Ventes d'œuvres le 1816.04.30

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  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape and Figures; View in the Isle of Wight; the works of Gainsborough are very scarce: this picture is painted with all that mastership of hand for which he was so highly distinguished this picture is equal to the former of this master, and makes an excellent companion (Gainsborough)|Landscape and Figures; View in the Isle of Wight; the works of Gainsborough are very scarce: this picture is painted with all that mastership of hand for which he was so highly distinguished this picture is equal to the former of this master, and makes an excellent companion]] réalisée par Gainsborough, achetée par Leonard au prix de 3.15 £. [27]
  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape and Figures; a charming specimen of this esteemed Artist, he excelled in giving interest to every part of his work, and was great in figures as in Landscape; his model was N. Poussin, and many of his works have been considered as from the hands of that master (Mille)|Landscape and Figures; a charming specimen of this esteemed Artist, he excelled in giving interest to every part of his work, and was great in figures as in Landscape; his model was N. Poussin, and many of his works have been considered as from the hands of that master]] réalisée par Mille, achetée par Anthony au prix de 2.10 £. [28]
  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Angelica & Medora, from Oiriorto. -- This eminent Master became a disciple of Titian, who is said to have been so apprehensive of being excelled by his pupil that he dismissed him from his School -- The picture before us may in some measure account for those fears, as it possesses all that splendid colour, and natural effect, that Titian's Works are so much prized for. It is equal to the Master, and worthy of the pupil, being in his best and happiest manner (Tintoretto)|Angelica & Medora, from Oiriorto. -- This eminent Master became a disciple of Titian, who is said to have been so apprehensive of being excelled by his pupil that he dismissed him from his School -- The picture before us may in some measure account for those fears, as it possesses all that splendid colour, and natural effect, that Titian's Works are so much prized for. It is equal to the Master, and worthy of the pupil, being in his best and happiest manner]] réalisée par Tintoretto, achetée par WJ Moore au prix de 31.17 £. [38]
  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Banditti plundering Travellers; this little gem, as it may be truly called, cannot be surpassed, it exhibits a neatness of pencil, with a sweeping hand that are astonishing, particularly when we consider the smallness of the figures; the story is well told (Ferz)|Banditti plundering Travellers; this little gem, as it may be truly called, cannot be surpassed, it exhibits a neatness of pencil, with a sweeping hand that are astonishing, particularly when we consider the smallness of the figures; the story is well told]] réalisée par Ferz, achetée par B of Down au prix de 39.16 £. [43]
  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Entombing of Christ; it is impossible to contemplate this admirable composition without paying that tribute of our feelings in sympathy, which the subject when perfectly done is calculated to inspire; this picture operates equally on the Connoisseur and unlearned, a greater proof need not be given of any work of art (Pordenone)|The Entombing of Christ; it is impossible to contemplate this admirable composition without paying that tribute of our feelings in sympathy, which the subject when perfectly done is calculated to inspire; this picture operates equally on the Connoisseur and unlearned, a greater proof need not be given of any work of art]] réalisée par Pordenone, achetée par B of Down au prix de 45.10 £. [87]
  • 1816.04.30/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape; so scarce are the works of this master, when a picture of his is offered for sale in London, great and general indeed is the desire to possess it, and the contention produces prices scarcely to be accreditted here. In this picture we find that grandeur of design and faithful representation of nature in every point, that it would be tedious to particularize every excellence (N. Poussin)|Landscape; so scarce are the works of this master, when a picture of his is offered for sale in London, great and general indeed is the desire to possess it, and the contention produces prices scarcely to be accreditted here. In this picture we find that grandeur of design and faithful representation of nature in every point, that it would be tedious to particularize every excellence]] réalisée par N. Poussin, achetée par B of Down au prix de 44.7 £. [88]