Ventes d'œuvres le 1822.05.10
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- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Landscape, in which some Fish are introduced réalisée par Unknown. [1]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Ditto Landscape, with Cattle réalisée par Williamson. [2]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Ditto Landscape, ditto with Cattle 1 f. 9 in. h. -- 2 f. 3 in. w. Pleasing composition of this well-known Artist réalisée par Williamson. [3]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Ditto Landscape, ditto with Cattle, and Figures 1 f. 6 in. h. -- 2 f. w. An agreeable picture, well drawn and coloured réalisée par Brierly. [4]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Two, Views in Naples, -- Architectural 9 in. h. -- 11 in. w. Painted with a light and spirited touch, the Architecture correctly delineated, and displaying a masterly knowledge of perspective, together with a beautiful combination of his objects (J. T Gout)|Two, Views in Naples, -- Architectural 9 in. h. -- 11 in. w. Painted with a light and spirited touch, the Architecture correctly delineated, and displaying a masterly knowledge of perspective, together with a beautiful combination of his objects]] réalisée par J. T Gout. [5]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme View from the interior of a fine arched building, with Figures 1 f. h. -- 1 f. 3 in. w. The Architecture finely managed, the figures spirited, and the whole well coloured, displaying a fine effect of chiaro-scuro réalisée par Panini. [6]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Head of a Turkish Officer Masterly drawing and excellent colouring, finely finished in every part, slovened in none, rich in its detail, effective as a whole, and little inferior to Rembrandt for general effect réalisée par Mortimer. [7]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme St. John preaching in the wilderness 8 in. h. -- 11 in. w. Well drawn and grouped, and coloured with much effect, a clever specimen of this well known old Master réalisée par Vasari. [8]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Landscape, Cattle, &c réalisée par Ruysdale. [9]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme The Adoration of the Magi 9 in. h. -- 1 f. w. A very pleasing little picture, richly coloured and displaying a powerful effect: -- not unworthy one of the best Artists of the School of Rembrandt réalisée par Van Vliet. [10]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Stoning of St. Stephen 1 f. h. -- 1 f. 7 in. w. A slight sketch: the drawing and composition, however, are good, and it is painted with much spirit and general effect réalisée par Tintoretto. [11]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Landscape -- Woody 9 in. h. -- 11 in. w. A beautiful little picture -- companion to No. 341 of the present collection and is equal in merit réalisée par Waterloo. [12]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme View of St. Mark's Palace, Venice réalisée par Canaletti. [13]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[View on the Great Canal of Venice 1 f. 6 in. h. -- 1 f. 8 in. w. Genuine and spirited pictures of this admired Painter, who in his picturesque representations of this Magnificent City, has treated them with an intellegence of perspective, a knowledge of aërial tint, and a peculiarly brilliant effect of light, that approach to illusion (Canaletti)|View on the Great Canal of Venice 1 f. 6 in. h. -- 1 f. 8 in. w. Genuine and spirited pictures of this admired Painter, who in his picturesque representations of this Magnificent City, has treated them with an intellegence of perspective, a knowledge of aërial tint, and a peculiarly brilliant effect of light, that approach to illusion]] réalisée par Canaletti. [14]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful Landscape with Figures, representing Hawking, &c. 7 in. h. -- 9 in. w. A most lovely little specimen of this admired and much prized Master, which for elegant composition, exquisite colouring and spirited delineation of its figures, as well as the tenderness, transparency and precious finish of its touch, cannot be surpassed, and is in small, what Wouvermans is in a larger size (Ferg)|A beautiful Landscape with Figures, representing Hawking, &c. 7 in. h. -- 9 in. w. A most lovely little specimen of this admired and much prized Master, which for elegant composition, exquisite colouring and spirited delineation of its figures, as well as the tenderness, transparency and precious finish of its touch, cannot be surpassed, and is in small, what Wouvermans is in a larger size]] réalisée par Ferg. [15]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme The Nativity. circular 12 in. diam. Sweetly composed and coloured, and neatly pencilled -- a genuine and lovely little picture réalisée par Zuccarelli. [16]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme View in Comerie, Perthshire réalisée par Nasmyth. [17]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Ditto View in Strath-earn, Perthshire 2 f. 3 in. h. -- 2 f. 11 in. w. These are faithful representations of very beautiful scenes, well coloured, and are very pleasing specimens of this admired Artist, whose works are daily rising in public estimation (Nasmyth)|Ditto View in Strath-earn, Perthshire 2 f. 3 in. h. -- 2 f. 11 in. w. These are faithful representations of very beautiful scenes, well coloured, and are very pleasing specimens of this admired Artist, whose works are daily rising in public estimation]] réalisée par Nasmyth. [18]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with numerous Figures -- a Harvest Scene 1 ft. 2 in. h. -- 1 f. 9 in. w. This picture possesses much merit -- it is well composed, the figures are well drawn and grouped, and the whole is painted in a powerful and effective style, and is in fine preservation (Rol. Savary)|Landscape, with numerous Figures -- a Harvest Scene 1 ft. 2 in. h. -- 1 f. 9 in. w. This picture possesses much merit -- it is well composed, the figures are well drawn and grouped, and the whole is painted in a powerful and effective style, and is in fine preservation]] réalisée par Rol. Savary. [19]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Ruins, Goats, &c. 4 f. 6 in. h. -- 5 f. 9 in. w. A singular but fine picture, composed with great spirit and finely coloured; the Animals are admirably drawn, and the various Shrubs, Plants, Flowers and Insects are exquisitely finished, and close copies of Nature (A. Begeyn)|Landscape, with Ruins, Goats, &c. 4 f. 6 in. h. -- 5 f. 9 in. w. A singular but fine picture, composed with great spirit and finely coloured; the Animals are admirably drawn, and the various Shrubs, Plants, Flowers and Insects are exquisitely finished, and close copies of Nature]] réalisée par A. Begeyn. [20]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Figures and Cattle 2 ft. 4 in. h -- 3 f. w. A charming picture of this great Artist, and without any effort to produce a factitious effect: the clear tones of his Atmosphere, the truth and spirit with which the Trees and Foliage are touched, the judicious introduction of the Figures, with the general beauty of the composition, and the harmony which reigns throughout the whole, rank this among the fine works of the Master (John Both)|Landscape, with Figures and Cattle 2 ft. 4 in. h -- 3 f. w. A charming picture of this great Artist, and without any effort to produce a factitious effect: the clear tones of his Atmosphere, the truth and spirit with which the Trees and Foliage are touched, the judicious introduction of the Figures, with the general beauty of the composition, and the harmony which reigns throughout the whole, rank this among the fine works of the Master]] réalisée par John Both. [21]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Skirmish of Cavalry 1 ft. 11 in. h. -- 2 ft. 4 in. w. Painted with all the energy of this great Painter, and admirably descriptive of the scene, which is full of bustle, vigour, and clattering of arms. It is fine preservation réalisée par Salvator Rosa. [22]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Architectural View, with various Figures at the base of a Statue 4 ft. h. -- 3 ft. 6 in. w. The subjects of this admired Painter are not often entitled to much praise, being too frequently representations of the bad taste which prevailed in his day -- but for the richness and truth of colouring of his Draperies, (especially of Silks, &c.) his correct delineation of all kinds of Animals, &c. and the general brilliancy of his Pictures, they will always be much admired, as displaying extraordinary power in colouring; and this is a capital specimen of his excellence in this respect, and is in high preservation (Weeninx the Younger)|Architectural View, with various Figures at the base of a Statue 4 ft. h. -- 3 ft. 6 in. w. The subjects of this admired Painter are not often entitled to much praise, being too frequently representations of the bad taste which prevailed in his day -- but for the richness and truth of colouring of his Draperies, (especially of Silks, &c.) his correct delineation of all kinds of Animals, &c. and the general brilliancy of his Pictures, they will always be much admired, as displaying extraordinary power in colouring; and this is a capital specimen of his excellence in this respect, and is in high preservation]] réalisée par Weeninx the Younger. [23]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, with a high road leading by the side of a Wood 2 f. h. -- 2 f. 8 in. w. A fine and genuine Picture of the Master, painted with great force, transparency and truth, and rich and natural in its effect. The distinct character of the Foliage (for which he is so justly famed) is finely marked and discriminated, and the whole is in fine condition, and a desirable specimen of his rare abilities (Ruysdale)|A Landscape, with a high road leading by the side of a Wood 2 f. h. -- 2 f. 8 in. w. A fine and genuine Picture of the Master, painted with great force, transparency and truth, and rich and natural in its effect. The distinct character of the Foliage (for which he is so justly famed) is finely marked and discriminated, and the whole is in fine condition, and a desirable specimen of his rare abilities]] réalisée par Ruysdale. [24]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Ruins and Figures -- Female milking a Goat 2 ft. 2 in. h. -- 2 ft. 11 in. w. A lovely mid-day scene, composed entirely of cool tints, and the sky is one of the most perfect representations of the cool silvery tones of Nature, we ever saw. The tenderness, harmony, and fine aërial perspective of the middle and distant accessorial parts of the landscape; the animated and correct delineation of the Figures and Animals in the rich foreground, with the bold relief of the Ruined Columns, and their elegant entablature, produce altogether such an appearance of Nature, and such a combination of excellence, as must ever stamp it one of the fine works of this Master, whose genuine Pictures are as much sought after and highly prized, us they are difficult to be obtained (K. Du Jardin)|Landscape, with Ruins and Figures -- Female milking a Goat 2 ft. 2 in. h. -- 2 ft. 11 in. w. A lovely mid-day scene, composed entirely of cool tints, and the sky is one of the most perfect representations of the cool silvery tones of Nature, we ever saw. The tenderness, harmony, and fine aërial perspective of the middle and distant accessorial parts of the landscape; the animated and correct delineation of the Figures and Animals in the rich foreground, with the bold relief of the Ruined Columns, and their elegant entablature, produce altogether such an appearance of Nature, and such a combination of excellence, as must ever stamp it one of the fine works of this Master, whose genuine Pictures are as much sought after and highly prized, us they are difficult to be obtained]] réalisée par K. Du Jardin. [25]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Figures, Hunting &c 2 ft. 2 in. h -- 2 ft. 9 in. w. One of those beautiful scenes, full of the pomp and circumstances of this ancient and honourable sport, which have so long delighted the amateur, and rendered them, when genuine and perfect, so eagerly coveted and so highly appreciated. The tenderness, truth, and elegance of this lovely picture, and in its high state of preservation, render it a most desirable acquisition (Ph. Wouvermans)|Landscape, with Figures, Hunting &c 2 ft. 2 in. h -- 2 ft. 9 in. w. One of those beautiful scenes, full of the pomp and circumstances of this ancient and honourable sport, which have so long delighted the amateur, and rendered them, when genuine and perfect, so eagerly coveted and so highly appreciated. The tenderness, truth, and elegance of this lovely picture, and in its high state of preservation, render it a most desirable acquisition]] réalisée par Ph. Wouvermans. [26]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Virgin and Child. an upr. Oval. 2 ft. 3 in. h. -- 1 ft. 9 in. w. This is a genuine and beautiful picture of the Cabinet size of this great painter, and seldom has this hackneyed subject been more happily treated. The composition of the figures is full of grace, delicacy, beauty of form and attitude: the expression is strikingly indicative of mildness and natural tenderness, and the colouring is chaste, mellow and suited to the subject. This valuable production was a short time since one of the chief ornaments in the celebrated collect. of Count Cinci Bolognetti, at Rome (Guido)|Virgin and Child. an upr. Oval. 2 ft. 3 in. h. -- 1 ft. 9 in. w. This is a genuine and beautiful picture of the Cabinet size of this great painter, and seldom has this hackneyed subject been more happily treated. The composition of the figures is full of grace, delicacy, beauty of form and attitude: the expression is strikingly indicative of mildness and natural tenderness, and the colouring is chaste, mellow and suited to the subject. This valuable production was a short time since one of the chief ornaments in the celebrated collect. of Count Cinci Bolognetti, at Rome]] réalisée par Guido. [27]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Grand Landscape, with Ruins, Figures &c. 2 ft. 2 in. h. -- 3 ft. w. This capital picture, is the united production of two celebrated artists, who often painted conjointly, and their best works (of this kind) when in fine preservation, prove by the prices they bring, the high estimation in which they are held. In this noble picture the classical taste of G. Poussin, and the elevated design of Titian, have been happily imitated, so as to produce a painting of most striking grandeur and effect, and of great excellence and value (Glauber)|Grand Landscape, with Ruins, Figures &c. 2 ft. 2 in. h. -- 3 ft. w. This capital picture, is the united production of two celebrated artists, who often painted conjointly, and their best works (of this kind) when in fine preservation, prove by the prices they bring, the high estimation in which they are held. In this noble picture the classical taste of G. Poussin, and the elevated design of Titian, have been happily imitated, so as to produce a painting of most striking grandeur and effect, and of great excellence and value]] réalisée par Glauber. [28]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Dutch Sea-port, (Haaerlem) with numerous Vessels and Figures. 2 ft. 4 in. h. -- 4 ft. w. One of those busy representations of Art and Nature united, in which it is allowed, that this artist was unrivalled. The correctness of the aërial distances of his vessels, the delightful transparency of his water (upon which they are perfectly floating) the tremulous reflection of the varied objects on its surface, with the tenderness and warm glow of his skies, combine to give an appearance of truth and an indescribable charm to the whole, which this great artist always knew how to produce, and which stamps a value upon his pictures (of this description) almost beyond all reasonable bounds (Cuyp)|Dutch Sea-port, (Haaerlem) with numerous Vessels and Figures. 2 ft. 4 in. h. -- 4 ft. w. One of those busy representations of Art and Nature united, in which it is allowed, that this artist was unrivalled. The correctness of the aërial distances of his vessels, the delightful transparency of his water (upon which they are perfectly floating) the tremulous reflection of the varied objects on its surface, with the tenderness and warm glow of his skies, combine to give an appearance of truth and an indescribable charm to the whole, which this great artist always knew how to produce, and which stamps a value upon his pictures (of this description) almost beyond all reasonable bounds]] réalisée par Cuyp. [29]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape, with Figures -- a Sun Set. 3 ft. 2 in. h -- 4 ft. w. This fine picture represents one of those frequent and romantic scenes which emanated from the united pencils of these justly admired Artists, combining Hill and Dale, Wood and Water, under their most picturesque and lovely forms, harmonised and heightened by the beautiful misty appearance of a glowing sun-set, and touched with a truth and spirit closely approaching to nature. It is in fine preservation and worthy of a place in the most choice collection (John Both)|Landscape, with Figures -- a Sun Set. 3 ft. 2 in. h -- 4 ft. w. This fine picture represents one of those frequent and romantic scenes which emanated from the united pencils of these justly admired Artists, combining Hill and Dale, Wood and Water, under their most picturesque and lovely forms, harmonised and heightened by the beautiful misty appearance of a glowing sun-set, and touched with a truth and spirit closely approaching to nature. It is in fine preservation and worthy of a place in the most choice collection]] réalisée par John Both. [30]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Virgin and Child, seated amidst Shrubs, Flowers &c 2 ft. 10 in. w -- 2 ft. 2 in. w. Of a subject so simple in itself, yet so often treated by the great masters, it is not saying too much to assert; that no one has ever stamped it with an originality, of expression and design, more peculiarly his own (yet entitled to the high praise of excellence) than this truly great painter, and the colouring is no wise inferior, and though rich, yet judiciously subdued. The head of the Virgin is rather piquant, than beautiful; but the Child, though in the most easy and artless posture, and though it has an air of the most perfect innocence in its face, has yet a something that is almost divine in every part, and excites our warmest admiration (Lion. Da Vinci)|Virgin and Child, seated amidst Shrubs, Flowers &c 2 ft. 10 in. w -- 2 ft. 2 in. w. Of a subject so simple in itself, yet so often treated by the great masters, it is not saying too much to assert; that no one has ever stamped it with an originality, of expression and design, more peculiarly his own (yet entitled to the high praise of excellence) than this truly great painter, and the colouring is no wise inferior, and though rich, yet judiciously subdued. The head of the Virgin is rather piquant, than beautiful; but the Child, though in the most easy and artless posture, and though it has an air of the most perfect innocence in its face, has yet a something that is almost divine in every part, and excites our warmest admiration]] réalisée par Lion. Da Vinci. [31]
- 1822.05.10/ maison de ventes : Ford (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Denial of Peter and the Soldiers casting Lots &c 5 ft. 4 in. h. -- 7 ft. 5 in. w. Of this truly magnificent and imposing picture, (so well known by various engravings from it) it is only necessary to state that it has been universally allowed the Chef D'OEuvre of the Artist. -- See Bryan's Dict. of Painters &c. (Gerard Seghers)|The Denial of Peter and the Soldiers casting Lots &c 5 ft. 4 in. h. -- 7 ft. 5 in. w. Of this truly magnificent and imposing picture, (so well known by various engravings from it) it is only necessary to state that it has been universally allowed the Chef D'OEuvre of the Artist. -- See Bryan's Dict. of Painters &c.]] réalisée par Gerard Seghers. [32]