Ventes d'œuvres le 1824.06.26

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  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Mary of Burgundy, wife of Maximilian I. receiving the Sacrament on her bed of sickness, surrounded by her family, and various personages of her court; above, in a Glory, is the Saviour, surrounded by Angels, holding a Crown in the left hand. Among the Portraits introduced into this picture, are those of Maximilian I. his son, Philip, the poet Stabius, and George of Zlatkonia, then Bishop of Vienna, for whom this picture seems to have been executed. This Bishop, draped in white, kneels before the bed, holding a book, in which is the monogram of A. Durer, with the date 1518, and a Latin Epigram is inscribed at the left hand corner of the picture This picture is described in Meussel's Museum für Kunstler und liebhaber, Tom. vi. p. 24 (Albert Durer)|Mary of Burgundy, wife of Maximilian I. receiving the Sacrament on her bed of sickness, surrounded by her family, and various personages of her court; above, in a Glory, is the Saviour, surrounded by Angels, holding a Crown in the left hand. Among the Portraits introduced into this picture, are those of Maximilian I. his son, Philip, the poet Stabius, and George of Zlatkonia, then Bishop of Vienna, for whom this picture seems to have been executed. This Bishop, draped in white, kneels before the bed, holding a book, in which is the monogram of A. Durer, with the date 1518, and a Latin Epigram is inscribed at the left hand corner of the picture This picture is described in Meussel's Museum für Kunstler und liebhaber, Tom. vi. p. 24]] réalisée par Albert Durer, vendue par Count Fries, achetée par Hollingsworth au prix de 74.11 £. [11]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Scene under the Piazza of the Exchange, at Amsterdam; where a multitude of Merchants are assembled. The effect of sun shine, is most happily expressed; the Painting equals any of Cuyp's best works. This Picture lately graced the Collection of Watson Taylor, Esqr. (De Witte)|A Scene under the Piazza of the Exchange, at Amsterdam; where a multitude of Merchants are assembled. The effect of sun shine, is most happily expressed; the Painting equals any of Cuyp's best works. This Picture lately graced the Collection of Watson Taylor, Esqr.]] réalisée par De Witte, vendue par R. [24]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Bouquet of Flowers, disposed with consummate taste, and arranged with the most skilful effect. The objects are fearlessly put across each other: Insects are introduced, with a truth and delicacy, amounting to complete deception. The works of this eminent Artist are uncommonly scarce: and they rank with the finest of Van Huysum (Maria van Oosterwyck)|A Bouquet of Flowers, disposed with consummate taste, and arranged with the most skilful effect. The objects are fearlessly put across each other: Insects are introduced, with a truth and delicacy, amounting to complete deception. The works of this eminent Artist are uncommonly scarce: and they rank with the finest of Van Huysum]] réalisée par Maria van Oosterwyck, vendue par R, achetée par Lushington au prix de 26.5 £. [27]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An extraordinary grand Landscape, with Buildings and Figures; it represents an Italian Fair, and is like a Scene at one of the Gates of Rome. There are upwards of 150 Figures in the various Groups, which are engaged in all sorts of amusement and business (Jean Miel)|An extraordinary grand Landscape, with Buildings and Figures; it represents an Italian Fair, and is like a Scene at one of the Gates of Rome. There are upwards of 150 Figures in the various Groups, which are engaged in all sorts of amusement and business]] réalisée par Jean Miel, vendue par R, achetée par Bartie au prix de 43.1 £. [29]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior, with a party of Peasants at a table, enjoying the mirth of conversation, and the stimulus of the jug. The Picture is illuminated by a window, which is of rare occurence. The room is full of interesting and well varied detail, painted in the very best style of this valued master (Adrian Ostade)|An Interior, with a party of Peasants at a table, enjoying the mirth of conversation, and the stimulus of the jug. The Picture is illuminated by a window, which is of rare occurence. The room is full of interesting and well varied detail, painted in the very best style of this valued master]] réalisée par Adrian Ostade, vendue par R au prix de 88.4 £. [33]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful copy from Raphael's celebrated Picture, called, the Pearl. The fine style of drawing, the soft, yet bold colouring and the extremely high finish bestowed on this elegant composition, stamp it as a very precious work of art, and little inferior to the original (Giulio Romano)|A beautiful copy from Raphael's celebrated Picture, called, the Pearl. The fine style of drawing, the soft, yet bold colouring and the extremely high finish bestowed on this elegant composition, stamp it as a very precious work of art, and little inferior to the original]] réalisée par Giulio Romano, vendue par R au prix de 58 gs. [34]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Village Fete, called La Fête des Rois. Teniers has exerted all his fancy, in giving a drollery of expression to the countenances of the various Groups, that contributes to make this a most desirable Picture: it is painted with peculiar sharpness of touch, and delicacy of finish (David Teniers)|The Village Fete, called La Fête des Rois. Teniers has exerted all his fancy, in giving a drollery of expression to the countenances of the various Groups, that contributes to make this a most desirable Picture: it is painted with peculiar sharpness of touch, and delicacy of finish]] réalisée par David Teniers, vendue par R au prix de 121 gs. [38]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Discovery of Charles II. in his flight, by the Blacksmith, who is pausing before he strikes the hot iron; and is regarding the King with a keen inquiring eye. The Horse seems alive; and the shop is filled with all imaginable implements and tools suited to the business, and painted in the most beautiful manner (Gabriel Metzu)|The Discovery of Charles II. in his flight, by the Blacksmith, who is pausing before he strikes the hot iron; and is regarding the King with a keen inquiring eye. The Horse seems alive; and the shop is filled with all imaginable implements and tools suited to the business, and painted in the most beautiful manner]] réalisée par Gabriel Metzu, vendue par R au prix de 245 gs. [39]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Fleet coming to an Anchorage off the Helder, with the commodore's Yacht following his ship, which is a noble object in the Picture: a Gale approaching, is finely described by the skill of this renowned Dutch Painter. The Picture came lately from France, and was in the cabinet of Monsieur Le Noir Dubreuil (Backhuysen)|A Fleet coming to an Anchorage off the Helder, with the commodore's Yacht following his ship, which is a noble object in the Picture: a Gale approaching, is finely described by the skill of this renowned Dutch Painter. The Picture came lately from France, and was in the cabinet of Monsieur Le Noir Dubreuil]] réalisée par Backhuysen, vendue par R au prix de 245 gs. [40]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A splendid Picture of wild Mountain Scenery; composed of a Hill covered with forest trees, and surmounted by a Fort. The Valley is filled with wood, where a Village is just seen, and the Gothic Spire rising from its with centre. A Cottage on a Rocky Eminence on the left of the middle of the Scene, is surrounded by lofty larch trees; and a Torrent rushes to the front of the Picture, falling amidst Rocks, and presenting one of the finest effects possible. The whole is painted with unusual beauty of handling, and forms one of the most captivating of his valued works (Ruysdael)|A splendid Picture of wild Mountain Scenery; composed of a Hill covered with forest trees, and surmounted by a Fort. The Valley is filled with wood, where a Village is just seen, and the Gothic Spire rising from its with centre. A Cottage on a Rocky Eminence on the left of the middle of the Scene, is surrounded by lofty larch trees; and a Torrent rushes to the front of the Picture, falling amidst Rocks, and presenting one of the finest effects possible. The whole is painted with unusual beauty of handling, and forms one of the most captivating of his valued works]] réalisée par Ruysdael, vendue par R au prix de 195 gs. [41]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Scene in an ancient City, with a Bacchanalian procession to the Temple, which occupies the centre. It is impossible to speak too highly of the exquisite hues and incomparable execution of this charming picture. The bacchanalian groups, and the statue on the left are painted by Filippo Lauri: the original drawing was in the possession of the late R. P. Knight, Esq., and is now in the British Museum (Claude Lorraine)|A Scene in an ancient City, with a Bacchanalian procession to the Temple, which occupies the centre. It is impossible to speak too highly of the exquisite hues and incomparable execution of this charming picture. The bacchanalian groups, and the statue on the left are painted by Filippo Lauri: the original drawing was in the possession of the late R. P. Knight, Esq., and is now in the British Museum]] réalisée par Claude Lorraine, vendue par R au prix de 105 gs. [43]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Venus blind-folding Cupid; a most masterly example of Titian's Art, when it had reached its highest quality: it is said to be a portrait of his daughter; the face is different from that in the Borghese Picture, of the same subject, and far more beautiful (Titian)|Venus blind-folding Cupid; a most masterly example of Titian's Art, when it had reached its highest quality: it is said to be a portrait of his daughter; the face is different from that in the Borghese Picture, of the same subject, and far more beautiful]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par R au prix de 270 gs. [44]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Good Centurion, praying that our Saviour would heal his Servant. This inestimable beauty of Art, was in the Collection of the Duke of Modena, and was afterwards in the Gallery of the Duke of Orleans. It is vain to attempt a description of this master-piece of splendid colouring and painting. There is nothing by Paul Veronese in this country, that can contest the Palm with it (Paul Veronese)|The Good Centurion, praying that our Saviour would heal his Servant. This inestimable beauty of Art, was in the Collection of the Duke of Modena, and was afterwards in the Gallery of the Duke of Orleans. It is vain to attempt a description of this master-piece of splendid colouring and painting. There is nothing by Paul Veronese in this country, that can contest the Palm with it]] réalisée par Paul Veronese, vendue par R au prix de 345 gs. [45]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Marriage of St. Catharine. This superb work is recently brought from Spain; it is a duplicate of the most celebrated Correggio in the Louvre; but it differs from it in many points; particularly in the heads of the Virgin and St. Catharine, which are evidently painted from different models; the sky is also entirely different. It is in the highest state of preservation, and of that peculiarly rich texture and fascinating combination of colour, which has been approached by no other painter than our admirable Reynolds (Corregio)|The Marriage of St. Catharine. This superb work is recently brought from Spain; it is a duplicate of the most celebrated Correggio in the Louvre; but it differs from it in many points; particularly in the heads of the Virgin and St. Catharine, which are evidently painted from different models; the sky is also entirely different. It is in the highest state of preservation, and of that peculiarly rich texture and fascinating combination of colour, which has been approached by no other painter than our admirable Reynolds]] réalisée par Corregio, vendue par R. [46]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of a Flemish Nobleman. The picture was recently brought from Flanders, where it was known by the title of the Grand Falconer. It is of the highest quality; grand and simple in its design; of the richest deep toned colour, and with a force of Chiaro Oscuro which nothing can exceed (Rembrandt)|Portrait of a Flemish Nobleman. The picture was recently brought from Flanders, where it was known by the title of the Grand Falconer. It is of the highest quality; grand and simple in its design; of the richest deep toned colour, and with a force of Chiaro Oscuro which nothing can exceed]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par R au prix de 180 gs. [47]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin in the attitude of half kneeling, with her arms crossed over her breast, and the Infant Jesus sleeping among flowers. There can be no question of the authenticity of this beautiful little picture, which was painted by Raffaelle about the time when he first left Florence (Raffaelle)|The Virgin in the attitude of half kneeling, with her arms crossed over her breast, and the Infant Jesus sleeping among flowers. There can be no question of the authenticity of this beautiful little picture, which was painted by Raffaelle about the time when he first left Florence]] réalisée par Raffaelle, vendue par Sir H Drummond, achetée par Hollingsworth au prix de 79.16 £. [77]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin seated, in a romantic Landscape, with the Infant in her lap, and meditating on the book of the Prophecies, which is in her hand; treated with much elegance and sweetness. A Park Scene is represented in the distance, and in a Cavern on the left is the Episode of St. Jerome before a Crucifix; it is in Titian's first manner (Titian)|The Virgin seated, in a romantic Landscape, with the Infant in her lap, and meditating on the book of the Prophecies, which is in her hand; treated with much elegance and sweetness. A Park Scene is represented in the distance, and in a Cavern on the left is the Episode of St. Jerome before a Crucifix; it is in Titian's first manner]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Sir H Drummond, achetée par Norton au prix de 63.0 £. [80]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin seated in a elegant attitude, with the Infant on her lap, who is turning towards the infant St. John, in adoration by her side; the effort of the child to support himself gives a spirited movement to its figure, and the attitude of the young St. John is dignified; the head of the Virgin has all the sweetness and freshness of Corregio; the landscape background, with ruins, is also finely painted (Parmegiano)|The Virgin seated in a elegant attitude, with the Infant on her lap, who is turning towards the infant St. John, in adoration by her side; the effort of the child to support himself gives a spirited movement to its figure, and the attitude of the young St. John is dignified; the head of the Virgin has all the sweetness and freshness of Corregio; the landscape background, with ruins, is also finely painted]] réalisée par Parmegiano, vendue par Sir H Drummond, achetée par [[D Ther [?]]] au prix de 52.10 £. [82]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Martyrdom of St. Stephen; a cabinet speicimen; it is varied from the picture by Domenichino on the same subject, which was formerly at Paris; admirable for expression, drawing, and brilliancy, and in the highest preservation; it is of cabinet size, octagonal (Domenichino)|The Martyrdom of St. Stephen; a cabinet speicimen; it is varied from the picture by Domenichino on the same subject, which was formerly at Paris; admirable for expression, drawing, and brilliancy, and in the highest preservation; it is of cabinet size, octagonal]] réalisée par Domenichino, vendue par Sir H Drummond, achetée par Hollingworth au prix de 42.0 £. [83]
  • 1824.06.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful Copy from Guido's celebrated picture of the Virgin and Child, in the Palazzo Doria; this picture has been compared with the original, and has by many been preferred to it, the colouring in Sasso's performance is certainly finer than in Guido's, and if there be more roundness in Guido's outline there is more beauty in the softer touches of Sasso Ferrato's pencil (Sasso ferrato)|A beautiful Copy from Guido's celebrated picture of the Virgin and Child, in the Palazzo Doria; this picture has been compared with the original, and has by many been preferred to it, the colouring in Sasso's performance is certainly finer than in Guido's, and if there be more roundness in Guido's outline there is more beauty in the softer touches of Sasso Ferrato's pencil]] réalisée par Sasso ferrato, vendue par Sir H Drummond, achetée par Rutley au prix de 158.11 £. [84]