Ventes d'œuvres le 1817.06.13

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  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Susannah and the Elders: on copper. This picture is engraved in Lebrun's Gallery, (vol. 3) who says, that this painter was born at Amsterdam, imitated Vanderwerf, that his compositions are noble and tasteful, his pencil fine and delicate, and his drawing pleasing and correct. He adds, that this picture was in the collection of Mr. Le Noir du Breuil of Paris, to whom he sold it for one hundred Louis (Philip Van Dyck)|Susannah and the Elders: on copper. This picture is engraved in Lebrun's Gallery, (vol. 3) who says, that this painter was born at Amsterdam, imitated Vanderwerf, that his compositions are noble and tasteful, his pencil fine and delicate, and his drawing pleasing and correct. He adds, that this picture was in the collection of Mr. Le Noir du Breuil of Paris, to whom he sold it for one hundred Louis]] réalisée par Philip Van Dyck, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg au prix de 65.2 £. [68]
  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An exquisite landscape with figures. The elegant choice of romantic nature, and the richness of the scenery, united with the elaborate pencilling, render this undoubted specimen of that scarce painter, a very uncommon and desirable performance. From Mr. De Norvin's collection at Rome (S. Rosa)|An exquisite landscape with figures. The elegant choice of romantic nature, and the richness of the scenery, united with the elaborate pencilling, render this undoubted specimen of that scarce painter, a very uncommon and desirable performance. From Mr. De Norvin's collection at Rome]] réalisée par S. Rosa, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg au prix de 34.13 £. [69]
  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Henry III. king of France. This uncommonly fine portrait possesses all the brilliant warmth of the Venetian colour, united to a great lightness and freedom of hand. It comes from the collection of Angelica Kauffman at Rome, as some lines from Mr. Kauffman's hand, written behind the picture, testify (P. Veronese)|Henry III. king of France. This uncommonly fine portrait possesses all the brilliant warmth of the Venetian colour, united to a great lightness and freedom of hand. It comes from the collection of Angelica Kauffman at Rome, as some lines from Mr. Kauffman's hand, written behind the picture, testify]] réalisée par P. Veronese, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg au prix de 73.10 £. [70]
  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Aretine: on thick pannel. The deep and sour character of this renowned satirist, is rendered to the life in this noble portrait. The art cannot go further, in point of richness, vigour, and harmony of colour. There is a fine engraving of it by Marc Antonio, -- Portraits are a most interesting part of the art. I felt my predilection for them increase gradually, with my knowledge of painting. I fully concur with Mr. Walpole's opinion, who says, "that a real portrait is truth itself, and calls up so many collateral ideas, as to fill an intelligent mind more than any other species of painting." I have indulged myself to some extent in this line of collecting; but the many I possess at Paris, are what I shall, last of all, be tempted to part with (Giorgione)|Portrait of Aretine: on thick pannel. The deep and sour character of this renowned satirist, is rendered to the life in this noble portrait. The art cannot go further, in point of richness, vigour, and harmony of colour. There is a fine engraving of it by Marc Antonio, -- Portraits are a most interesting part of the art. I felt my predilection for them increase gradually, with my knowledge of painting. I fully concur with Mr. Walpole's opinion, who says, "that a real portrait is truth itself, and calls up so many collateral ideas, as to fill an intelligent mind more than any other species of painting." I have indulged myself to some extent in this line of collecting; but the many I possess at Paris, are what I shall, last of all, be tempted to part with]] réalisée par Giorgione, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg, achetée par Seguier au prix de 141.15 £. [72]
  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An interior scene, well known on the Continent by the name of "la faiscuse de dentélles." This is the finest specimen known of that first pupil of G. Dow; and, we advance, without fear of contradiction, that it is equal in every point to most of the pictures of that scarce and very highly appreciated master, G. Dow (Van Tol)|An interior scene, well known on the Continent by the name of "la faiscuse de dentélles." This is the finest specimen known of that first pupil of G. Dow; and, we advance, without fear of contradiction, that it is equal in every point to most of the pictures of that scarce and very highly appreciated master, G. Dow]] réalisée par Van Tol, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg au prix de 351.15 £. [81]
  • 1817.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape and figures: on copper. The Flight into AEgypt. The truth of expression, the feeling pourtrayed in the different heads of the figures, and the elegance of the scenery, render this clear and brilliant picture, a real bijou, and must render it acceptable to the refined connoisseur. From Gen. Thiebaut's collection (Domenichino)|Landscape and figures: on copper. The Flight into AEgypt. The truth of expression, the feeling pourtrayed in the different heads of the figures, and the elegance of the scenery, render this clear and brilliant picture, a real bijou, and must render it acceptable to the refined connoisseur. From Gen. Thiebaut's collection]] réalisée par Domenichino, vendue par Duke de D'Alberg, achetée par Gray au prix de 77.14 £. [82]