Ventes d'œuvres le 1811.06.21

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  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape. This Painter, so justly denominated the Flemish Claude, has in this sweet picture introduced all the lightness and elegance of that Master's manner of pencilling: the tree in the center displays an airy playfulness that is perfectly enchanting, and the whole is finely managed (Both)|A Landscape. This Painter, so justly denominated the Flemish Claude, has in this sweet picture introduced all the lightness and elegance of that Master's manner of pencilling: the tree in the center displays an airy playfulness that is perfectly enchanting, and the whole is finely managed]] réalisée par Both, vendue par Buchanan. [23]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Dead Christ and the Maries. This fine Picture in point of Colouring, so near to Titian, and in Drawing and Composition to L. Caracci, was brought to this Country in 1809, from Madrid, and was purchased there from the same Collection as No. 21 Marquis of Enseñada (G. Palma)|Dead Christ and the Maries. This fine Picture in point of Colouring, so near to Titian, and in Drawing and Composition to L. Caracci, was brought to this Country in 1809, from Madrid, and was purchased there from the same Collection as No. 21 Marquis of Enseñada]] réalisée par G. Palma, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 52.10 £. [39]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Adoration of the Kings. The Holy Family seated under an open shed in a wild Landscape, and the principal Figure representing a reigning Monarch of the time of the Painter having alighted from a white Barb, approaches in adoration. This Picture belonged to Charles I. in whose Collection it is mentioned (Titian)|The Adoration of the Kings. The Holy Family seated under an open shed in a wild Landscape, and the principal Figure representing a reigning Monarch of the time of the Painter having alighted from a white Barb, approaches in adoration. This Picture belonged to Charles I. in whose Collection it is mentioned]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 294.0 £. [40]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Infant Moses trampling on the Crown of Pharoah. The classical and refined Taste of N. Poussin, whether in his Subjects of scriptural or profane History, or Landscape, always carries with it a Charm that few other Masters of any School could command. The present Composition is full of interesting and elegant Figures, and has always been esteemed one of his finest Works: it is rather in his severe manner of pencilling, which however seems preferred in England. It has been preserved till lately in one of the first Collections in this Country (N. Poussin)|The Infant Moses trampling on the Crown of Pharoah. The classical and refined Taste of N. Poussin, whether in his Subjects of scriptural or profane History, or Landscape, always carries with it a Charm that few other Masters of any School could command. The present Composition is full of interesting and elegant Figures, and has always been esteemed one of his finest Works: it is rather in his severe manner of pencilling, which however seems preferred in England. It has been preserved till lately in one of the first Collections in this Country]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 325.10 £. [46]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Old Woman at a Window holding out a Candle, and Poultry beside her; a Bird Cage suspended above, thro' the Bars of which the Light is thrown with very natural effect; two Figures are seen in Conversation in an inner Chamber. It is in the best manner of G. Dow, whose Name is in front, dated 1671. Was originally in Robit's Collection at Paris (G. Dow)|An Old Woman at a Window holding out a Candle, and Poultry beside her; a Bird Cage suspended above, thro' the Bars of which the Light is thrown with very natural effect; two Figures are seen in Conversation in an inner Chamber. It is in the best manner of G. Dow, whose Name is in front, dated 1671. Was originally in Robit's Collection at Paris]] réalisée par G. Dow, vendue par Buchanan, achetée par Wm Smith au prix de 127.1 £. [48]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Boors smoking at the Door of a Cabaret, a Woman pouring out Beer to them from a Jug, and a Child looking from the Threshold: the Characters naturally and pleasingly expressed: the Colouring rich and harmonious. From Mr. Tillotson's Collection -- engraved (A. Ostade)|Boors smoking at the Door of a Cabaret, a Woman pouring out Beer to them from a Jug, and a Child looking from the Threshold: the Characters naturally and pleasingly expressed: the Colouring rich and harmonious. From Mr. Tillotson's Collection -- engraved]] réalisée par A. Ostade, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 152.5 £. [49]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Sampson presenting the Honey Comb to his Parents. The Characters of Age in both Sexes are here beautifully contrasted with a Youth of modest Mien, who in a graceful Attitude is presenting the Fruits of his earliest Exploit. This Picture exhibits the Perfection of Guercino's Manner, in which Dignity and Breadth are sweetly blended with softness and the richest Colour. From the Aldobrandini Palace (Guercino)|Sampson presenting the Honey Comb to his Parents. The Characters of Age in both Sexes are here beautifully contrasted with a Youth of modest Mien, who in a graceful Attitude is presenting the Fruits of his earliest Exploit. This Picture exhibits the Perfection of Guercino's Manner, in which Dignity and Breadth are sweetly blended with softness and the richest Colour. From the Aldobrandini Palace]] réalisée par Guercino, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 126.0 £. [50]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Aeneas with his Followers shooting Deer on the Coast of Lybia. The Figures are of the heroic Size The Scene represents a fresh Morning, which is indicated by the cool tone of Colour, and by the Clouds catching the reflection of an early Sun. It was the last Picture painted by Claude. From the Colonna Palace (Claude)|Aeneas with his Followers shooting Deer on the Coast of Lybia. The Figures are of the heroic Size The Scene represents a fresh Morning, which is indicated by the cool tone of Colour, and by the Clouds catching the reflection of an early Sun. It was the last Picture painted by Claude. From the Colonna Palace]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 294.0 £. [51]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Discovery of Achilles. In this Composation, which is managed with great Skill, Poussin has blended the beautiful with the sublime. The playfulness of the Nymphs selecting their bijouterie is admirably contrasted with the cautious Deportment of the crafty Ulysses and his Associates; the Figures, the Buildings and the solemn Landscape form an ensemble both magnificent and pleasing. It is one of those Pictures of his middle Time which are heightened by a lively shew of Colour. It was formerly the property of the late W. E. Agar, Esq. and was hung the center Picture in his Dining Room (N. Poussin)|The Discovery of Achilles. In this Composation, which is managed with great Skill, Poussin has blended the beautiful with the sublime. The playfulness of the Nymphs selecting their bijouterie is admirably contrasted with the cautious Deportment of the crafty Ulysses and his Associates; the Figures, the Buildings and the solemn Landscape form an ensemble both magnificent and pleasing. It is one of those Pictures of his middle Time which are heightened by a lively shew of Colour. It was formerly the property of the late W. E. Agar, Esq. and was hung the center Picture in his Dining Room]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 220.10 £. [52]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape of the best Time of the Painter; also one of the Agar collection. It is one of those sultry Evenings in the representation of which no Master ever equalled Claude; the Fore Ground, Middle Ground and Distance all bear their due Proportions, and the Eye is led imperceptibly to the Horizon with the same Truth as Objects appear in Nature. The Subject is Etched in the Liber Veritatis (Claude)|A Landscape of the best Time of the Painter; also one of the Agar collection. It is one of those sultry Evenings in the representation of which no Master ever equalled Claude; the Fore Ground, Middle Ground and Distance all bear their due Proportions, and the Eye is led imperceptibly to the Horizon with the same Truth as Objects appear in Nature. The Subject is Etched in the Liber Veritatis]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 304.10 £. [54]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ and his Disciples going to Emaus. No School has produced more general Talent in the Art of Painting than that of Bologna, the merit of its Professors in the Department of History, is too well known and understood in this Country to be insisted upon. In Landscape they were no less eminent, but the rarity of such Works has greatly limited our Acquaintance with the high Excellence of these Masters in this branch. A. Carracci and Domenichino chiefly practised in it, and with equal success. The grandeur of conception in this Picture, the solemnity of the Objects, and the beauty of the Touch, are every thing to be desired in Painting. This Picture is from Bologna, and has never before been publicly shewn in this Country (Domenichino)|Christ and his Disciples going to Emaus. No School has produced more general Talent in the Art of Painting than that of Bologna, the merit of its Professors in the Department of History, is too well known and understood in this Country to be insisted upon. In Landscape they were no less eminent, but the rarity of such Works has greatly limited our Acquaintance with the high Excellence of these Masters in this branch. A. Carracci and Domenichino chiefly practised in it, and with equal success. The grandeur of conception in this Picture, the solemnity of the Objects, and the beauty of the Touch, are every thing to be desired in Painting. This Picture is from Bologna, and has never before been publicly shewn in this Country]] réalisée par Domenichino, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 420.0 £. [55]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Four Philosophers. From the Portrait of S. Rosa being introduced into this Picture, it was improperly termed in Madrid, S. Rosa's Philosophers. It belonged to the Prince of the Peace; and was a well-known Picture in his Collection. It is painted in a most bold and masterly manner. Some of the Heads little inferior to those in the Cartoons of Raffaelle (Ribera)|Four Philosophers. From the Portrait of S. Rosa being introduced into this Picture, it was improperly termed in Madrid, S. Rosa's Philosophers. It belonged to the Prince of the Peace; and was a well-known Picture in his Collection. It is painted in a most bold and masterly manner. Some of the Heads little inferior to those in the Cartoons of Raffaelle]] réalisée par Ribera, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 210.0 £. [56]
  • 1811.06.21/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Land Storm. This Painter of Epic Landscape has seldom produced a more Grand or interesting Work. It was formerly in the Falconieri Palace, where Wilson is known to have studied it, and he has borrowed from it several valuable Passages. The movement of the Tree labouring in the Storm, the depth of Tone in the foreground, and the correspondent Sky, in which the Prophet appears in the moment of being Translated, are forcibly striking and awful. This effect is agreeably relieved by the beautiful Sunshine in the middle ground and distance. In point of force and real grandeur, this Picture ranks with the very finest of the master (G. Poussin)|A Land Storm. This Painter of Epic Landscape has seldom produced a more Grand or interesting Work. It was formerly in the Falconieri Palace, where Wilson is known to have studied it, and he has borrowed from it several valuable Passages. The movement of the Tree labouring in the Storm, the depth of Tone in the foreground, and the correspondent Sky, in which the Prophet appears in the moment of being Translated, are forcibly striking and awful. This effect is agreeably relieved by the beautiful Sunshine in the middle ground and distance. In point of force and real grandeur, this Picture ranks with the very finest of the master]] réalisée par G. Poussin, vendue par Buchanan au prix de 304.10 £. [57]