Ventes d'œuvres le 1807.06.20

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  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Milk Woman seated at the Door of a House, her brass milk Vessels and Yoke on the Ground near her: before her is a wheelbarrow of Vegetables, and a homely Market Boy, leaning on a Barrel. A high finished and pleasing Picture, by the Brother of V. Stry, whose avocations in Life rarely permit his practice in the Art -- this Picture is an admirable Specimen of his talent (Brother of V. Stry)|A Milk Woman seated at the Door of a House, her brass milk Vessels and Yoke on the Ground near her: before her is a wheelbarrow of Vegetables, and a homely Market Boy, leaning on a Barrel. A high finished and pleasing Picture, by the Brother of V. Stry, whose avocations in Life rarely permit his practice in the Art -- this Picture is an admirable Specimen of his talent]] réalisée par Brother of V. Stry, vendue par Hill, achetée par Smart au prix de 23.12 £. [30]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Sebastian bound to a Tree, by two Figures, an Infant Angel descending to comfort the Saint. In the back ground is a Romantic Landscape and Soldiers advancing -- the design possesses considerable vigor, the coloring exceeding rich (Joachim Wten Wael 1600.)|St. Sebastian bound to a Tree, by two Figures, an Infant Angel descending to comfort the Saint. In the back ground is a Romantic Landscape and Soldiers advancing -- the design possesses considerable vigor, the coloring exceeding rich]] réalisée par Joachim Wten Wael 1600., vendue par Hill, achetée par Bryan au prix de 13.2 £. [44]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Vase of Flowers, and Fruits at the bottom of it, on a Marble table, Buildings and Garden Scenery in the Back ground -- more ease and correctness in the grouping and design, and complete illusion in the Fruit, never was expressed by the Pencil of any Master: it is beautiful Nature -- capital (V. Os)|A Vase of Flowers, and Fruits at the bottom of it, on a Marble table, Buildings and Garden Scenery in the Back ground -- more ease and correctness in the grouping and design, and complete illusion in the Fruit, never was expressed by the Pencil of any Master: it is beautiful Nature -- capital]] réalisée par V. Os, vendue par Hill au prix de 99.15 £. [51]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Interior of a Church in the Netherlands, with a group of distinguished personages entering on the Left in front, to visit a Tomb by Torchlight -- a warm Glow of color pervades the whole -- powerful effect -- richly harmonised. The Figures are by A. Cuyp (De Lorm)|Interior of a Church in the Netherlands, with a group of distinguished personages entering on the Left in front, to visit a Tomb by Torchlight -- a warm Glow of color pervades the whole -- powerful effect -- richly harmonised. The Figures are by A. Cuyp]] réalisée par De Lorm, vendue par Hill au prix de 99.15 £. [57]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An interior with a group of Card Players; in the Distance are Boors regaling over a fire; a Spaniel and various Utensils, in the Front Ground, are finished in the true piquante manner of Teniers. This perfect and Silvery Specimen was from the Collection of Sir Lawrence Dundas (Teniers)|An interior with a group of Card Players; in the Distance are Boors regaling over a fire; a Spaniel and various Utensils, in the Front Ground, are finished in the true piquante manner of Teniers. This perfect and Silvery Specimen was from the Collection of Sir Lawrence Dundas]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par Hill au prix de 178.10 £. [67]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Louis XIV. in his Coach of State accompanied by Guards, going to review his Troops, the Coach drawn by six grey Horses, designed with the Correctness of Wouvermans, is finished with the Precision of a delicate Miniature, the Procession conducted over an undulated Landscape has a most pleasing effect: This Chef d'Oeuvre was purchased by the late M. de Calonne in France, but it did not reach England until after the decease of its celebrated owner (V. der Meulen)|A Landscape with Louis XIV. in his Coach of State accompanied by Guards, going to review his Troops, the Coach drawn by six grey Horses, designed with the Correctness of Wouvermans, is finished with the Precision of a delicate Miniature, the Procession conducted over an undulated Landscape has a most pleasing effect: This Chef d'Oeuvre was purchased by the late M. de Calonne in France, but it did not reach England until after the decease of its celebrated owner]] réalisée par V. der Meulen, vendue par Hill au prix de 204.15 £. [68]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Grand View of the City of Nimeguen, the River and Distant level Country: various Figures in Agricultural Employment, and Waggons embellish the foreground of the Picture; these are by the Pencil of V. de Velde: the Sky is in the most lively and brilliant style -- a Chef d'Oeuvre (Hackaert)|A Grand View of the City of Nimeguen, the River and Distant level Country: various Figures in Agricultural Employment, and Waggons embellish the foreground of the Picture; these are by the Pencil of V. de Velde: the Sky is in the most lively and brilliant style -- a Chef d'Oeuvre]] réalisée par Hackaert, vendue par Hill au prix de 168.0 £. [69]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Fathers of the Church, a magnificent Chef d'Oeuvre. In this are represented St. Gregory, probably the Portrait of the then reigning Pope, St. Jerome with his Finger upon his Translation, referring to a Passage, St. Ambrose with his Cross, listening, and St. Austin expounding a Text of Scripture: the latter is robed as a Bishop, and is probably a dignitary of the time of the Painter. The whole is in Rubens, grand Italian manner; It was long preserved in a Private Family at the Hague, whence it was recently Purchased (Rubens)|The Fathers of the Church, a magnificent Chef d'Oeuvre. In this are represented St. Gregory, probably the Portrait of the then reigning Pope, St. Jerome with his Finger upon his Translation, referring to a Passage, St. Ambrose with his Cross, listening, and St. Austin expounding a Text of Scripture: the latter is robed as a Bishop, and is probably a dignitary of the time of the Painter. The whole is in Rubens, grand Italian manner; It was long preserved in a Private Family at the Hague, whence it was recently Purchased]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Hill au prix de 204.15 £. [70]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Woman Flying from the Seven Headed Dragon into the Desert, (Revel. Chap. 12) and the New-born Child borne by a beautiful group of Angels to Heaven; in the lower part is a Landscape in the sweetest style of Berghem's Execution. Berghem has embellished this fine Subject with all the graces of his Art, and the beauty of his best Execution -- a surprising and Charming Picture (N. Berghem)|The Woman Flying from the Seven Headed Dragon into the Desert, (Revel. Chap. 12) and the New-born Child borne by a beautiful group of Angels to Heaven; in the lower part is a Landscape in the sweetest style of Berghem's Execution. Berghem has embellished this fine Subject with all the graces of his Art, and the beauty of his best Execution -- a surprising and Charming Picture]] réalisée par N. Berghem, vendue par Hill au prix de 199.10 £. [72]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A grand and finely Broken Landscape, with Shepherds and Goats Reposing in the Foreground; in the Centre a Mountain, and beneath it Buildings viewed in perspective: a finely varied range of Mountains in the distance; from the Bolognetti Palace -- capital (G. Poussin)|A grand and finely Broken Landscape, with Shepherds and Goats Reposing in the Foreground; in the Centre a Mountain, and beneath it Buildings viewed in perspective: a finely varied range of Mountains in the distance; from the Bolognetti Palace -- capital]] réalisée par G. Poussin, vendue par Hill au prix de 94.10 £. [75]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Conversion of St. Paul, a surprising Chef d'Oeuvre: a beam of Light falls upon a finely agitated Group of Horsemen and Figures, among which are conspicuous St. Paul thrown to the Ground: a Horse alarmed by the preternatural effect, and wildly flying off in the finest Style of the Master -- a glowing Landscape, and a Foreground are touched with brilliant and sparkling Effect (Cuyp)|The Conversion of St. Paul, a surprising Chef d'Oeuvre: a beam of Light falls upon a finely agitated Group of Horsemen and Figures, among which are conspicuous St. Paul thrown to the Ground: a Horse alarmed by the preternatural effect, and wildly flying off in the finest Style of the Master -- a glowing Landscape, and a Foreground are touched with brilliant and sparkling Effect]] réalisée par Cuyp, vendue par Hill au prix de 304.10 £. [76]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Abraham, Accompanied By Isaac, Ascending to the Place of Sacrifice, in a beautiful and silvery Landscape; this exquisite Gem is the highly celebrated Chef d'Oeuvre of the Master, of the Orleans Collection; it is painted on Gold and Silver Leaf, on Copper -- perhaps the most charming Landscape ever executed by Domenichino (Domenichino)|Abraham, Accompanied By Isaac, Ascending to the Place of Sacrifice, in a beautiful and silvery Landscape; this exquisite Gem is the highly celebrated Chef d'Oeuvre of the Master, of the Orleans Collection; it is painted on Gold and Silver Leaf, on Copper -- perhaps the most charming Landscape ever executed by Domenichino]] réalisée par Domenichino, vendue par Hill au prix de 210.0 £. [78]
  • 1807.06.20/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The highly famed Chef d'Oeuvre of Rubens; the Holy Family; formerly the Altar Piece of the Theatine Convent, at Munich -- the Animation and Grace with which the Virgin holds the Infant Christ, bespeak the Feeling and Mind of Rubens; the Head of the former relieved by admirable reflected Lights, is replete with Grace and Beauty; the Carnations are of Rubens's richest Tints; the Draperies Broad; a divine Picture; the whole is marked with Grandeur (Rubens)|The highly famed Chef d'Oeuvre of Rubens; the Holy Family; formerly the Altar Piece of the Theatine Convent, at Munich -- the Animation and Grace with which the Virgin holds the Infant Christ, bespeak the Feeling and Mind of Rubens; the Head of the former relieved by admirable reflected Lights, is replete with Grace and Beauty; the Carnations are of Rubens's richest Tints; the Draperies Broad; a divine Picture; the whole is marked with Grandeur]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Hill au prix de 840.0 £. [79]