Ventes d'œuvres le 1806.04.26

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  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Farm Yard with Cattle and Figures; strong effect of Evening Sun Shine: that wonderful effort in the Art, acknowledged by the Painter himself to have been his Master Piece, which he originally painted for the family of V. Slingelandt. The Artist has chosen a plain and natural Subject, into which he has thrown all the Power of his Art, and the Magic of his inimitable pencil. Suffice it to say of a Picture that is above all praise, it has ever been considered on the Continent as unique and invaluable (P. Potter)|A Farm Yard with Cattle and Figures; strong effect of Evening Sun Shine: that wonderful effort in the Art, acknowledged by the Painter himself to have been his Master Piece, which he originally painted for the family of V. Slingelandt. The Artist has chosen a plain and natural Subject, into which he has thrown all the Power of his Art, and the Magic of his inimitable pencil. Suffice it to say of a Picture that is above all praise, it has ever been considered on the Continent as unique and invaluable]] réalisée par P. Potter, vendue par Crawford au prix de 1552.10 £. [1]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A View on the Mouth of a harbour, with Vessels sailing out, -- a surprising Chef d'OEuvre. The Water breaking on the Shoal Beach, and stretching it's glassy Surface to the Front of the Picture is expressed with that Truth which could only have been attained by a happy Observation of Nature. -- The Agitation of both Elements is finely expressed; the Science and Execution in every Part are admirable. It may be justly asserted, that in this Performance Dubbels has proved himself equal if not superior to every Painter of his School in the same Line (Dubbels)|A View on the Mouth of a harbour, with Vessels sailing out, -- a surprising Chef d'OEuvre. The Water breaking on the Shoal Beach, and stretching it's glassy Surface to the Front of the Picture is expressed with that Truth which could only have been attained by a happy Observation of Nature. -- The Agitation of both Elements is finely expressed; the Science and Execution in every Part are admirable. It may be justly asserted, that in this Performance Dubbels has proved himself equal if not superior to every Painter of his School in the same Line]] réalisée par Dubbels, vendue par Crawford au prix de 252.0 £. [2]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Holy Family; the Virgin with the Infant Christ sleeping in her Lap, St. Joseph and St. Elizabeth; a grand and elegant Composition, replete with that Dignity and Grace, and Power of Colour, which distinguish the noble Productions of Rubens's Pencil. -- Capital (Rubens)|A Holy Family; the Virgin with the Infant Christ sleeping in her Lap, St. Joseph and St. Elizabeth; a grand and elegant Composition, replete with that Dignity and Grace, and Power of Colour, which distinguish the noble Productions of Rubens's Pencil. -- Capital]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Crawford au prix de 147.0 £. [3]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Road at the Foot of a mountainous Pass, and Peasants driving Cattle; on the left a Cavalier and Herdsman on the Brink of a River; a warm glowing Scene, painted with rich and beautiful Effect; a rare and beautiful chef d'OEuvre, in which the Artist has combined the Execution of Both with that Richness of Tone for which he himself was unequalled (Cuyp)|A Landscape with a Road at the Foot of a mountainous Pass, and Peasants driving Cattle; on the left a Cavalier and Herdsman on the Brink of a River; a warm glowing Scene, painted with rich and beautiful Effect; a rare and beautiful chef d'OEuvre, in which the Artist has combined the Execution of Both with that Richness of Tone for which he himself was unequalled]] réalisée par Cuyp, vendue par Crawford au prix de 388.10 £. [4]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior with many Figures dancing and regaling; an open Door in the Distance admits a View of a beautiful Landscape. This admirable Specimen of the Powers of Ostade, displays the Gaiety of his colouring, tempered and harmonised by a correct Knowledge of the chiaro-scuro, and exquisite Feeling. The Figures are charmingly grouped, the Characters lively and natural, and the Whole is finished with Neatness and infinite Care -- a chef d'oeuvre (A. Ostade)|An Interior with many Figures dancing and regaling; an open Door in the Distance admits a View of a beautiful Landscape. This admirable Specimen of the Powers of Ostade, displays the Gaiety of his colouring, tempered and harmonised by a correct Knowledge of the chiaro-scuro, and exquisite Feeling. The Figures are charmingly grouped, the Characters lively and natural, and the Whole is finished with Neatness and infinite Care -- a chef d'oeuvre]] réalisée par A. Ostade, vendue par Crawford au prix de 514.10 £. [5]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Halt of a Party Hawking, Figures descending to the right, and others refreshing themselves by the Side of a Streamlet; with a View of a beautiful distant Country -- a chef d'OEuvre. -- The Figures designed with Elegance, the Animals very spirited, and the Whole painted with rich Effect in his fine enamelled Style (Wouvermans)|Halt of a Party Hawking, Figures descending to the right, and others refreshing themselves by the Side of a Streamlet; with a View of a beautiful distant Country -- a chef d'OEuvre. -- The Figures designed with Elegance, the Animals very spirited, and the Whole painted with rich Effect in his fine enamelled Style]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par Crawford, achetée par North au prix de 362.5 £. [6]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior with Boors smoking, and others regaling in an inner Apartment; very spirited -- for Character, smartness of Touch, and silvery Tone, this charming Picture may be placed in competition with the most celebrated Productions of his Pencil -- truly capital (Teniers)|An Interior with Boors smoking, and others regaling in an inner Apartment; very spirited -- for Character, smartness of Touch, and silvery Tone, this charming Picture may be placed in competition with the most celebrated Productions of his Pencil -- truly capital]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par Crawford, achetée par Lord Kinnaird au prix de 399.0 £. [7]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Jerome at his Devotions, kneeling at the Approach to a ruined Amphitheatre: an Umbrella, ingeniously placed, gives admirable Effect to the Face of the Saint and the Objects on the Foreground. To the left, a leafless Tree, as also a Lantern, rosary, and various Utensils are finished with exquisite Care -- an elaborate and precious Cabinet Gem (G. Dow)|St. Jerome at his Devotions, kneeling at the Approach to a ruined Amphitheatre: an Umbrella, ingeniously placed, gives admirable Effect to the Face of the Saint and the Objects on the Foreground. To the left, a leafless Tree, as also a Lantern, rosary, and various Utensils are finished with exquisite Care -- an elaborate and precious Cabinet Gem]] réalisée par G. Dow, vendue par Crawford au prix de 199.10 £. [8]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Woman selling Fish and Vegetables, at a House Door, on the Lintel of which is inscribed the Name of the Artist: the Characters are pourtrayed with Truth, and both the Figures and Still Life exquisitely finished; -- the Whole is in a sweet and delicate Tone -- a charming Chef d'OEuvre (G. Metzu)|A Woman selling Fish and Vegetables, at a House Door, on the Lintel of which is inscribed the Name of the Artist: the Characters are pourtrayed with Truth, and both the Figures and Still Life exquisitely finished; -- the Whole is in a sweet and delicate Tone -- a charming Chef d'OEuvre]] réalisée par G. Metzu, vendue par Crawford au prix de 252.0 £. [9]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[View of a Village and River; a Winter Scene, with Figures Skaiting; a charming Picture. A white Horse with a Sledge and Figures descending to the Ice, on the left Hand, is perfect Nature. The Whole is tinted in a warm Tone. It may be considered one of the most interesting and agreeable Performances of the Master (Is. Ostade)|View of a Village and River; a Winter Scene, with Figures Skaiting; a charming Picture. A white Horse with a Sledge and Figures descending to the Ice, on the left Hand, is perfect Nature. The Whole is tinted in a warm Tone. It may be considered one of the most interesting and agreeable Performances of the Master]] réalisée par Is. Ostade, vendue par Crawford, achetée par Roachley au prix de 199.10 £. [11]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A View of the Stadhouse at Amsterdam. In accurate and lively Representations of the distinguished Edifices of his Country, this Master is inimitable; his Perspective is true; the Detail of the Objects depicted minute, yet soft, his Tone clear and transparent; the Effect, perfect illusion: this Picture is one of the very fascinating productions of his Pencil (V. der Heyde)|A View of the Stadhouse at Amsterdam. In accurate and lively Representations of the distinguished Edifices of his Country, this Master is inimitable; his Perspective is true; the Detail of the Objects depicted minute, yet soft, his Tone clear and transparent; the Effect, perfect illusion: this Picture is one of the very fascinating productions of his Pencil]] réalisée par V. der Heyde, vendue par Crawford, achetée par Elwyn au prix de 178.10 £. [17]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The unexpected Return. A little spirited and beautiful Picture, the Style uncommonly chaste and elegant. The Jealousy and Indifference of the Husband and Wife, and the Pleasure of the foolish Servant discovering the Supper prepared, are admirably expressed. Behind, are a Lady at a Harpsichord, and a Female Servant making a sign to a Cavalier at the Door. The pencilling of the whole is inimitable (J. Steen)|The unexpected Return. A little spirited and beautiful Picture, the Style uncommonly chaste and elegant. The Jealousy and Indifference of the Husband and Wife, and the Pleasure of the foolish Servant discovering the Supper prepared, are admirably expressed. Behind, are a Lady at a Harpsichord, and a Female Servant making a sign to a Cavalier at the Door. The pencilling of the whole is inimitable]] réalisée par J. Steen, vendue par Crawford, achetée par Lord Kinnaird au prix de 63.0 £. [20]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior. A Cavalier taking a Lady by the Hand and in a respectful Attitude accosting her; other Figures engaged in Conversation behind; a pleasing Composition, painted with Care and Delicacy. The Draperies and Costume exquisitely finished -- a capital Picture, engraved (Terburg)|An Interior. A Cavalier taking a Lady by the Hand and in a respectful Attitude accosting her; other Figures engaged in Conversation behind; a pleasing Composition, painted with Care and Delicacy. The Draperies and Costume exquisitely finished -- a capital Picture, engraved]] réalisée par Terburg, vendue par Crawford, achetée par Marquis of Stafford au prix de 252.0 £. [22]
  • 1806.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior. A Woman eating Pottage; a spinning Wheel beside her; a Barrel, Pitcher, and various Utensils, painted with Truth and admirably Finished. A rich and harmonious effect of Light and Shade give uncommon Beauty to this Picture, which is one of the most finished Performances of the Master (V. Toll)|An Interior. A Woman eating Pottage; a spinning Wheel beside her; a Barrel, Pitcher, and various Utensils, painted with Truth and admirably Finished. A rich and harmonious effect of Light and Shade give uncommon Beauty to this Picture, which is one of the most finished Performances of the Master]] réalisée par V. Toll, vendue par Crawford, achetée par P Knight au prix de 126.0 £. [23]