Ventes d'œuvres le 1807.06.13

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  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Martyrdom of a Female Saint; a spirited and elegant Picture: The Saint is represented upon the fatal Pile: at this moment a group of Cherubim is descending, and Fire from Heaven overthrows the Altar and the Priest, and dismayed Attendants -- very capital (P. da Cortona)|The Martyrdom of a Female Saint; a spirited and elegant Picture: The Saint is represented upon the fatal Pile: at this moment a group of Cherubim is descending, and Fire from Heaven overthrows the Altar and the Priest, and dismayed Attendants -- very capital]] réalisée par P. da Cortona, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Hilden au prix de 42.0 £. [14]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Bacchus inviting Ariadne to his Car; Silenus and Satyrs under a group of Trees behind them. In the distance is a View of the Sea, and a part of his Indian procession descending to the Coast: the subject is treated with poetic taste: not inferior to Domenichino (Romanelli)|Bacchus inviting Ariadne to his Car; Silenus and Satyrs under a group of Trees behind them. In the distance is a View of the Sea, and a part of his Indian procession descending to the Coast: the subject is treated with poetic taste: not inferior to Domenichino]] réalisée par Romanelli, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Collins St ML au prix de 22.1 £. [20]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Presentation in the Temple. The High Priest risen from his Chair in a dignified Attitude extends his hand to give the Benediction; an Altar or Table of massive Gold with a Vase thereon are Painted to illusion, and give force and support to the brilliant Vestments of the High Priest, and the warmth of colour in every part of the Picture (Rembrandt)|The Presentation in the Temple. The High Priest risen from his Chair in a dignified Attitude extends his hand to give the Benediction; an Altar or Table of massive Gold with a Vase thereon are Painted to illusion, and give force and support to the brilliant Vestments of the High Priest, and the warmth of colour in every part of the Picture]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Panny au prix de 121.16 £. [23]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Cavalier leaving a Locanda, at the Door of which are a Beggar with Guitar, and a young ballad singer; a Cobler at work and Boy looking on: behind, are a group assembled round a seller of Puddings; Buildings in the distance: this Picture, from its clearness and delicacy of finishing, may vie with the finest Works of C. du Jardin (Lingelback)|A Cavalier leaving a Locanda, at the Door of which are a Beggar with Guitar, and a young ballad singer; a Cobler at work and Boy looking on: behind, are a group assembled round a seller of Puddings; Buildings in the distance: this Picture, from its clearness and delicacy of finishing, may vie with the finest Works of C. du Jardin]] réalisée par Lingelback, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par W Porter au prix de 87.3 £. [24]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Bull and a White Cow on a rising ground before a Cottage, at the Door of which are a Peasant and his Wife in conversation. This Picture, though not of the latest time, is nevertheless worthy of the high reputation of Potter. It is genuine Nature, and the Animals are painted with a vigorous Pencil (P. Potter)|A Bull and a White Cow on a rising ground before a Cottage, at the Door of which are a Peasant and his Wife in conversation. This Picture, though not of the latest time, is nevertheless worthy of the high reputation of Potter. It is genuine Nature, and the Animals are painted with a vigorous Pencil]] réalisée par P. Potter, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Emerson au prix de 99.15 £. [25]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea Piece, with numerous Vessels and a Yacht, from which the Statholder and Suite have put off in a Barge of State; Two Figures on the Shore bare headed, respectfully await their Landing: Vessels laden with Timber, Cattle and Hay, give interest and variety to the Scene. This wonderful Picture displays in a forcible manner the powers of Rembrandt, and the magick of his colour. It is painted with a degree of richness and effect not to be equalled; and its value is increased by the rarity of his Performances in this line (Rembrandt)|A Sea Piece, with numerous Vessels and a Yacht, from which the Statholder and Suite have put off in a Barge of State; Two Figures on the Shore bare headed, respectfully await their Landing: Vessels laden with Timber, Cattle and Hay, give interest and variety to the Scene. This wonderful Picture displays in a forcible manner the powers of Rembrandt, and the magick of his colour. It is painted with a degree of richness and effect not to be equalled; and its value is increased by the rarity of his Performances in this line]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Walsh Porter au prix de 493.10 £. [31]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Conversation in the Interior of an Apartment, embellished with Architecture; a Cavalier and a Lady at Cards are interrupted by the visit of a Lady of Distinction, followed by her Page, bearing her white Sattin Train: an Advocate with a Glass of Wine, is overlooking the Cards in the hand of the Female, but seems deep in other contemplation; a Negro Boy in the corner is represented with a Wine Flask under his arm: the whole is exquisitely finished (Terburg)|A Conversation in the Interior of an Apartment, embellished with Architecture; a Cavalier and a Lady at Cards are interrupted by the visit of a Lady of Distinction, followed by her Page, bearing her white Sattin Train: an Advocate with a Glass of Wine, is overlooking the Cards in the hand of the Female, but seems deep in other contemplation; a Negro Boy in the corner is represented with a Wine Flask under his arm: the whole is exquisitely finished]] réalisée par Terburg, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Panny au prix de 68.5 £. [32]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Angels at the Door of Lot's Dwelling confounding the Men of Gomorrah. No subject could have been selected more favourable for the display of this great Master's Talent, for composition and design; the Figures smitten with momentary confusion of sight, and groping their way, are thrown into various fine Attitudes. This Picture it may be presumed was painted about the same time with Poussin's celebrated Work, the Plague, as it partakes of the same Tone (N. Poussin)|The Angels at the Door of Lot's Dwelling confounding the Men of Gomorrah. No subject could have been selected more favourable for the display of this great Master's Talent, for composition and design; the Figures smitten with momentary confusion of sight, and groping their way, are thrown into various fine Attitudes. This Picture it may be presumed was painted about the same time with Poussin's celebrated Work, the Plague, as it partakes of the same Tone]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 140.15 £. [34]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A romantic Composition, with a View of the Grotto of Neptune, a clear and beautiful Picture. Through the natural Arches of broken Cliff extending to a River, is seen a distant Landscape: luxuriant woody Scenery above, is terminated by the Sybil's Temple. The Execution and Tone of this Picture are charming (Claude)|A romantic Composition, with a View of the Grotto of Neptune, a clear and beautiful Picture. Through the natural Arches of broken Cliff extending to a River, is seen a distant Landscape: luxuriant woody Scenery above, is terminated by the Sybil's Temple. The Execution and Tone of this Picture are charming]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 430.10 £. [35]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of a Lady marked with the Small Pox. An effect rarely if ever attempted in Painting, has been rendered with perfect truth by the happy execution of Rembrandt. The artist has availed himself of this Blemish in the countenance he depicted, to give Motion and Variety to his Lights, which are delightfully broken: the Picture is in other respects an uniform Glow of Warmth; the effect inimitable (Rembrandt)|Portrait of a Lady marked with the Small Pox. An effect rarely if ever attempted in Painting, has been rendered with perfect truth by the happy execution of Rembrandt. The artist has availed himself of this Blemish in the countenance he depicted, to give Motion and Variety to his Lights, which are delightfully broken: the Picture is in other respects an uniform Glow of Warmth; the effect inimitable]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Barnet au prix de 126.0 £. [36]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Helena Forman and Child; a rich Specimen of Colouring. This Portrait was probably painted for, or at the instance of, Brueghel, to whom Helena Forman was related. Breughel has accordingly added a rich and elegant Landscape in his luxuriant Manner (Rubens)|Portrait of Helena Forman and Child; a rich Specimen of Colouring. This Portrait was probably painted for, or at the instance of, Brueghel, to whom Helena Forman was related. Breughel has accordingly added a rich and elegant Landscape in his luxuriant Manner]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 290.8 £. [37]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A grand and most brilliant Landscape, View of Tivoli. The Buildings and broken Scenery are happily illumined by the sweetest Effect of Sunshine. In the front ground, by a poetical liberty, is introduced the Flight into Egypt, with Angels in adoration, by N. Poussin. This beautiful Picture is of clearest Colour, and in the finest state of Preservation (G Poussin)|A grand and most brilliant Landscape, View of Tivoli. The Buildings and broken Scenery are happily illumined by the sweetest Effect of Sunshine. In the front ground, by a poetical liberty, is introduced the Flight into Egypt, with Angels in adoration, by N. Poussin. This beautiful Picture is of clearest Colour, and in the finest state of Preservation]] réalisée par G Poussin, vendue par LaFontaine, achetée par Lord Suffolk au prix de 157.10 £. [38]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Jerome seated beneath a Tree, one Hand supporting an open Book, the other holding a Skull, which he is contemplating. Nothing can surpass the elegant Drawing in the Head and flowing Beard of the Saint; the Colouring exceedingly rich, and the Finishing exquisites (Leo. da Vinci)|St. Jerome seated beneath a Tree, one Hand supporting an open Book, the other holding a Skull, which he is contemplating. Nothing can surpass the elegant Drawing in the Head and flowing Beard of the Saint; the Colouring exceedingly rich, and the Finishing exquisites]] réalisée par Leo. da Vinci, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 462.0 £. [40]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, View near the Gates of a Sea Port Town, with a Harbour and a mountainous Range of distant Coast, supposed in the neighbourhood of Genoa. This beautiful Scene which Claude, with Two other Figures in the Front-ground, is represented designing, has furnished rich scope for his inimitable Talent. The Sun fast declining, throws its last gleams, which serve to light up the most beautiful passages in the Picture. A group of Trees in the center is yielding to the fresh evening breeze, every leaf in motion. The Figures are natural and well designed. This charming chef d'oeuvre is clear, of delicate execution, and pure as when first from the easel of the Painter, of whom it may be affirmed a finer specimen was never introduced into this Country. It is etched by Claude himself (Claude)|A Landscape, View near the Gates of a Sea Port Town, with a Harbour and a mountainous Range of distant Coast, supposed in the neighbourhood of Genoa. This beautiful Scene which Claude, with Two other Figures in the Front-ground, is represented designing, has furnished rich scope for his inimitable Talent. The Sun fast declining, throws its last gleams, which serve to light up the most beautiful passages in the Picture. A group of Trees in the center is yielding to the fresh evening breeze, every leaf in motion. The Figures are natural and well designed. This charming chef d'oeuvre is clear, of delicate execution, and pure as when first from the easel of the Painter, of whom it may be affirmed a finer specimen was never introduced into this Country. It is etched by Claude himself]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 1995.0 £. [41]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, the Companion, known under the Title of "Le Moulin favori de Claude" -- a View chosen probably under the range of the Apennines, the Woody steep of which is broken by some Chrystal Waters, which falling in natural Cascades, impart a freshness to the Foreground of the Picture, which is embellished with a very spirited group of Trees. A River terminated by a Bridge of many Arches carries the eye to a beautiful clear horizon: very capital (Claude)|A Landscape, the Companion, known under the Title of "Le Moulin favori de Claude" -- a View chosen probably under the range of the Apennines, the Woody steep of which is broken by some Chrystal Waters, which falling in natural Cascades, impart a freshness to the Foreground of the Picture, which is embellished with a very spirited group of Trees. A River terminated by a Bridge of many Arches carries the eye to a beautiful clear horizon: very capital]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 840.0 £. [42]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Virgin, Child and St. John, in a Landscape; a lovely and amiable composition. The divine Corregio delighted in the tender and affectionate, and found them best suited to display his Talent. In this group, sweetness is predominant, while all that is grand and imposing appears in the Landscape. Corregio has rather aimed at touching the Heart than dazzling the Eye. This charming Picture is from the Modena Collection (Corregio)|Virgin, Child and St. John, in a Landscape; a lovely and amiable composition. The divine Corregio delighted in the tender and affectionate, and found them best suited to display his Talent. In this group, sweetness is predominant, while all that is grand and imposing appears in the Landscape. Corregio has rather aimed at touching the Heart than dazzling the Eye. This charming Picture is from the Modena Collection]] réalisée par Corregio, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 3150.0 £. [43]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Italian Peasant Children before the Door of a Publick House, from which the Bush is hung out by way of Sign; the two nearest Youths are playing the Violin, a third is dancing, a beautiful Spaniel Dog in motion by his Side; other Figures (one mounted) are looking on: a beautiful Picture in Du Jardin's clear and most harmonious manner, and exquisitely finished (K. du Jardin)|Italian Peasant Children before the Door of a Publick House, from which the Bush is hung out by way of Sign; the two nearest Youths are playing the Violin, a third is dancing, a beautiful Spaniel Dog in motion by his Side; other Figures (one mounted) are looking on: a beautiful Picture in Du Jardin's clear and most harmonious manner, and exquisitely finished]] réalisée par K. du Jardin, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 183.15 £. [44]
  • 1807.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Highly Famed Chef d'Oeuvre, The Woman Taken In Adultery. A Picture which in the Perfection of his Talent, his Vigor yet unrelaxed by the Applause of his Countrymen and by the Gain which rewarded his numerous Efforts, (by which he was led into his loose but bolder Style of Executing,) Rembrandt, with Gratitude, and Care commensurate with his Feelings, executed for the Burgomaster Six. This wonderful Picture comprehends a varied Group of more than Sixty Figures; in the lower Part, a powerful Light upon the Steps of the Temple, shews a finely empassioned Group, among which are particularly striking, the Woman kneeling, and confessing her Crime; a Rabbi lifting up her Veil and denouncing her; a second, with his attention fixed upon the Christ, awaiting his Decision; and a brutal Soldier, only intent upon the Infliction of the Punishment expected. In the upper Part of the Picture, the genius of the Painter has aspired to higher Effect. The Holy of Holies is there thrown open, and displays the High Priest beneath a Canopy of Gold, Silver and Jewels, which reflect a golden Gloom over various Figures, in devout Silence considering the Law, while others are kneeling at the approach of the sacred Inclosure. The more powerful Light below flashes on the Spectator, as if shewing the superior Purity of Divine Justice over that of Human Decrees. But the productions of Rembrandt's Mind and Genius are not to be reduced to Description; may it rather be hoped, that the Spirit of the English Collectors will allow this work to remain in the Country, that Artists and Connoisseurs may enjoy, by Leisure and Contemplation, that, which cannot be embraced by them in the course of a short Exhibition (Rembrandt)|The Highly Famed Chef d'Oeuvre, The Woman Taken In Adultery. A Picture which in the Perfection of his Talent, his Vigor yet unrelaxed by the Applause of his Countrymen and by the Gain which rewarded his numerous Efforts, (by which he was led into his loose but bolder Style of Executing,) Rembrandt, with Gratitude, and Care commensurate with his Feelings, executed for the Burgomaster Six. This wonderful Picture comprehends a varied Group of more than Sixty Figures; in the lower Part, a powerful Light upon the Steps of the Temple, shews a finely empassioned Group, among which are particularly striking, the Woman kneeling, and confessing her Crime; a Rabbi lifting up her Veil and denouncing her; a second, with his attention fixed upon the Christ, awaiting his Decision; and a brutal Soldier, only intent upon the Infliction of the Punishment expected. In the upper Part of the Picture, the genius of the Painter has aspired to higher Effect. The Holy of Holies is there thrown open, and displays the High Priest beneath a Canopy of Gold, Silver and Jewels, which reflect a golden Gloom over various Figures, in devout Silence considering the Law, while others are kneeling at the approach of the sacred Inclosure. The more powerful Light below flashes on the Spectator, as if shewing the superior Purity of Divine Justice over that of Human Decrees. But the productions of Rembrandt's Mind and Genius are not to be reduced to Description; may it rather be hoped, that the Spirit of the English Collectors will allow this work to remain in the Country, that Artists and Connoisseurs may enjoy, by Leisure and Contemplation, that, which cannot be embraced by them in the course of a short Exhibition]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par LaFontaine au prix de 5250.0 £. [45]