Ventes d'œuvres le 1818.11.04

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  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Belshazzar's Feast, the hand-writing on the wall; when we consider the number of Figures, their interesting variety, and grouping; and the patient labour in executing the objects of Still Life, of which this Picture affords such evident proof, and its general effect; we must highly esteem the talents of the Artist who produced it (Franciscus Francks, the elder)|Belshazzar's Feast, the hand-writing on the wall; when we consider the number of Figures, their interesting variety, and grouping; and the patient labour in executing the objects of Still Life, of which this Picture affords such evident proof, and its general effect; we must highly esteem the talents of the Artist who produced it]] réalisée par Franciscus Francks, the elder, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Mrs Johnston au prix de 9.13 £. [16]
  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Shepherds presenting their offering to Pan; a very beautiful specimen of those talents which excited the jealousy of a Rubens; the animals are finished with vast care, and the grouping of the Figures is wonderful for the truth and nature employed by this great Painter in the composition (Jacob Jordaens)|Shepherds presenting their offering to Pan; a very beautiful specimen of those talents which excited the jealousy of a Rubens; the animals are finished with vast care, and the grouping of the Figures is wonderful for the truth and nature employed by this great Painter in the composition]] réalisée par Jacob Jordaens, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Goff au prix de 2.0 £. [23]
  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Man's Head; finished in the exquisite style which distinguishes his Works from those of any other Artist; the natural expression, the tone of colouring, and almost inconceivable execution, will ever render his Paintings of the highest value; proud may the Connoisseur be who can add such a treasure to his Collection (Balthaser Denner)|A Man's Head; finished in the exquisite style which distinguishes his Works from those of any other Artist; the natural expression, the tone of colouring, and almost inconceivable execution, will ever render his Paintings of the highest value; proud may the Connoisseur be who can add such a treasure to his Collection]] réalisée par Balthaser Denner, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par D McKey au prix de 10.0 £. [25]
  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, Peasant, and Cattle; this fine Picture is executed in his best manner; and it is not necessary to descant on its superlative merit; his style of Painting is well known, and experience confirms the observation of Pilkington, and Fuseli; "that his genuine Works are, at this day, as much admired, as they have ever been, and produce very high prices; as that which is truly excellent, will always be truly valuable." (Rosa da Tivoli)|Landscape, Peasant, and Cattle; this fine Picture is executed in his best manner; and it is not necessary to descant on its superlative merit; his style of Painting is well known, and experience confirms the observation of Pilkington, and Fuseli; "that his genuine Works are, at this day, as much admired, as they have ever been, and produce very high prices; as that which is truly excellent, will always be truly valuable."]] réalisée par Rosa da Tivoli, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Mrs Johnston au prix de 2.15 £. [26]
  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Storm, entrance of a Sea Port; a noble Composition, finely handled, the management of the Light, the agitation of the Water, the impending Rock, and distress of the Mariners on shore over their drowned companion, could only be pourtrayed by the pencil of a great Artist, who had studied in the midst of such scenes of horror (Claude Joseph Vernet)|A Storm, entrance of a Sea Port; a noble Composition, finely handled, the management of the Light, the agitation of the Water, the impending Rock, and distress of the Mariners on shore over their drowned companion, could only be pourtrayed by the pencil of a great Artist, who had studied in the midst of such scenes of horror]] réalisée par Claude Joseph Vernet, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Harington au prix de 31.17 £. [27]
  • 1818.11.04/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Palmerstown Fair, near Dublin; never were the genuine humours of an Irish Fair displayed with so just a Pencil; with a force of expression in the various groups worthy of Hogarth, there is combined a neatness and finishing which reminds us of some of the best productions of the Flemish School; and which reflect the highest credit on the ingenious, and deserving Artist, from whom it was purchased at a very liberal price, yet not beyond its deserts (Peacock)|Palmerstown Fair, near Dublin; never were the genuine humours of an Irish Fair displayed with so just a Pencil; with a force of expression in the various groups worthy of Hogarth, there is combined a neatness and finishing which reminds us of some of the best productions of the Flemish School; and which reflect the highest credit on the ingenious, and deserving Artist, from whom it was purchased at a very liberal price, yet not beyond its deserts]] réalisée par Peacock, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Mrs Johnston au prix de 21.12 £. [28]