Ventes d'œuvres le 1813.07.02

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  • 1813.07.02/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Assumption of the Virgin. Three figures, representing the Holy Trinity, surrounded by cherubim, occupy the upper part; the Virgin, her head encircled with stars, ascending to her beatification with a choir of angels attending her, fills the lower space: and about the whole is that splendour of glory, which it was the happy talent of Murillo to bestow with so much effect. The works of this artist are becoming more than ever the envy of the world; and the avidity with which they are sought, justifies the jealousy of Spain in securing them from foreign possession, and treating the attempt to remove them from the country as a capital offence (Murillo)|The Assumption of the Virgin. Three figures, representing the Holy Trinity, surrounded by cherubim, occupy the upper part; the Virgin, her head encircled with stars, ascending to her beatification with a choir of angels attending her, fills the lower space: and about the whole is that splendour of glory, which it was the happy talent of Murillo to bestow with so much effect. The works of this artist are becoming more than ever the envy of the world; and the avidity with which they are sought, justifies the jealousy of Spain in securing them from foreign possession, and treating the attempt to remove them from the country as a capital offence]] réalisée par Murillo au prix de 9.9 £. [90]
  • 1813.07.02/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Flemish Festivity. An interior, in which a party of friends are assembled, amusing themselves with cards, music, and drinking. The clear and beautiful pencil of Jan Steen has seldom been more happily exerted; the artful arrangement shews the whole to advantage, every part being brought to a point of observation. The colouring is of that delicate and beautiful enamel, that renders this master's works so valuable (Jan Steen)|Flemish Festivity. An interior, in which a party of friends are assembled, amusing themselves with cards, music, and drinking. The clear and beautiful pencil of Jan Steen has seldom been more happily exerted; the artful arrangement shews the whole to advantage, every part being brought to a point of observation. The colouring is of that delicate and beautiful enamel, that renders this master's works so valuable]] réalisée par Jan Steen au prix de 315.0 £. [91]
  • 1813.07.02/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Diana and Acteon. The elegant pencil of this artist gives a charm to every subject he undertakes; and in classical illustrations he is particularly happy. The whole grouping, disposition, colouring, and pencilling, of this performance, exhibits his beauty of conception, and free mastery of execution (Filippo Lauri)|Diana and Acteon. The elegant pencil of this artist gives a charm to every subject he undertakes; and in classical illustrations he is particularly happy. The whole grouping, disposition, colouring, and pencilling, of this performance, exhibits his beauty of conception, and free mastery of execution]] réalisée par Filippo Lauri au prix de 18.18 £. [92]
  • 1813.07.02/ maison de ventes : Coxe (Peter). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Travellers. The skilfulness of Wynants in displaying every part of his scene to advantage, is a subject of general admiration; and he has rarely been more successful than in the present instance. It is rich, varied, and extensive; and the introduction of figures by the excellent hand of Linglebach, adds greatly to the value of the work. -- On copper (Wynants)|A Landscape with Travellers. The skilfulness of Wynants in displaying every part of his scene to advantage, is a subject of general admiration; and he has rarely been more successful than in the present instance. It is rich, varied, and extensive; and the introduction of figures by the excellent hand of Linglebach, adds greatly to the value of the work. -- On copper]] réalisée par Wynants au prix de 64.1 £. [94]