Ventes d'œuvres le 1815.04.29

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  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen. -- The figures are correctly and vigourously drawn, and their actions fully expressive of the circumstances related in Scripture: Mary's attitude being that of surprise mixed with veneration; while the Saviour appears to prohibit her too near approach, by saying "Noli me tangere" (Solimena)|Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen. -- The figures are correctly and vigourously drawn, and their actions fully expressive of the circumstances related in Scripture: Mary's attitude being that of surprise mixed with veneration; while the Saviour appears to prohibit her too near approach, by saying "Noli me tangere"]] réalisée par Solimena, vendue par James Akers au prix de 10.10 £. [14]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The discovery of Achilles by Ulysses at the Court of Lycomedes. -- The usual energy of character, and splendour of habit which distinguish the works of the Prince of Flemish Painters, are predominant in this spirited representation: the draperies are uncommonly rich, and the story is related with much propriety and attention to time and circumstances (Rubens)|The discovery of Achilles by Ulysses at the Court of Lycomedes. -- The usual energy of character, and splendour of habit which distinguish the works of the Prince of Flemish Painters, are predominant in this spirited representation: the draperies are uncommonly rich, and the story is related with much propriety and attention to time and circumstances]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par James Akers au prix de 9.9 £. [38]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Infant sleeping. This charming Production combines beauty of contour, richness of colour, and tenderness of effect in the happiest manner imaginable; they are blended in such sweet union, that though each is conspicuous, it is difficult to say which predominates (Murillo)|An Infant sleeping. This charming Production combines beauty of contour, richness of colour, and tenderness of effect in the happiest manner imaginable; they are blended in such sweet union, that though each is conspicuous, it is difficult to say which predominates]] réalisée par Murillo, vendue par James Akers au prix de 31.10 £. [40]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin and Child. -- The Virgin Mother represented holding the Infant in her arms, and looking upward in rapturous devotion. The Child is remarkable for infantine grace, and the Mother for female delicacy. The carnations are tender and beautiful, and the drapery is arranged with much taste and elegance (Vandyke)|The Virgin and Child. -- The Virgin Mother represented holding the Infant in her arms, and looking upward in rapturous devotion. The Child is remarkable for infantine grace, and the Mother for female delicacy. The carnations are tender and beautiful, and the drapery is arranged with much taste and elegance]] réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par James Akers au prix de 52.10 £. [41]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Martyrdom of the Seven Brethren. -- Like Nicolo Poussin, this Master made his selections from parts of sacred and profane history which best enabled him to display his knowledge of antique forms and customs. In the present subject he has represented with great appearance of probability, the cruel process of Antiochus with the seven Maccabees, in order to oblige them to renounce the religion of their fathers, and to adopt the idolatrous worship of the Heathen. The figures are of the heroic size; the habits and scenery correctly antique; and the arrangement masterly and picturesque (Sebastian Bourdon)|Martyrdom of the Seven Brethren. -- Like Nicolo Poussin, this Master made his selections from parts of sacred and profane history which best enabled him to display his knowledge of antique forms and customs. In the present subject he has represented with great appearance of probability, the cruel process of Antiochus with the seven Maccabees, in order to oblige them to renounce the religion of their fathers, and to adopt the idolatrous worship of the Heathen. The figures are of the heroic size; the habits and scenery correctly antique; and the arrangement masterly and picturesque]] réalisée par Sebastian Bourdon, vendue par James Akers au prix de 18.7 £. [44]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin and Child attended by Angels. -- In this truly elegant composition, the Virgin, holding the Infant, is extending her hand to receive water in a cup from an adjacent rock: Joseph is seen in the back ground gathering fruit for their repast; and two Angels are presenting fruit and flowers to the Child. Several Cherubim appear above surrounded with light which illumines the solemn tone of the umbrageous back scene. The whole remarkably fine in drawing and colour (Murillo)|The Virgin and Child attended by Angels. -- In this truly elegant composition, the Virgin, holding the Infant, is extending her hand to receive water in a cup from an adjacent rock: Joseph is seen in the back ground gathering fruit for their repast; and two Angels are presenting fruit and flowers to the Child. Several Cherubim appear above surrounded with light which illumines the solemn tone of the umbrageous back scene. The whole remarkably fine in drawing and colour]] réalisée par Murillo, vendue par James Akers au prix de 54.12 £. [45]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Deity, represented as the "Ancient of Days," surrounded by adoring Angels. -- Nothing can be more beautiful than the angelic Choir chanting "Gloria in excelsis Deo!" the heavens seem one blaze of glory, and give a fine idea of the beatific Vision. A Picture worthy of the Master (Albano)|The Deity, represented as the "Ancient of Days," surrounded by adoring Angels. -- Nothing can be more beautiful than the angelic Choir chanting "Gloria in excelsis Deo!" the heavens seem one blaze of glory, and give a fine idea of the beatific Vision. A Picture worthy of the Master]] réalisée par Albano, vendue par James Akers au prix de 42.0 £. [47]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Esther before Ahasuerus. -- A brilliant specimen of the Venetian mode of colouring and composition, in which a just distribution of the parts harmonizes what would otherwise produce a dazzling contrast. The drawing partakes much of the style of Paolo Veronese, and the females, in particular, are such as are often found in his productions. A truly beautiful and valuable Picture (Tintoretto)|Esther before Ahasuerus. -- A brilliant specimen of the Venetian mode of colouring and composition, in which a just distribution of the parts harmonizes what would otherwise produce a dazzling contrast. The drawing partakes much of the style of Paolo Veronese, and the females, in particular, are such as are often found in his productions. A truly beautiful and valuable Picture]] réalisée par Tintoretto, vendue par James Akers au prix de 22.1 £. [48]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Henrietta Maria. -- On no portrait painted by this great Master did he ever bestow more of what is considered beautiful in art, than on the Consort of Charles. His portraits of her have always been considered chef d'oeuvres; and hence the great desire evinced by all good judges to obtain one for their Collections (Vandyke)|Portrait of Henrietta Maria. -- On no portrait painted by this great Master did he ever bestow more of what is considered beautiful in art, than on the Consort of Charles. His portraits of her have always been considered chef d'oeuvres; and hence the great desire evinced by all good judges to obtain one for their Collections]] réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par James Akers au prix de 38.17 £. [49]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin, Child, and St. John. -- The Virgin kneeling behind the holy infant, holds him by a slight band, while John appears to acknowledge the superior nature of his Cousin in the flesh by an act of adoration. The carnations are rich and glowing; the drapery of the Virgin simply noble; and the landscape back ground in fine harmony with the principal part of the composition (Raffaelle)|The Virgin, Child, and St. John. -- The Virgin kneeling behind the holy infant, holds him by a slight band, while John appears to acknowledge the superior nature of his Cousin in the flesh by an act of adoration. The carnations are rich and glowing; the drapery of the Virgin simply noble; and the landscape back ground in fine harmony with the principal part of the composition]] réalisée par Raffaelle, vendue par James Akers au prix de 42.0 £. [51]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Annunciation, with an allegorical representation of the cause and end of that mysterious event. -- The allegory is so ingeniously preserved, that a single glance suffices to unfold the Artists intention: painted in a brilliant tone, and in fine state of preservation (P. Veronese)|The Annunciation, with an allegorical representation of the cause and end of that mysterious event. -- The allegory is so ingeniously preserved, that a single glance suffices to unfold the Artists intention: painted in a brilliant tone, and in fine state of preservation]] réalisée par P. Veronese, vendue par James Akers au prix de 28.17 £. [52]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Marriage of Saint Catharine. -- In which are exhibited all the grace, blandishment and suavity of the Master. The playfulness of the Child, the pious reverence of the affianced Saint, and the maternal attention of the mother, are all objects of interest, independant of the beauties of art which are so properly distributed in the picture (Vandyke)|The Marriage of Saint Catharine. -- In which are exhibited all the grace, blandishment and suavity of the Master. The playfulness of the Child, the pious reverence of the affianced Saint, and the maternal attention of the mother, are all objects of interest, independant of the beauties of art which are so properly distributed in the picture]] réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par James Akers au prix de 94.10 £. [53]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Mother and Child. -- The splendour of this Masters' colour is frequently the chief merit of his Picture; but in the present instance, the correctness of the drawing, and the tender affections, so beautifully represented, dispute the pre-eminence. This may be considered one of his most interesting modes of treating this often repeated subject (Rubens)|A Mother and Child. -- The splendour of this Masters' colour is frequently the chief merit of his Picture; but in the present instance, the correctness of the drawing, and the tender affections, so beautifully represented, dispute the pre-eminence. This may be considered one of his most interesting modes of treating this often repeated subject]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par James Akers au prix de 26.15 £. [54]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Birth of Bacchus. -- No Artist of modern times conveys so forcibly to the mind the ideal forms of the antique as Poussin. In all his compositions the spectator feels irresistably led to imagine he beholds such beings as the Poets of antiquity feigned; and the Antiquarian readily acknowledges the accuracy of the delineation. In this beautifully treated subject the Nymphs of Arcadia revive to the imagination; but while the Painter has attended to strict propriety of ancient costume and form, he has avoided that great severity of manner which often predominates in his grand compositions. The Nymphs are models of beauty, and the Landscape uncommonly tasteful, representing a Romantic Scene suitable to Arcadian simplicity and happiness (N. Poussin)|The Birth of Bacchus. -- No Artist of modern times conveys so forcibly to the mind the ideal forms of the antique as Poussin. In all his compositions the spectator feels irresistably led to imagine he beholds such beings as the Poets of antiquity feigned; and the Antiquarian readily acknowledges the accuracy of the delineation. In this beautifully treated subject the Nymphs of Arcadia revive to the imagination; but while the Painter has attended to strict propriety of ancient costume and form, he has avoided that great severity of manner which often predominates in his grand compositions. The Nymphs are models of beauty, and the Landscape uncommonly tasteful, representing a Romantic Scene suitable to Arcadian simplicity and happiness]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par James Akers au prix de 44.2 £. [55]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea Piece. -- One of his fine broad effective descriptions of a full flowing Sea, rolling under the influence of wind and tide. The fluctuating light and shadow are true to circumstances; and the perspective gradations are preserved with fidelity. A valuable example (W. Vandevelde, Jun.)|A Sea Piece. -- One of his fine broad effective descriptions of a full flowing Sea, rolling under the influence of wind and tide. The fluctuating light and shadow are true to circumstances; and the perspective gradations are preserved with fidelity. A valuable example]] réalisée par W. Vandevelde, Jun., vendue par James Akers au prix de 44.2 £. [56]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Michael binding Satan. -- A singularly curious specimen of the early manner of this Prince of Painters. The head of Michael is remarkable for beauty, and the armour in which he is clothed is finished as exquisitely as if performed by the laborious pencil of a Flemish Master (Raffaele)|Michael binding Satan. -- A singularly curious specimen of the early manner of this Prince of Painters. The head of Michael is remarkable for beauty, and the armour in which he is clothed is finished as exquisitely as if performed by the laborious pencil of a Flemish Master]] réalisée par Raffaele, vendue par James Akers au prix de 34.2 £. [57]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, figures and Cattle. -- This beautiful classic scene is represented in a manner suitably calm and dignified: the face of nature smiles with the riches of summer, and the surrounding atmosphere glows with the enlivening warmth of the season. The figures, animals, and buildings harmonize with the Landscape, and the tasteful mind of the Painter displays itself in every part of the composition (Claude)|A Landscape, figures and Cattle. -- This beautiful classic scene is represented in a manner suitably calm and dignified: the face of nature smiles with the riches of summer, and the surrounding atmosphere glows with the enlivening warmth of the season. The figures, animals, and buildings harmonize with the Landscape, and the tasteful mind of the Painter displays itself in every part of the composition]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par James Akers au prix de 204.15 £. [66]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ on the Cross. -- It is the mastery of Art to accomplish much in a contracted space, and to convey to the mind by a part, the idea of a whole: these the Painter has performed with great skill, and to a painful subject given beauty and a graceful air. Every feature exhibits the most perfect resignation, and yet it is perceptible that it is the representation of one on the verge of mortality: a perfect valuable picture (Guido)|Christ on the Cross. -- It is the mastery of Art to accomplish much in a contracted space, and to convey to the mind by a part, the idea of a whole: these the Painter has performed with great skill, and to a painful subject given beauty and a graceful air. Every feature exhibits the most perfect resignation, and yet it is perceptible that it is the representation of one on the verge of mortality: a perfect valuable picture]] réalisée par Guido, vendue par James Akers au prix de 113.8 £. [67]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and figures. -- For taste in the composition, beauty in the pencilling, and harmony in the general effect, few Landscapes surpass this; and with the addition of the truly lovely forms of the Nymphs, fewer still that can boast an equality. It may be considered of the finest order, and worthy a place in the richest collection (Dominichino)|A Landscape and figures. -- For taste in the composition, beauty in the pencilling, and harmony in the general effect, few Landscapes surpass this; and with the addition of the truly lovely forms of the Nymphs, fewer still that can boast an equality. It may be considered of the finest order, and worthy a place in the richest collection]] réalisée par Dominichino, vendue par James Akers au prix de 168.0 £. [68]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Madonna. -- This Chef d'oeuvre combines all that is lovely, pious, and interesting in a female face: the colouring is soft and splendid, being of the richest positive hues adopted by the Florentine School. The heads of this Master have always been in high estimation, and enrich the finest collections on the continent (Carlo Dolce)|The Madonna. -- This Chef d'oeuvre combines all that is lovely, pious, and interesting in a female face: the colouring is soft and splendid, being of the richest positive hues adopted by the Florentine School. The heads of this Master have always been in high estimation, and enrich the finest collections on the continent]] réalisée par Carlo Dolce, vendue par James Akers au prix de 102.18 £. [69]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ blessing little Children. -- A finely grouped composition; the figures well drawn and possessing an air of suavity and beauty that is truly interesting. The colouring is of a rich deep tone, at the same time clear and transparent; and the principal character full of sweetness and dignity (Murillo)|Christ blessing little Children. -- A finely grouped composition; the figures well drawn and possessing an air of suavity and beauty that is truly interesting. The colouring is of a rich deep tone, at the same time clear and transparent; and the principal character full of sweetness and dignity]] réalisée par Murillo, vendue par James Akers au prix de 63.0 £. [71]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Battle of the Nile. -- This never to be forgotten Victory, has given the Painter an excellent opportunity of exerting his superior talent in depicting the activity and bustle of an engagement. The blowing up of L'Orient, forms the centre, and the double line of the British Fleet the wings of the composition: a number of English, exerting themselves to save their vanquished enemies, in the fore part completes the arrangement. This work is so well known, that it would be repeating an oft told tale to speak of its beauties: suffice it to say it is a double honour to the Nation, whose naval achievement it records, as it shews that the Arts of the country are capable of handing down to posterity in a suitable manner, those actions which none but Englishmen can perform (Loutherbourg)|The Battle of the Nile. -- This never to be forgotten Victory, has given the Painter an excellent opportunity of exerting his superior talent in depicting the activity and bustle of an engagement. The blowing up of L'Orient, forms the centre, and the double line of the British Fleet the wings of the composition: a number of English, exerting themselves to save their vanquished enemies, in the fore part completes the arrangement. This work is so well known, that it would be repeating an oft told tale to speak of its beauties: suffice it to say it is a double honour to the Nation, whose naval achievement it records, as it shews that the Arts of the country are capable of handing down to posterity in a suitable manner, those actions which none but Englishmen can perform]] réalisée par Loutherbourg, vendue par James Akers au prix de 210.0 £. [73]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Battle of Camperdown. -- The time of representation, chosen by the Artist appears to be when the Dutch Admiral's ship was boarded and carried by the irresistable impetuosity of our couragious Sailors: the masts and rigging are gone by the board, and form the last resource to the unfortunate Seamen hurried into the Ocean, and who are seen struggling with the element. A silvery tone of light illumines the centre, and enables the spectator to behold the wreck in its terrific glory. The triumphant British fleet bears on with conscious superiority amongst the submitting enemy, and the Painter catching enthusiasm from his subject has depicted it with all the grandeur and magnificence of manner that it could possibly admit. In point of art it his chef d'oeuvre (Loutherbourg)|The Battle of Camperdown. -- The time of representation, chosen by the Artist appears to be when the Dutch Admiral's ship was boarded and carried by the irresistable impetuosity of our couragious Sailors: the masts and rigging are gone by the board, and form the last resource to the unfortunate Seamen hurried into the Ocean, and who are seen struggling with the element. A silvery tone of light illumines the centre, and enables the spectator to behold the wreck in its terrific glory. The triumphant British fleet bears on with conscious superiority amongst the submitting enemy, and the Painter catching enthusiasm from his subject has depicted it with all the grandeur and magnificence of manner that it could possibly admit. In point of art it his chef d'oeuvre]] réalisée par Loutherbourg, vendue par James Akers au prix de 298.15 £. [74]
  • 1815.04.29/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Death of Darius. This wonderful production of the graphic art is entitled to peculiar attention, not only as being one of the very few Pictures by this Master in this country; but, as possessing in a high degree those excellencies which stamp the merit of the Artist. The story here represented is related by several ancient writers; and the circumstances attending the death of the King of Persia, were worthy of being delineated by the pencil, as being extremely pathetic and interesting. Caracci has chosen the moment when the dying Monarch is discovered by Polystratus, a Macedonian, as he travelled through the forest where Bessus and his accomplices, after having wounded him in several places, had dismembered the horses and left their master to his fate. No scene could be more appropriate for the perpetration of a deed of such cruelty, than the one the painter has conceived; and few pencils could have delineated with equal effect the necessary combination of light and darkness which is spread with such a masterly hand over every object. The solemn gloom of the forest, made visible by the gleams of the moon; the opening glades that shew the deep and tangled recesses; the silent waters; the untrodden paths; all tend to awaken sublime emotions, and to impress the mind with the value of a work that possesses the power of conveying ideas which both affect and delight. A volume would scarce suffice to speak the picture's merits; a glance on its surface will compel the spectator to feel them (Lodovico Caracci)|The Death of Darius. This wonderful production of the graphic art is entitled to peculiar attention, not only as being one of the very few Pictures by this Master in this country; but, as possessing in a high degree those excellencies which stamp the merit of the Artist. The story here represented is related by several ancient writers; and the circumstances attending the death of the King of Persia, were worthy of being delineated by the pencil, as being extremely pathetic and interesting. Caracci has chosen the moment when the dying Monarch is discovered by Polystratus, a Macedonian, as he travelled through the forest where Bessus and his accomplices, after having wounded him in several places, had dismembered the horses and left their master to his fate. No scene could be more appropriate for the perpetration of a deed of such cruelty, than the one the painter has conceived; and few pencils could have delineated with equal effect the necessary combination of light and darkness which is spread with such a masterly hand over every object. The solemn gloom of the forest, made visible by the gleams of the moon; the opening glades that shew the deep and tangled recesses; the silent waters; the untrodden paths; all tend to awaken sublime emotions, and to impress the mind with the value of a work that possesses the power of conveying ideas which both affect and delight. A volume would scarce suffice to speak the picture's merits; a glance on its surface will compel the spectator to feel them]] réalisée par Lodovico Caracci, vendue par James Akers au prix de 174.5 £. [77]