Ventes d'œuvres le 1818.11.05

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  • 1818.11.05/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Winter Scene in Holland, with Skaiters, &c. very highly finished, and admirably coloured; possessing the steady yet freed touch of a distinguished Master. The figures in this Picture, are a proof of the talents so often called in to embellish the Landscapes of Ruysdael, Wynants, Hobbima, and other celebrated Artists (Adrian van der Veld)|A Winter Scene in Holland, with Skaiters, &c. very highly finished, and admirably coloured; possessing the steady yet freed touch of a distinguished Master. The figures in this Picture, are a proof of the talents so often called in to embellish the Landscapes of Ruysdael, Wynants, Hobbima, and other celebrated Artists]] réalisée par Adrian van der Veld, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Mrs Johnston au prix de 6.15 £. [16]
  • 1818.11.05/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Live and Dead Game, Fish, Vegetables, and Still Life; the exquisite colouring, and style of finishing which this beautiful Painting exhibits, deserve the highest attention; and we must admire the extreme labour of the artist to produce the pleasing effects of this fine production (John van Heck)|Live and Dead Game, Fish, Vegetables, and Still Life; the exquisite colouring, and style of finishing which this beautiful Painting exhibits, deserve the highest attention; and we must admire the extreme labour of the artist to produce the pleasing effects of this fine production]] réalisée par John van Heck, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par J Gage Davis au prix de 4.11 £. [18]
  • 1818.11.05/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Fruit and Flowers; few Painters have possessed more happy talents in this line of the Art; his firm, yet free pencil, natural disposition of his objects, and management of his lights, and colours, were of a superior kind, and have procured for his Works the highest estimation (Michael Angelo, di Campidoglio)|Fruit and Flowers; few Painters have possessed more happy talents in this line of the Art; his firm, yet free pencil, natural disposition of his objects, and management of his lights, and colours, were of a superior kind, and have procured for his Works the highest estimation]] réalisée par Michael Angelo, di Campidoglio, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par Anthony au prix de 1.14 £. [19]
  • 1818.11.05/ maison de ventes : Mercier (R.E.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, by John, and the Figures inserted by his Brother Andrew Both; a very capital Painting by these celebrated Artists; and in every respect worthy of their distinguished talents; their works do not often occur at Sales; the liberal and enlightened Collector will ever embrace with ardour, the opportunity of acquiring such beautiful specimens of the Fine Arts (John Both)|A Landscape, by John, and the Figures inserted by his Brother Andrew Both; a very capital Painting by these celebrated Artists; and in every respect worthy of their distinguished talents; their works do not often occur at Sales; the liberal and enlightened Collector will ever embrace with ardour, the opportunity of acquiring such beautiful specimens of the Fine Arts]] réalisée par John Both, vendue par Thomas Potter, achetée par D McKey au prix de 18.4 £. [30]