Ventes d'œuvres le 1808.06.25

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  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A brilliant perspective View through an Arch of Columns of the Coloseum and Trajan's Pillar, enriched with the Representation of the Farnesian Heracules, and other Statues, and enlivened with Groups of Figures -- masterly designed and executed (Paolo Panini)|A brilliant perspective View through an Arch of Columns of the Coloseum and Trajan's Pillar, enriched with the Representation of the Farnesian Heracules, and other Statues, and enlivened with Groups of Figures -- masterly designed and executed]] réalisée par Paolo Panini, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 36.15 £. [14]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Adoration of the Shepherds: a sweetly composed and interesting Performance. The Devotion of the Shepherds happily expressed; and the Countenance of the Virgin well conceived, and delightfully executed; truly expressive of maternal Regard, mingled with Sentiments of Respect and Admiration (Nicolo Poussin)|The Adoration of the Shepherds: a sweetly composed and interesting Performance. The Devotion of the Shepherds happily expressed; and the Countenance of the Virgin well conceived, and delightfully executed; truly expressive of maternal Regard, mingled with Sentiments of Respect and Admiration]] réalisée par Nicolo Poussin, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 178.10 £. [17]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Storm, with Ships in Distress. -- A grand and awful Scene: Painted with all that Ability, for which this great Sea Painter was so renowned; and whose Pencil has, in this Instance, depicted with so much Fidelity the terrific Features of the disturbed and agitated Ocean in its wildest Forms, forced into Motion by the resistless Fury of contending Winds -- Capital (W. Van De Velde)|A Storm, with Ships in Distress. -- A grand and awful Scene: Painted with all that Ability, for which this great Sea Painter was so renowned; and whose Pencil has, in this Instance, depicted with so much Fidelity the terrific Features of the disturbed and agitated Ocean in its wildest Forms, forced into Motion by the resistless Fury of contending Winds -- Capital]] réalisée par W. Van De Velde, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 262.10 £. [18]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Companion. A brisk Gale in the Texel, with the View of Amsterdam: Dutch Man of War under easy Sail, the State Yacht, Sloops, and various Boats enlivening the Scene. -- An animating Performance, beautifully contrasted with the preceding Lot: Painted with the same Truth, Spirit and Propriety, and equally capital (Backhuysen)|The Companion. A brisk Gale in the Texel, with the View of Amsterdam: Dutch Man of War under easy Sail, the State Yacht, Sloops, and various Boats enlivening the Scene. -- An animating Performance, beautifully contrasted with the preceding Lot: Painted with the same Truth, Spirit and Propriety, and equally capital]] réalisée par Backhuysen, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 189.0 £. [19]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A mountainous District, with Figures and Cattle in the Fore-ground, proceeding to Market; a Stream of Water; Cattle immediately under the Hill; and enriched with a grand Sky, happily contrasted with the indulating Irregularity of the Mountain Tops, and illuminating the Castle on the Summit with the happiest Effect. -- A noble Performance -- worthy the Pencil of this great Master (Nicholas Berghem)|A mountainous District, with Figures and Cattle in the Fore-ground, proceeding to Market; a Stream of Water; Cattle immediately under the Hill; and enriched with a grand Sky, happily contrasted with the indulating Irregularity of the Mountain Tops, and illuminating the Castle on the Summit with the happiest Effect. -- A noble Performance -- worthy the Pencil of this great Master]] réalisée par Nicholas Berghem, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 315.0 £. [65]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Siege and Attack of a Turkish Fortress on the Banks of the Danube, with innumerable Figures, and a contending Portion of the Army represented in the very heat of Battle in the Fore-ground of the Picture. -- Painted with an uncommon Degree of Vigour, and spiritedly Pencilled in every Part: a Composition at once full of Subject and Science, in infinite Variety. Capital; and a Master Piece of Art (P. Wouvermans)|The Siege and Attack of a Turkish Fortress on the Banks of the Danube, with innumerable Figures, and a contending Portion of the Army represented in the very heat of Battle in the Fore-ground of the Picture. -- Painted with an uncommon Degree of Vigour, and spiritedly Pencilled in every Part: a Composition at once full of Subject and Science, in infinite Variety. Capital; and a Master Piece of Art]] réalisée par P. Wouvermans, vendue par Sir William Hillary, Bart au prix de 441.0 £. [72]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Vision of St. Joseph; a composition of Two Figures, displaying grandeur and correct design worthy of Ann. Caracci, whom the Painter has also imitated in the bold drapery and coloring. The Angel is in the delicate and graceful manner of Guido (Raphael Mengs)|The Vision of St. Joseph; a composition of Two Figures, displaying grandeur and correct design worthy of Ann. Caracci, whom the Painter has also imitated in the bold drapery and coloring. The Angel is in the delicate and graceful manner of Guido]] réalisée par Raphael Mengs, vendue par Lord Whitworth, achetée par Seguier au prix de 29.8 £. [123]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Horrors of the Civil War. In this singular Picture Teniers has introduced a distant View of London in Flames. In ths foreground is a Picture representing the decollation of Charles I. exhibited by certain grotesque characters as animals, presumed to be genuine portraits of the Revolutionary characters of the time (Teniers)|The Horrors of the Civil War. In this singular Picture Teniers has introduced a distant View of London in Flames. In ths foreground is a Picture representing the decollation of Charles I. exhibited by certain grotesque characters as animals, presumed to be genuine portraits of the Revolutionary characters of the time]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par Lord Whitworth au prix de 15.4 £. [128]
  • 1808.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Mill: a Bank on the right encompassed by a moat, on the left a flat scene opens with Cottages and Figures. The Sun setting in an early Season of the Year has given a ruddy tint to the clouds, which are elastic and finely in motion -- truly capital (Ruysdael)|The Mill: a Bank on the right encompassed by a moat, on the left a flat scene opens with Cottages and Figures. The Sun setting in an early Season of the Year has given a ruddy tint to the clouds, which are elastic and finely in motion -- truly capital]] réalisée par Ruysdael, vendue par Lord Whitworth, achetée par [[JC [?]]] au prix de 192.3 £. [133]