Ventes d'œuvres le 1818.04.16

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  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Storm. -- In this small Picture is produced a great effect, the light is so well managed, it seizes on the eye, and confines it to the principal object; the sea is in violent motion, admirably expressed by the Pencil of the younger Vandevelde (Vandevelde)|A Storm. -- In this small Picture is produced a great effect, the light is so well managed, it seizes on the eye, and confines it to the principal object; the sea is in violent motion, admirably expressed by the Pencil of the younger Vandevelde]] réalisée par Vandevelde, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Gibson au prix de 2.8 £. [16]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Flowers. -- Few Artists treated these subjects with more felicity, than this favoured Master, his touch seems so peculiarly well adapted to whatever he painted, that it appears to have been done with that ease and freedom, not the effect of study, but intuitive natural powers (Van Huysum)|Flowers. -- Few Artists treated these subjects with more felicity, than this favoured Master, his touch seems so peculiarly well adapted to whatever he painted, that it appears to have been done with that ease and freedom, not the effect of study, but intuitive natural powers]] réalisée par Van Huysum, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Allen au prix de 4.5 £. [20]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Himself. -- This Head, combining many high qualities of art, appears evidently to have been a study of the Painter. -- Hals ranked high in his profession; his Works have been comparable with Vandyck and Rubens. -- This may be truly called a chef 'doeuvre of his Hand (F. Hals)|Portrait of Himself. -- This Head, combining many high qualities of art, appears evidently to have been a study of the Painter. -- Hals ranked high in his profession; his Works have been comparable with Vandyck and Rubens. -- This may be truly called a chef 'doeuvre of his Hand]] réalisée par F. Hals, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Anthony au prix de 7.7 £. [22]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscapes -- Views near Rome. -- This Artist passed the greater part of his life at Rome, and was in high estimation from the strong similarity his Works bore to his favourite model, Claude Lorraine, every traveller of taste and judgment, became desirous of possessing Works at his Hand. On his return to this, his native Country, he was equally fortunate in meeting great encouragement; his Works shew how well he was entitled to general esteem. These are views of well known and admired parts of the Country, and are faithful representations of the respective subjects (S. Delane)|Landscapes -- Views near Rome. -- This Artist passed the greater part of his life at Rome, and was in high estimation from the strong similarity his Works bore to his favourite model, Claude Lorraine, every traveller of taste and judgment, became desirous of possessing Works at his Hand. On his return to this, his native Country, he was equally fortunate in meeting great encouragement; his Works shew how well he was entitled to general esteem. These are views of well known and admired parts of the Country, and are faithful representations of the respective subjects]] réalisée par S. Delane, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Anthony au prix de 7.19 £. [24]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscapes -- Views near Rome. -- This Artist passed the greater part of his life at Rome, and was in high estimation from the strong similarity his Works bore to his favourite model, Claude Lorraine, every traveller of taste and judgment, became desirous of possessing Works at his Hand. On his return to this, his native Country, he was equally fortunate in meeting great encouragement; his Works shew how well he was entitled to general esteem. These are views of well known and admired parts of the Country, and are faithful representations of the respective subjects (S. Dalane)|Landscapes -- Views near Rome. -- This Artist passed the greater part of his life at Rome, and was in high estimation from the strong similarity his Works bore to his favourite model, Claude Lorraine, every traveller of taste and judgment, became desirous of possessing Works at his Hand. On his return to this, his native Country, he was equally fortunate in meeting great encouragement; his Works shew how well he was entitled to general esteem. These are views of well known and admired parts of the Country, and are faithful representations of the respective subjects]] réalisée par S. Dalane, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Anthony au prix de 7.19 £. [25]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape. -- Of this Painting it may be truly said, that Roberts might have built his fame upon its merit; uniting great sweetness of tone and softness, to perhaps the most beautiful penciling that can be produced, this Work stands unrivalled even by himself (T. Roberts)|Landscape. -- Of this Painting it may be truly said, that Roberts might have built his fame upon its merit; uniting great sweetness of tone and softness, to perhaps the most beautiful penciling that can be produced, this Work stands unrivalled even by himself]] réalisée par T. Roberts, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par B of Down au prix de 29.11 £. [27]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape. -- This favorite Pupil of Claude, whose Works were so much sought for even in his own life time -- gives us in this Picture a strong proof of what his merits must have been, it brings this Master before us, and leaves but little, if any, to wish for, in possessing so sweet a specimen of his pencil (Swanefeld)|Landscape. -- This favorite Pupil of Claude, whose Works were so much sought for even in his own life time -- gives us in this Picture a strong proof of what his merits must have been, it brings this Master before us, and leaves but little, if any, to wish for, in possessing so sweet a specimen of his pencil]] réalisée par Swanefeld, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Killaloe au prix de 8.4 £. [31]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape. -- A beautiful choice of subject, the fore and middle-grounds finely massed: the distances tender, yet distinctly marked, the whole so well combined producing a grand effect -- but where G. Poussin's Landscapes can be seen, description may cease, they surpass every euloguim that can be offered (G. Poussin)|Landscape. -- A beautiful choice of subject, the fore and middle-grounds finely massed: the distances tender, yet distinctly marked, the whole so well combined producing a grand effect -- but where G. Poussin's Landscapes can be seen, description may cease, they surpass every euloguim that can be offered]] réalisée par G. Poussin, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Cox au prix de 43.4 £. [36]
  • 1818.04.16/ maison de ventes : Herbert (J.D.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Magdalen. -- To those that view this Painting with attention, it may be superfluous to point out the many perfections of Art it exhibits, whether we consider the grandeur of the Composition, the execution of the Pencil, the sweet tone of Color, the matchless expression, or the general effect; we must contemplate the Work as an unrivalled and extraordinary effort of that incomparable Master, it is impossible to look on this Picture without experiencing the highest excitement of our feelings, and it requires no hesitation to assert that it would be impossible to produce a more perfect representation of the truly penitent Magdalen (Guercino)|Magdalen. -- To those that view this Painting with attention, it may be superfluous to point out the many perfections of Art it exhibits, whether we consider the grandeur of the Composition, the execution of the Pencil, the sweet tone of Color, the matchless expression, or the general effect; we must contemplate the Work as an unrivalled and extraordinary effort of that incomparable Master, it is impossible to look on this Picture without experiencing the highest excitement of our feelings, and it requires no hesitation to assert that it would be impossible to produce a more perfect representation of the truly penitent Magdalen]] réalisée par Guercino, vendue par Rt Hon Sackville Hamilton, achetée par Cummins au prix de 20.0 £. [37]