Ventes d'œuvres le 1806.04.19

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  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Pancake Woman, a truly capital Picture This exquisite Painter has here displayed more knowledge of the Chiaro Scuro, and harmony of colours than is genorally met with even in his finest works In the inside of a Dutch kitchen, furnished with all the implements analogous to the scene, a woman making pancakes, or gauffres, is attended by a boy and a young female, who, both attentive to the pleasing transaction, seem to wait their turn in the distribution of the desired dainty. The name Mieris is plainly written at the bottom (Mieris)|The Pancake Woman, a truly capital Picture This exquisite Painter has here displayed more knowledge of the Chiaro Scuro, and harmony of colours than is genorally met with even in his finest works In the inside of a Dutch kitchen, furnished with all the implements analogous to the scene, a woman making pancakes, or gauffres, is attended by a boy and a young female, who, both attentive to the pleasing transaction, seem to wait their turn in the distribution of the desired dainty. The name Mieris is plainly written at the bottom]] réalisée par Mieris, vendue par Col Crewe au prix de 325.10 £. [1]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ bearing his Cross with the Holy Women, St. Veronie, with the Sudarium, and other Parts of the Passion a grand composition, highly valuable, from the care and precision with which this celebrated Painter has finished every part of this astonishing performance so well preserved (J. De Mabuge)|Christ bearing his Cross with the Holy Women, St. Veronie, with the Sudarium, and other Parts of the Passion a grand composition, highly valuable, from the care and precision with which this celebrated Painter has finished every part of this astonishing performance so well preserved]] réalisée par J. De Mabuge, vendue par Col Crewe au prix de 84.0 £. [2]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Church Piece, highly finished Inside of a Church...had he been conscious of what a tribute of admiration posterity would pay his works, he would not have taken the ingenious trouble of...inscribing his name on one of the tombs of the church (D. Van Dealen)|A Church Piece, highly finished Inside of a Church...had he been conscious of what a tribute of admiration posterity would pay his works, he would not have taken the ingenious trouble of...inscribing his name on one of the tombs of the church]] réalisée par D. Van Dealen, vendue par Col Crewe, achetée par J Collins au prix de 29.8 £. [6]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Water-Fowl shooting, the scenery romantic and grand All the united merit of Salvator Rosa and G. Poussin appear here under the eye of the beholder, with such enchanting power, that he hardly knows to whom of these clever artists he ought to attribute the romantic and pleasing scene (S. Rosa)|A Landscape with Water-Fowl shooting, the scenery romantic and grand All the united merit of Salvator Rosa and G. Poussin appear here under the eye of the beholder, with such enchanting power, that he hardly knows to whom of these clever artists he ought to attribute the romantic and pleasing scene]] réalisée par S. Rosa, vendue par Col Crewe au prix de 78.5 £. [9]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Coronation of the Virgin and Crucifixion of Christ -- a singularly fine picture, painted on both sides of the same plate of gold, and contained in a double frame -- These curious pieces whose possession has been once the cause of a Brouillerie between the Pope and Louis XIV. truly deserves the profound consideration of the connoisseur; both subjects are treated in a masterly manner, and although they do not seem to have been painted at the same period of the life of this divine artist, yet they both possess indisputable marks of authenticity (Raphael)|The Coronation of the Virgin and Crucifixion of Christ -- a singularly fine picture, painted on both sides of the same plate of gold, and contained in a double frame -- These curious pieces whose possession has been once the cause of a Brouillerie between the Pope and Louis XIV. truly deserves the profound consideration of the connoisseur; both subjects are treated in a masterly manner, and although they do not seem to have been painted at the same period of the life of this divine artist, yet they both possess indisputable marks of authenticity]] réalisée par Raphael, vendue par Col Crewe au prix de 78.5 £. [15]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of a Philosopher at Study, very capital This picture was held in great and merited admiration in one of the churches of Paris, where it was seen twenty years ago by the writer of these notes, under the name of St. Jerome...It is in the most inviolate preservation (Spagnioletti)|Portrait of a Philosopher at Study, very capital This picture was held in great and merited admiration in one of the churches of Paris, where it was seen twenty years ago by the writer of these notes, under the name of St. Jerome...It is in the most inviolate preservation]] réalisée par Spagnioletti, vendue par Col Crewe au prix de 39.18 £. [18]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Presentation to the Virgin and Infant Christ, gracefully composed and chastely coloured A Child restored to Life by the Intercession of the Virgin, presented to her by an Angel, and attended with other Figures -- This picture is truly remarkable for the brightness of colouring (P. Da Cortona)|A Presentation to the Virgin and Infant Christ, gracefully composed and chastely coloured A Child restored to Life by the Intercession of the Virgin, presented to her by an Angel, and attended with other Figures -- This picture is truly remarkable for the brightness of colouring]] réalisée par P. Da Cortona, vendue par Col Crewe, achetée par J Collins au prix de 21.0 £. [20]
  • 1806.04.19/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a drunken Silena supported by two Satyrs -- Nothing can be more detached than the figures of this subject from the back ground -- the aërial perspective being so masterly kept that the vapour between them and the trees see, perceptible to the eyes of the beholder (Brill)|A Landscape with a drunken Silena supported by two Satyrs -- Nothing can be more detached than the figures of this subject from the back ground -- the aërial perspective being so masterly kept that the vapour between them and the trees see, perceptible to the eyes of the beholder]] réalisée par Brill, vendue par Col Crewe, achetée par J Collins au prix de 5.15 £. [30]