Ventes d'œuvres le 1823.06.13

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  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior, in which are represented Courtezans stealing a Watch from a Youth overpowered with Wine and Sleep, and an old Woman receiving the Spoil. A Man is playing on the Violin, behind a Table, on which are seen the remnants of a Feast. Cards, scattered on the Floor, imply, that a Smoker in the back ground has left little else for the Females to purloin. Small and beautifully finished (Jan Steen)|An Interior, in which are represented Courtezans stealing a Watch from a Youth overpowered with Wine and Sleep, and an old Woman receiving the Spoil. A Man is playing on the Violin, behind a Table, on which are seen the remnants of a Feast. Cards, scattered on the Floor, imply, that a Smoker in the back ground has left little else for the Females to purloin. Small and beautifully finished]] réalisée par Jan Steen, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Dunford au prix de 210.0 £. [44]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Four Seasons, exemplified in Four beautiful small Cabinet Pictures, in one of which a Gardener is moving an Orange Tree in a Pot; and in the others are, a Reaper with a Sheaf of Corn, a Vinager with a Pitcher and a Glass of Wine, and an old Man warming himself. The whole very spirited in the touch, and clear in tone. From the collection of Prince Talleyrand (David Teniers)|The Four Seasons, exemplified in Four beautiful small Cabinet Pictures, in one of which a Gardener is moving an Orange Tree in a Pot; and in the others are, a Reaper with a Sheaf of Corn, a Vinager with a Pitcher and a Glass of Wine, and an old Man warming himself. The whole very spirited in the touch, and clear in tone. From the collection of Prince Talleyrand]] réalisée par David Teniers, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Hon Mr Peel au prix de 189.0 £. [47]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portraits of Jan Steen and his Wife taking an Afternoon Nap, after indulging rather freely in the dainties of the Table; their Children playing Tricks; and various entertaining incidents are introduced to give interest to the Picture, which is of Jan Steen's best time and manner. From the collection of the Duc d'Alberg (Jan Steen)|Portraits of Jan Steen and his Wife taking an Afternoon Nap, after indulging rather freely in the dainties of the Table; their Children playing Tricks; and various entertaining incidents are introduced to give interest to the Picture, which is of Jan Steen's best time and manner. From the collection of the Duc d'Alberg]] réalisée par Jan Steen, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Hume for Beckford au prix de 231.0 £. [54]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ and the Woman of Samaria at the Well, and the Disciples and other Figures approaching to them. A well-known chef d'oeuvre of the Master, of little more than cabinet size, which was formerly in the Orleans collection. The subject has been etched by Annibale Carracci himself, and by Carlo Marratti, and engraved by various Artists (Ann. Carracci)|Christ and the Woman of Samaria at the Well, and the Disciples and other Figures approaching to them. A well-known chef d'oeuvre of the Master, of little more than cabinet size, which was formerly in the Orleans collection. The subject has been etched by Annibale Carracci himself, and by Carlo Marratti, and engraved by various Artists]] réalisée par Ann. Carracci, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Seguier Count Woronzow au prix de 325.10 £. [59]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Magdalen accosted by an Infant Angel, the Drapery consisting chiefly of the covering of her Couch, hastily thrown across her, seems to imply, that she is listening to a Morning Vision, and while it engages her attention, she is treading on a Casket, the Jewels from which are spread upon the Floor (Guido)|The Magdalen accosted by an Infant Angel, the Drapery consisting chiefly of the covering of her Couch, hastily thrown across her, seems to imply, that she is listening to a Morning Vision, and while it engages her attention, she is treading on a Casket, the Jewels from which are spread upon the Floor]] réalisée par Guido, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Bullock Harley St au prix de 325.10 £. [60]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Exterior of a Farm-house, with many Villagers assembled to view Four Peasants dancing in a Ring to a Bag-piper mounted on a Cask. In the distance are a Village and a Silvery Landscape, with a beautiful Sky. A spirited, clear, and admirable Specimen (D. Teniers)|Exterior of a Farm-house, with many Villagers assembled to view Four Peasants dancing in a Ring to a Bag-piper mounted on a Cask. In the distance are a Village and a Silvery Landscape, with a beautiful Sky. A spirited, clear, and admirable Specimen]] réalisée par D. Teniers, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par A Baring au prix de 414.15 £. [62]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Calm, with a Frigate at Anchor, a Shallop approaching her, and other Vessels beautifully disposed; a clear and brilliant Sky. This Picture, for delicacy of touch, for truth of effect, and sweetness of tone, is one of the most perfect productions of this unrivalled Master's pencil (W. V. de Velde)|A Calm, with a Frigate at Anchor, a Shallop approaching her, and other Vessels beautifully disposed; a clear and brilliant Sky. This Picture, for delicacy of touch, for truth of effect, and sweetness of tone, is one of the most perfect productions of this unrivalled Master's pencil]] réalisée par W. V. de Velde, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par R Peel au prix de 409.10 £. [63]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Vase of Flowers. One of the most exquisite performances of the Master; for the Taste with which the Group is composed, and for the truth and delicacy of the execution. It is on a yellow ground, and of the best time of Van Huysum. It was painted for the late Mr. Gildermeester, from whose collection it was purchased (Van Huysum)|A Vase of Flowers. One of the most exquisite performances of the Master; for the Taste with which the Group is composed, and for the truth and delicacy of the execution. It is on a yellow ground, and of the best time of Van Huysum. It was painted for the late Mr. Gildermeester, from whose collection it was purchased]] réalisée par Van Huysum, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Smith au prix de 262.10 £. [64]
  • 1823.06.13/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse. Terror and Pity, the Ministers of the Tragic Muse, wait beside her Chair, with the Bowl and Dagger, and are represented as Visionary Forms, in a half tint, which is beautifully in unison with a cloudy and tempestuous sky. The under-plot of this grand performance is conceived in the finest poetical taste. The principal figure is coloured in a ripe autumnal tone, and displays the best spirit of Sir Joshua's pencil. This celebrated Picture was purchased from Sir Joshua by Monsieur de Calonne (Sir J. Reynolds)|Portrait of Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse. Terror and Pity, the Ministers of the Tragic Muse, wait beside her Chair, with the Bowl and Dagger, and are represented as Visionary Forms, in a half tint, which is beautifully in unison with a cloudy and tempestuous sky. The under-plot of this grand performance is conceived in the finest poetical taste. The principal figure is coloured in a ripe autumnal tone, and displays the best spirit of Sir Joshua's pencil. This celebrated Picture was purchased from Sir Joshua by Monsieur de Calonne]] réalisée par Sir J. Reynolds, vendue par George Watson Taylor, Esq, achetée par Earl Grosvenor au prix de 1837.10 £. [66]