about to be torn from the embrace of the hero to whom she has been just united. The ferocity of the barbarous ravishers. The ardor of Pirothous to regain what he holds so dear, are depicted with a force of expression rarely equalled. The attention is immediately attracted to the principle personages though surrounded by a crowd that afterwards engages and rewards a separate and minute attention, it is painted on a gold ground, and in a state of the utmost perfection, inscribed with his name (Young Franks)|Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae. Young Franks. Pirothous son of Ixion king of the Lapithae espousing Hippodamia, invited the Centaurs to his marriage, when heated with wine they attempt to carry off the bride. The contest that ensues in her defence, is the subject of this admirable performance. The moment of highest interest is happily chosen and as happily portrayed. The terror of Hippodamia, about to be torn from the embrace of the hero to whom she has been just united. The ferocity of the barbarous ravishers. The ardor of Pirothous to regain what he holds so dear, are depicted with a force of expression rarely equalled. The attention is immediately attracted to the principle personages though surrounded by a crowd that afterwards engages and rewards a separate and minute attention, it is painted on a gold ground, and in a state of the utmost perfection, inscribed with his name]] réalisée par Young Franks, achetée par Potter au prix de 64.16 £. [170]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Old Mans Head. Denner. His works are equally estimable for their merit and rarity, this specimen affords an instance of that phenomenon in the art, the most minute attention to high finishing without the slightest injury to the general effect. The smallest veins in the eye, the hairs of the beard, and in some places the very pores of the skin are expressed. The truth of the colouring cannot be surpassed and it is in a state of preservation which fully announces the high estimation in which it has been held by former possessors. This artist is stated by Pilkington to have received from Charles VI. for the heads of an Old Man and Woman the sum of one thousand guineas (Denner)|Old Mans Head. Denner. His works are equally estimable for their merit and rarity, this specimen affords an instance of that phenomenon in the art, the most minute attention to high finishing without the slightest injury to the general effect. The smallest veins in the eye, the hairs of the beard, and in some places the very pores of the skin are expressed. The truth of the colouring cannot be surpassed and it is in a state of preservation which fully announces the high estimation in which it has been held by former possessors. This artist is stated by Pilkington to have received from Charles VI. for the heads of an Old Man and Woman the sum of one thousand guineas]] réalisée par Denner, achetée par Harrington au prix de 45.10 £. [171]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Diana arrayed for the Chace. Vanderwerf. The Chevalier Vanderwerf enjoyed during his life, that fame and those honours which are but too often reserved for posthumous reputation, nor from the picture we are contemplating, can we believe his deserts were too highly estimated, what animation, what expression of dignified command in the figure of Diana, while the Nymph holding the horn by her beauty seduces that attention, which would otherwise be bestowed on the principle figure, the judicious management of light and shade, the beauty of the figures and exquisite colouring, entitle this picture to be ranked as a chef d'ouvre of the first class, in perfect preservation (Vanderwerf)|Diana arrayed for the Chace. Vanderwerf. The Chevalier Vanderwerf enjoyed during his life, that fame and those honours which are but too often reserved for posthumous reputation, nor from the picture we are contemplating, can we believe his deserts were too highly estimated, what animation, what expression of dignified command in the figure of Diana, while the Nymph holding the horn by her beauty seduces that attention, which would otherwise be bestowed on the principle figure, the judicious management of light and shade, the beauty of the figures and exquisite colouring, entitle this picture to be ranked as a chef d'ouvre of the first class, in perfect preservation]] réalisée par Vanderwerf, achetée par Harrington au prix de 56.17 £. [172]
  • 1805.06.18/ maison de ventes : Vallance (James). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Flowers the companion. We feel ourselves entirely inadequate to describe the perfections of these splended pictures, all the treasures of the art are here triumphantly lavished and never have the bounds which divide representation from reality, been so truly indistinguishable, of the flowers we may say, they are not merely the copies, they present us the embelishments of nature, the fruit, insects, and birds nests, are all touched with a pencil so true, so sweet and delicate, with such a tone, such a lustre and harmony of colouring as to excite astonishment even in the minds of those who are most familiar with the works of Van Huysum. with Van Os. that celebrated artist has at length been compelled to share the throne, on which he seemed to be seated for ever, without fear of a rival, we may truly assert that our country possesses nothing in this line which can bear the most distant competition with those exquisite performances (marked Van Os)|Flowers the companion. We feel ourselves entirely inadequate to describe the perfections of these splended pictures, all the treasures of the art are here triumphantly lavished and never have the bounds which divide representation from reality, been so truly indistinguishable, of the flowers we may say, they are not merely the copies, they present us the embelishments of nature, the fruit, insects, and birds nests, are all touched with a pencil so true, so sweet and delicate, with such a tone, such a lustre and harmony of colouring as to excite astonishment even in the minds of those who are most familiar with the works of Van Huysum. with Van Os. that celebrated artist has at length been compelled to share the throne, on which he seemed to be seated for ever, without fear of a rival, we may truly assert that our country possesses nothing in this line which can bear the most distant competition with those exquisite performances]] réalisée par marked Van Os, achetée par A Moore au prix de 100.0 £. [174]