Ventes d'œuvres le 1816.05.14

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  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Caricatura, in which Henry the IVth of France is represented destroying the famous League, and sending back the Spaniards à coup de poing. Painted with great spirit and bravura by the Spanish Artist, by whom it has been Engraved: on Canvass, 23 inches by 27, originally (Villamena)|A Caricatura, in which Henry the IVth of France is represented destroying the famous League, and sending back the Spaniards à coup de poing. Painted with great spirit and bravura by the Spanish Artist, by whom it has been Engraved: on Canvass, 23 inches by 27, originally]] réalisée par Villamena, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 5.5 £. [5]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Francis in Meditation. A very perfect Example of this esteemed Master: the markings of the Countenance, and the Hands, which are pierced, are strongly indicative of the austerity of the Saint's Life, and produce a forcible impression: on Canvass (Cigoli)|St. Francis in Meditation. A very perfect Example of this esteemed Master: the markings of the Countenance, and the Hands, which are pierced, are strongly indicative of the austerity of the Saint's Life, and produce a forcible impression: on Canvass]] réalisée par Cigoli, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Newton au prix de 23.2 £. [23]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Magdalen in the Desert. In this Picture the Artist has drawn the Figure of his Mistress for the repentant Courtesan. With his usual felicity of expression, he has contrived to preserve all the allurements of beauty in the representation of the humble Penitent; while the marks of her contrition are made strikingly apparent. She is attended by a Lion, to denote that her repentance is accepted, and her derelictions pardoned. This was the last performance of the highly esteemed Master. On Canvass (Greuse)|The Magdalen in the Desert. In this Picture the Artist has drawn the Figure of his Mistress for the repentant Courtesan. With his usual felicity of expression, he has contrived to preserve all the allurements of beauty in the representation of the humble Penitent; while the marks of her contrition are made strikingly apparent. She is attended by a Lion, to denote that her repentance is accepted, and her derelictions pardoned. This was the last performance of the highly esteemed Master. On Canvass]] réalisée par Greuse, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 31.10 £. [26]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Tarquin and Lucretia. This Artist was particularly distinguished for his knowledge of form: and it may be observed, that there is an uncommon share of grace in the contours of his Figures, and a rich display of colour in the composition: on Canvass (Furini)|Tarquin and Lucretia. This Artist was particularly distinguished for his knowledge of form: and it may be observed, that there is an uncommon share of grace in the contours of his Figures, and a rich display of colour in the composition: on Canvass]] réalisée par Furini, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Middleton au prix de 24.3 £. [30]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Depositation. This beautiful Cabinet Specimen, which is in fine preservation, exhibits the skill of the great Florentine Master in a very favourable light. The Heads of Christ and the two Angels are designed in a capital style; the Draperies, and the accessories, are splendid and striking, and give a rich effect to the Picture: on Copper (Bronzino)|A Depositation. This beautiful Cabinet Specimen, which is in fine preservation, exhibits the skill of the great Florentine Master in a very favourable light. The Heads of Christ and the two Angels are designed in a capital style; the Draperies, and the accessories, are splendid and striking, and give a rich effect to the Picture: on Copper]] réalisée par Bronzino, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Moffatt au prix de 21.0 £. [31]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Peter Martyr. The Portrait of a Monk, known by that appellation. The fine style of the Drapery, the beautiful drawing of the Face and Hands, and the rich tone of the Colouring, place the talents of this early Master in a very favourable point of view: on Pannel (Ghirlandajo)|St. Peter Martyr. The Portrait of a Monk, known by that appellation. The fine style of the Drapery, the beautiful drawing of the Face and Hands, and the rich tone of the Colouring, place the talents of this early Master in a very favourable point of view: on Pannel]] réalisée par Ghirlandajo, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Simpson au prix de 29.8 £. [32]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Duchess of Sforza requesting the Assistance of Charles the VIIIth of France to reinstate her Husband in the Sovereignty of Milan. The Figure of the Duchess is made very interesting; and the whole Picture is painted in a very finished manner: on Canvass (Christopher Allori)|The Duchess of Sforza requesting the Assistance of Charles the VIIIth of France to reinstate her Husband in the Sovereignty of Milan. The Figure of the Duchess is made very interesting; and the whole Picture is painted in a very finished manner: on Canvass]] réalisée par Christopher Allori, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Delahante au prix de 43.1 £. [34]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Sebastian. This capital Picture affords a fine Example of the Corregiesque manner; the most powerful effect is produced by the judicious management of the chiaro scuro. The light in the horizon, which strikes on the Figures in the middle distance, is quite novel: on Canvass (Schidone)|St. Sebastian. This capital Picture affords a fine Example of the Corregiesque manner; the most powerful effect is produced by the judicious management of the chiaro scuro. The light in the horizon, which strikes on the Figures in the middle distance, is quite novel: on Canvass]] réalisée par Schidone, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 87.18 £. [36]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family. This is perhaps the finest preserved Picture of the Master known, and is painted in his very best style. The rich Colouring, and beautiful expression of the Figures, are not inferior to his great pupil, Titian: on Pannel (Giovanni da Bellino)|The Holy Family. This is perhaps the finest preserved Picture of the Master known, and is painted in his very best style. The rich Colouring, and beautiful expression of the Figures, are not inferior to his great pupil, Titian: on Pannel]] réalisée par Giovanni da Bellino, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Smith au prix de 78.15 £. [37]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Abraham Entertaining Three Angels. This noble composition, which may be termed the chef-d'oeuvre of the Master, is painted in a most beautiful and glowing manner. The angelic Forms remind the spectator of the fine Figures of Poussin; but the colouring is of the richest kind; and the Draperies flow with such ease and grace, that in those respects it may vie with Baroccio. The subordinate parts are arranged with equal felicity; and a happy management of light and shadow gives to every part force and importance: on Canvass (Gerard Lairesse)|Abraham Entertaining Three Angels. This noble composition, which may be termed the chef-d'oeuvre of the Master, is painted in a most beautiful and glowing manner. The angelic Forms remind the spectator of the fine Figures of Poussin; but the colouring is of the richest kind; and the Draperies flow with such ease and grace, that in those respects it may vie with Baroccio. The subordinate parts are arranged with equal felicity; and a happy management of light and shadow gives to every part force and importance: on Canvass]] réalisée par Gerard Lairesse, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 57.15 £. [38]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Susannah and the Elders. Painted with an unusual degree of vigour, both with regard to design and colour. The Heads are in his best style; those of the Elders being characteristic, and that of Susannah full of expression. The Draperies are cast in noble folds; and the whole, being in large masses, presents a beautiful Example of the Carravaggiesque Style, regulated by taste and judgement: on Canvass (Guido)|Susannah and the Elders. Painted with an unusual degree of vigour, both with regard to design and colour. The Heads are in his best style; those of the Elders being characteristic, and that of Susannah full of expression. The Draperies are cast in noble folds; and the whole, being in large masses, presents a beautiful Example of the Carravaggiesque Style, regulated by taste and judgement: on Canvass]] réalisée par Guido, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par [[Darelle [?]]] au prix de 63.0 £. [39]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Narcissus. A beautiful representation of the self-enamoured Youth contemplating his Figure in a Lymph. The glowing complexion marks his inward feeling, and the inclining position is in unison with that feeling. The back-ground is in the grand manner of the Bolognian School. Agostino's Works are very rare: on Canvass (Agostino Caracci)|Narcissus. A beautiful representation of the self-enamoured Youth contemplating his Figure in a Lymph. The glowing complexion marks his inward feeling, and the inclining position is in unison with that feeling. The back-ground is in the grand manner of the Bolognian School. Agostino's Works are very rare: on Canvass]] réalisée par Agostino Caracci, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 28.7 £. [40]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family, a Riposo. The elevated conceptions of the Master are conspicuous in the dignified simplicity of this Composition. Disdaining the aid of meretricious ornaments, he commands attention by the genuine beauties of the Art: his Figures emulate the Antique, and at the same time possess expressions that are peculiarly his own: on Canvass (Nicolo Poussin)|The Holy Family, a Riposo. The elevated conceptions of the Master are conspicuous in the dignified simplicity of this Composition. Disdaining the aid of meretricious ornaments, he commands attention by the genuine beauties of the Art: his Figures emulate the Antique, and at the same time possess expressions that are peculiarly his own: on Canvass]] réalisée par Nicolo Poussin, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 56.14 £. [42]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Endymion. The Painter has in this Picture adopted, with great felicity, the idea of the Poet; and portrayed the Figure of the Shepherd of Mount Latmos in a correct and great manner. The smaller Figures are touched with lightness and delicacy: and the scene presents a fine Example of chiara scuro. This Picture was formerly an ornament to the Gallery of the Duke of Parma. On Canvass (Parmigiano)|Endymion. The Painter has in this Picture adopted, with great felicity, the idea of the Poet; and portrayed the Figure of the Shepherd of Mount Latmos in a correct and great manner. The smaller Figures are touched with lightness and delicacy: and the scene presents a fine Example of chiara scuro. This Picture was formerly an ornament to the Gallery of the Duke of Parma. On Canvass]] réalisée par Parmigiano, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Perry au prix de 133.6 £. [43]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Entombment of Christ. For composition, drawing, and splendid colouring, this capital Picture may vie with the most famous productions of the Venetian School. All the heads are varied, characteristic, and expressive: those of St. John, Mary Magdalen, and Joseph of Arimathea, (who is habited in a striped tunic,) are of the highest degree of excellence. The draperies are managed in a noble style; and the arrangement is made in a manner so masterly as to produce the richest effect of which the Art is capable: on Pannel, 31 inches by 39. It has been Engraved several times (Giorgione)|The Entombment of Christ. For composition, drawing, and splendid colouring, this capital Picture may vie with the most famous productions of the Venetian School. All the heads are varied, characteristic, and expressive: those of St. John, Mary Magdalen, and Joseph of Arimathea, (who is habited in a striped tunic,) are of the highest degree of excellence. The draperies are managed in a noble style; and the arrangement is made in a manner so masterly as to produce the richest effect of which the Art is capable: on Pannel, 31 inches by 39. It has been Engraved several times]] réalisée par Giorgione, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Smith au prix de 59.17 £. [45]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Machiavel. This Portrait possesses a double claim to attention, as the likeness of the acutest Politician and ablest Historian of his age, and the work of the principal Artist of the time: it is finely characteristic of the an; and the Physiognomist will discover in it indications, which may be considered a strong support to his system. The genuine works of Massaccio are very rare, and not less precious in the estimation of the real Connoisseur: on oval Pannel (Massaccio)|Portrait of Machiavel. This Portrait possesses a double claim to attention, as the likeness of the acutest Politician and ablest Historian of his age, and the work of the principal Artist of the time: it is finely characteristic of the an; and the Physiognomist will discover in it indications, which may be considered a strong support to his system. The genuine works of Massaccio are very rare, and not less precious in the estimation of the real Connoisseur: on oval Pannel]] réalisée par Massaccio, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Perry au prix de 52.10 £. [46]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea-Port. This brilliant Composition represents a View of the Sea, with Ships, and smaller Vessels, in harbour. The Landscape is enriched with Buildings, Antique Remains, Cattle, and Figures. The colouring is clear and beautiful, and a just principle of light and shade is preserved amidst the great variety of objects: on Canvass (Weenix)|A Sea-Port. This brilliant Composition represents a View of the Sea, with Ships, and smaller Vessels, in harbour. The Landscape is enriched with Buildings, Antique Remains, Cattle, and Figures. The colouring is clear and beautiful, and a just principle of light and shade is preserved amidst the great variety of objects: on Canvass]] réalisée par Weenix, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Norton au prix de 102.18 £. [47]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of the celebrated Cardinal Bembo. Poet, Philosopher, and Statesman, the Patron of Literature and the Arts, his Portrait would be valuable if from the meanest pencil: how much then is it enhanced by being the production of his friend, the prince of colourists? and while it exhibits the mastery of his hand by the freedom with which it is performed, by minute attention to characteristic marks, stamps the individuality of the resemblance: on Canvass (Titian)|Portrait of the celebrated Cardinal Bembo. Poet, Philosopher, and Statesman, the Patron of Literature and the Arts, his Portrait would be valuable if from the meanest pencil: how much then is it enhanced by being the production of his friend, the prince of colourists? and while it exhibits the mastery of his hand by the freedom with which it is performed, by minute attention to characteristic marks, stamps the individuality of the resemblance: on Canvass]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Perry au prix de 31.10 £. [48]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family. This noble Composition, consisting of the Virgin Mother, the Holy Infant, and St. Joseph, is a fine instance of the just taste and accurate judgment of the Master. Simplicity of character, beauty of form, and unaffected arrangement, are the obvious beauties of the Picture: while, to the Connoisseur, the rich enamel of the surface, the nicely rounded contours, the flow of the drapery, and the harmony of the toute ensemble, present a most gratifying treat: on Pannel (Andrea Del Sarto)|The Holy Family. This noble Composition, consisting of the Virgin Mother, the Holy Infant, and St. Joseph, is a fine instance of the just taste and accurate judgment of the Master. Simplicity of character, beauty of form, and unaffected arrangement, are the obvious beauties of the Picture: while, to the Connoisseur, the rich enamel of the surface, the nicely rounded contours, the flow of the drapery, and the harmony of the toute ensemble, present a most gratifying treat: on Pannel]] réalisée par Andrea Del Sarto, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Barnet au prix de 189.0 £. [50]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Diana and Acteon. The principal Figure, Diana, is grand and majestic, suitable to her character; the groupe of Figures is placed judiciously, and the Landscape offers a fine Example of the Master of the Bolognese School. The Picture is from the Palace of Capo di Monte: on canvass (A. Caracci)|Diana and Acteon. The principal Figure, Diana, is grand and majestic, suitable to her character; the groupe of Figures is placed judiciously, and the Landscape offers a fine Example of the Master of the Bolognese School. The Picture is from the Palace of Capo di Monte: on canvass]] réalisée par A. Caracci, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 136.10 £. [51]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Correct Drawing, powerful Expression, and harmonious Colouring, are the distinguishing beauties of this Cabinet gem of the Master. A simple grandeur predominates in every part, and marks the high conceptions of this first-rate Artist of the Bolognian School, who never painted but for the tasteful and judicious: on Canvass (Domenichino)|The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Correct Drawing, powerful Expression, and harmonious Colouring, are the distinguishing beauties of this Cabinet gem of the Master. A simple grandeur predominates in every part, and marks the high conceptions of this first-rate Artist of the Bolognian School, who never painted but for the tasteful and judicious: on Canvass]] réalisée par Domenichino, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 178.10 £. [52]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, with Cattle and Figures. The Pictures represent a well-wooded and hilly Country: in a winding Path, which leads through the centre, appear two Figures, a Male and Female Peasant, following three Cows and a small Flock of Sheep: a Traveller on Horseback, and two others, appear in the distance; a Man in a blue vest is seen on the right, apparently fishing. The Landscape is very rich in the tints; the Trees are painted with a firm and free pencil; and the Figures and Cattle, as is ever the case with those of Vandevelde, beautifully correct in form, and well introduced: on Canvass (Verboom)|A Landscape, with Cattle and Figures. The Pictures represent a well-wooded and hilly Country: in a winding Path, which leads through the centre, appear two Figures, a Male and Female Peasant, following three Cows and a small Flock of Sheep: a Traveller on Horseback, and two others, appear in the distance; a Man in a blue vest is seen on the right, apparently fishing. The Landscape is very rich in the tints; the Trees are painted with a firm and free pencil; and the Figures and Cattle, as is ever the case with those of Vandevelde, beautifully correct in form, and well introduced: on Canvass]] réalisée par Verboom, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par [[Lerais [?]]] au prix de 115.10 £. [53]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Pope Julius the Third. The Head of this masterly Picture was originally painted on paper as the Study for the Portrait; but was found so excellent, that the Painter, perhaps despairing of further improvement, laid it down on the Canvass, and finished it throughout. It is a rich example of colour, and in fine preservation (Titian)|Portrait of Pope Julius the Third. The Head of this masterly Picture was originally painted on paper as the Study for the Portrait; but was found so excellent, that the Painter, perhaps despairing of further improvement, laid it down on the Canvass, and finished it throughout. It is a rich example of colour, and in fine preservation]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Middleton au prix de 84.0 £. [54]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Triumph of Galatea. In the centre of the Picture appears Neptune in his Car, drawn by Sea-Horses, and attended by Tritons; Amphitrite with her infant Son are seated by him; Sea Nymphs and Cupidal Figures precede and accompany Galatea, who is seated in a Marine Car, drawn by Dolphins: Two Zephyrs are sporting in a Crimson Robe held by the Nymph: and in the upper part Eolus is seen repressing the turbulent Winds, Eurus and Euroclydon. All the Figures are drawn with great delicacy and beauty, and sustain the reputation of the "Painter of the Graces." From the Cabinet of Monsieur de Tartre, and has been Engraved: on Copper (Albano)|The Triumph of Galatea. In the centre of the Picture appears Neptune in his Car, drawn by Sea-Horses, and attended by Tritons; Amphitrite with her infant Son are seated by him; Sea Nymphs and Cupidal Figures precede and accompany Galatea, who is seated in a Marine Car, drawn by Dolphins: Two Zephyrs are sporting in a Crimson Robe held by the Nymph: and in the upper part Eolus is seen repressing the turbulent Winds, Eurus and Euroclydon. All the Figures are drawn with great delicacy and beauty, and sustain the reputation of the "Painter of the Graces." From the Cabinet of Monsieur de Tartre, and has been Engraved: on Copper]] réalisée par Albano, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Perry au prix de 136.10 £. [57]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ Restoring the Sick and Maimed. Surrounded by a crowd of Halt, Lame, Blind, and Diseased Supplicants on the one side, and of admiring and envying Elders and Rulers on the other, the compassionate Saviour appears dispensing his healing influence. The subject naturally called for great diversity of character and figure; and the Artist has been happy in his selection. The drawing is fine, the colour beautiful, being harmonized on the principle of Rembrandt, and the composition very skilful. Engraved. On Canvass (Dietricy)|Christ Restoring the Sick and Maimed. Surrounded by a crowd of Halt, Lame, Blind, and Diseased Supplicants on the one side, and of admiring and envying Elders and Rulers on the other, the compassionate Saviour appears dispensing his healing influence. The subject naturally called for great diversity of character and figure; and the Artist has been happy in his selection. The drawing is fine, the colour beautiful, being harmonized on the principle of Rembrandt, and the composition very skilful. Engraved. On Canvass]] réalisée par Dietricy, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Lerais au prix de 189.0 £. [58]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Maries at the Tomb of Christ. This celebrated Picture belonged formerly to the Duke de la Torre, and is known also by the Engraving by Roulet. It is in the finest preservation, and may be considered among the best of Caracci's productions. The rich style of the whole is an evidence of the care bestowed by the Master, every part being carefully, if not elaborately, attended to. The Landscape, which forms the back-ground, though only an auxiliary part, is of the superior order, and produces a beautiful effect: on Canvass (A. Caracci)|The Maries at the Tomb of Christ. This celebrated Picture belonged formerly to the Duke de la Torre, and is known also by the Engraving by Roulet. It is in the finest preservation, and may be considered among the best of Caracci's productions. The rich style of the whole is an evidence of the care bestowed by the Master, every part being carefully, if not elaborately, attended to. The Landscape, which forms the back-ground, though only an auxiliary part, is of the superior order, and produces a beautiful effect: on Canvass]] réalisée par A. Caracci, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Peacock au prix de 315.0 £. [59]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Family Piece, consisting of Six Figures, with Sporting and other Dogs, in an uncommonly rich and beautiful Landscape. This Artist's Works obtained him the name of the little Vandyck. If he painted often in the style of the present Example, the great Vandyck would have but little to boast of on the score of superiority. The brilliancy of the Carnations, and the richness of the Draperies in this Picture, are in fine harmony with the splendid Landscape; and the whole has an air of reality. The management of the Light is particularly skilful: on Canvass (Gonzales Cock)|A Family Piece, consisting of Six Figures, with Sporting and other Dogs, in an uncommonly rich and beautiful Landscape. This Artist's Works obtained him the name of the little Vandyck. If he painted often in the style of the present Example, the great Vandyck would have but little to boast of on the score of superiority. The brilliancy of the Carnations, and the richness of the Draperies in this Picture, are in fine harmony with the splendid Landscape; and the whole has an air of reality. The management of the Light is particularly skilful: on Canvass]] réalisée par Gonzales Cock, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino, achetée par Perry au prix de 189.0 £. [60]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Country Scene. In this large and capital Work, several Groupes of Peasants are introduced in front of a Cabaret, covered with Vine Leaves, and shaded by Trees. Part are engaged in Conversation and Drinking; Two Groupes of Travellers are refreshing themselves and Horses; and in the middle Distance is another Groupe of Voyageurs. The Colouring is verdant, and very clear throughout; the chiaro scuro is managed with dexterity, and the subordinate parts introduced with great judgment: on Pannel (Isaac Ostade)|A Country Scene. In this large and capital Work, several Groupes of Peasants are introduced in front of a Cabaret, covered with Vine Leaves, and shaded by Trees. Part are engaged in Conversation and Drinking; Two Groupes of Travellers are refreshing themselves and Horses; and in the middle Distance is another Groupe of Voyageurs. The Colouring is verdant, and very clear throughout; the chiaro scuro is managed with dexterity, and the subordinate parts introduced with great judgment: on Pannel]] réalisée par Isaac Ostade, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 242.10 £. [61]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Silenus, attended by Nymphs and Satyrs. This splendid Example of the Prince of the Flemish School formerly belonged to Monsieur de Tartre. It exhibits the Jolly Bacchanal in the fulness of inebriety, supported by Two Satyrs; a Nymph is squeezing the juice of the Grape over his head; and the Attendants appear dancing to the sound of Music, while two beautiful Children are presenting Grapes, and other Fruits. The whole power of colour seems called into action, as though the Painter were determined to dazzle and overpower by the fulness of splendour. The great variety of the Carnations is however, strongly apparent; and the several gradations of the Children, the Female, and the robust Bacchanalians, is marked with the nicest distinctions. The Picture has been Engraved several times. On Canvass (Rubens)|Silenus, attended by Nymphs and Satyrs. This splendid Example of the Prince of the Flemish School formerly belonged to Monsieur de Tartre. It exhibits the Jolly Bacchanal in the fulness of inebriety, supported by Two Satyrs; a Nymph is squeezing the juice of the Grape over his head; and the Attendants appear dancing to the sound of Music, while two beautiful Children are presenting Grapes, and other Fruits. The whole power of colour seems called into action, as though the Painter were determined to dazzle and overpower by the fulness of splendour. The great variety of the Carnations is however, strongly apparent; and the several gradations of the Children, the Female, and the robust Bacchanalians, is marked with the nicest distinctions. The Picture has been Engraved several times. On Canvass]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 997.10 £. [62]
  • 1816.05.14/ maison de ventes : Stanley (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Chase. This and the following grand Picture, both painted in the manner of frescos, are from the Riccardi Gallery. The present represents a Royal Chase, and is a fine Example for the Student in the masterly drawing and spirited style of the Composition (Zucchero)|The Chase. This and the following grand Picture, both painted in the manner of frescos, are from the Riccardi Gallery. The present represents a Royal Chase, and is a fine Example for the Student in the masterly drawing and spirited style of the Composition]] réalisée par Zucchero, vendue par Lucien Buonaparte, Prince of Canino au prix de 29.8 £. [63]