Ventes d'œuvres le 1828.04.21

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  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This celebrated picture was originally in the Gallery of Hesse Cassel, from whence it passed into the collection of the Empress Josephine, and latterly into that of Monsieur de Talleyrand, from whom it was purchased by Mr. Buchanan in 1817. It has been justly considered as one of Claude's most beautiful pastorals, and is in the most perfect state of preservation. It is truly valuable (Claude Lorrain)|This celebrated picture was originally in the Gallery of Hesse Cassel, from whence it passed into the collection of the Empress Josephine, and latterly into that of Monsieur de Talleyrand, from whom it was purchased by Mr. Buchanan in 1817. It has been justly considered as one of Claude's most beautiful pastorals, and is in the most perfect state of preservation. It is truly valuable]] réalisée par Claude Lorrain, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [22]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Magdalen attended by Angels. This Picture was formerly in the Royal Collection of Naples. It is one of those works in which he appears to have imitated Correggio. It belonged to the late Lord Radstock, who prized it much for its great harmony and powerful effect (Schidone)|The Magdalen attended by Angels. This Picture was formerly in the Royal Collection of Naples. It is one of those works in which he appears to have imitated Correggio. It belonged to the late Lord Radstock, who prized it much for its great harmony and powerful effect]] réalisée par Schidone, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [25]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A grand Fresco; representing a Concert of Music. It is composed with great judgment, and worthy of being ranked with the best works of the period. These magnificent Pictures in Fresco are cited by Ridolfi as being painted by Paul Veronese for the palace of La Soranza, near Castelfranco, who states them to be some of Paul's best works (Paul Veronese)|A grand Fresco; representing a Concert of Music. It is composed with great judgment, and worthy of being ranked with the best works of the period. These magnificent Pictures in Fresco are cited by Ridolfi as being painted by Paul Veronese for the palace of La Soranza, near Castelfranco, who states them to be some of Paul's best works]] réalisée par Paul Veronese, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [26]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Boar Hunt. This celebrated Picture is well known by the fine engraving from it by Woollet, under the title of "The Meleager and Atalanta." The figures are by Mortimer, and combine well with one of the most beautiful and finished compositions of this master. The superiority of Richard Wilson over his cotemporaries, is conspicuous from the fine poetic cast which he has always given to his studied compositions, partaking much of what is very properly termed le beau idéal. In the present small Collection, his works are put in competition with those of a most powerful opponent, and maintain themselves by means of this powerful aid (Richard Wilson)|The Boar Hunt. This celebrated Picture is well known by the fine engraving from it by Woollet, under the title of "The Meleager and Atalanta." The figures are by Mortimer, and combine well with one of the most beautiful and finished compositions of this master. The superiority of Richard Wilson over his cotemporaries, is conspicuous from the fine poetic cast which he has always given to his studied compositions, partaking much of what is very properly termed le beau idéal. In the present small Collection, his works are put in competition with those of a most powerful opponent, and maintain themselves by means of this powerful aid]] réalisée par Richard Wilson, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [27]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This has always been considered to be the chef d'oeuvre of this master. -- It presents the amusing, varied, and interesting details of a Camp; and to be justly appreciated must be patiently examined. From the extreme point of view where the approaches to the place are distinctly described, through the whole gradations of space, the subject is filled with groups, each holding correctly its place in the line of perspective, all full of interest, and the figures executed in the most perfect manner. The capital works of this master are rare, and this may be ranked as the finest example of these (Lingelbach)|This has always been considered to be the chef d'oeuvre of this master. -- It presents the amusing, varied, and interesting details of a Camp; and to be justly appreciated must be patiently examined. From the extreme point of view where the approaches to the place are distinctly described, through the whole gradations of space, the subject is filled with groups, each holding correctly its place in the line of perspective, all full of interest, and the figures executed in the most perfect manner. The capital works of this master are rare, and this may be ranked as the finest example of these]] réalisée par Lingelbach, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [30]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Jupiter and Ganymede. This delightful composition was painted for a ceiling, and is one of the most beautiful and graceful conceptions that can be imagined. The Eagle, Ganymede, and Cupid, are ascending in an admirable groupe; and resemble the composition of an ancient Greek gem, at the best period of the art (artiste anonyme)|Jupiter and Ganymede. This delightful composition was painted for a ceiling, and is one of the most beautiful and graceful conceptions that can be imagined. The Eagle, Ganymede, and Cupid, are ascending in an admirable groupe; and resemble the composition of an ancient Greek gem, at the best period of the art]] réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [32]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Minerva between Mensuration and Calculation. This magnificent Painting in Fresco will convey a just idea of the great excellence at which the ancient masters arrived in this particular class of art. The grandeur of the design, the correctness of drawing, and purity of the style, must render it an object highly interesting to every admirer of works of a high class, and valuable as an object of study for modern artists. Although the art of painting in Fresco is little known to those who have not visited Italy, it is nevertheless worthy of remark, that the most capital works of the great masters executed at a period when the art itself was carried to the greatest height of perfection, were painted in this style. -- The principal works of Michael Angelo Buonarrotti, Raphael, Correggio, Julio Romano, &c. are painted in fresco (Paul Veronese)|Minerva between Mensuration and Calculation. This magnificent Painting in Fresco will convey a just idea of the great excellence at which the ancient masters arrived in this particular class of art. The grandeur of the design, the correctness of drawing, and purity of the style, must render it an object highly interesting to every admirer of works of a high class, and valuable as an object of study for modern artists. Although the art of painting in Fresco is little known to those who have not visited Italy, it is nevertheless worthy of remark, that the most capital works of the great masters executed at a period when the art itself was carried to the greatest height of perfection, were painted in this style. -- The principal works of Michael Angelo Buonarrotti, Raphael, Correggio, Julio Romano, &c. are painted in fresco]] réalisée par Paul Veronese, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [33]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Apollo and the Seasons. This fine Picture is well known from the engraving of it by Woollet, under the name of Apollo and the Seasons. It is one of those delightful compositions which has given him a fair title to being designated "the English Claude." (Richard Wilson)|Apollo and the Seasons. This fine Picture is well known from the engraving of it by Woollet, under the name of Apollo and the Seasons. It is one of those delightful compositions which has given him a fair title to being designated "the English Claude."]] réalisée par Richard Wilson, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [34]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape. This eminent painter of scenery, -- truly English, -- is one of those who painted in rivalship with the immortal Wilson. Although his style is not so refined, nor his taste so poetical, as that of his cotemporary, still there is a power of execution, a breadth of effect, and a rich local truth, in the representation of his scenes, which rank him high in the estimation of the amateur of rural landscape. These three small pictures form a happy and interesting union of the relative excellencies of the works of these masters; they reflect a lustre on each other, without either of them suffering in its own particular style (Gainsborough)|A Landscape. This eminent painter of scenery, -- truly English, -- is one of those who painted in rivalship with the immortal Wilson. Although his style is not so refined, nor his taste so poetical, as that of his cotemporary, still there is a power of execution, a breadth of effect, and a rich local truth, in the representation of his scenes, which rank him high in the estimation of the amateur of rural landscape. These three small pictures form a happy and interesting union of the relative excellencies of the works of these masters; they reflect a lustre on each other, without either of them suffering in its own particular style]] réalisée par Gainsborough, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [36]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This beautiful small picture represents the effect produced at that period of the day when the sun is fast approaching the boundary of the horizon. The hazy vapour which arises at that particular period of a sultry afternoon is most admirably rendered in this little gem by this inimitable master of atmospheric effect. In two other pictures in this collection, Claude has with equal truth represented an early morning, the sea-breeze in which is quite refreshing, and the broad light of a sunny day, equally excellent in itself. In these he is clear and silvery; in this little example he is mellow and vapoury. It formed one of the principal cabinet ornaments of the tasteful and well selected collection of the late Lord Kinnaird (Claude)|This beautiful small picture represents the effect produced at that period of the day when the sun is fast approaching the boundary of the horizon. The hazy vapour which arises at that particular period of a sultry afternoon is most admirably rendered in this little gem by this inimitable master of atmospheric effect. In two other pictures in this collection, Claude has with equal truth represented an early morning, the sea-breeze in which is quite refreshing, and the broad light of a sunny day, equally excellent in itself. In these he is clear and silvery; in this little example he is mellow and vapoury. It formed one of the principal cabinet ornaments of the tasteful and well selected collection of the late Lord Kinnaird]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [37]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[This classical and chaste composition, principally taken from a portion of the beautiful scenery in the Bay of Naples, was always esteemed at Rome to be one of his most capital pictures. It formed part of the celebrated Collection of the Prince Colonna; and from its pure and fine effect, as well as preservation, it would form a desirable companion to the Sea-port by Claude, known by the name of "The St. Ursula," in the National Gallery. The subject is morning, with a rich and verdant foreground, and a sea view in the distance, represented with a truth of effect which rivals nature itself, -- indeed it can scarcely be imagined possible for colours to give the effect of daylight so perfectly as is done in this picture. It can only be compared to seeing nature from a window; as no material means are perceptible by which the illusion of a pure atmosphere has been so accomplished (Claude Lorrain)|This classical and chaste composition, principally taken from a portion of the beautiful scenery in the Bay of Naples, was always esteemed at Rome to be one of his most capital pictures. It formed part of the celebrated Collection of the Prince Colonna; and from its pure and fine effect, as well as preservation, it would form a desirable companion to the Sea-port by Claude, known by the name of "The St. Ursula," in the National Gallery. The subject is morning, with a rich and verdant foreground, and a sea view in the distance, represented with a truth of effect which rivals nature itself, -- indeed it can scarcely be imagined possible for colours to give the effect of daylight so perfectly as is done in this picture. It can only be compared to seeing nature from a window; as no material means are perceptible by which the illusion of a pure atmosphere has been so accomplished]] réalisée par Claude Lorrain, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [39]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin, Child, and Magdalen. A picture of the first excellence of this master, and painted in his most forcible manner. It formerly occupied a place in the celebrated Collection of the Prince Borghese, and was acquired by the late Mr. Fagan out of that palace when the French army first occupied Rome (Titian)|The Virgin, Child, and Magdalen. A picture of the first excellence of this master, and painted in his most forcible manner. It formerly occupied a place in the celebrated Collection of the Prince Borghese, and was acquired by the late Mr. Fagan out of that palace when the French army first occupied Rome]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [40]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Pomona. This capital painting, in Fresco, possesses that harmony and breadth of effect which is always so conspicuous in this master's great works, and which, in point of splendour of colouring, places him on a par with Titian. The wonderful rotundity of form of the principal figure in this picture, produced by invisible gradations of colour, without the intervention of any positive shadows, cannot escape the observation of the connoisseur. The Venetian school in this respect must be allowed to take the lead of all others, while it offers an example well worthy of imitation. It is only, however, in the works of this master, like those now brought forward, that this great excellence can be sufficiently appreciated (Paul Veronese)|Pomona. This capital painting, in Fresco, possesses that harmony and breadth of effect which is always so conspicuous in this master's great works, and which, in point of splendour of colouring, places him on a par with Titian. The wonderful rotundity of form of the principal figure in this picture, produced by invisible gradations of colour, without the intervention of any positive shadows, cannot escape the observation of the connoisseur. The Venetian school in this respect must be allowed to take the lead of all others, while it offers an example well worthy of imitation. It is only, however, in the works of this master, like those now brought forward, that this great excellence can be sufficiently appreciated]] réalisée par Paul Veronese, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [41]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Buchanan (William). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Painted for his friend and patron, Sir John Leicester. -- The great excellence of this picture is best proved by maintaining its importance in competition with some of Claude's most beautiful and celebrated works. It is executed with more spirit and vigour than either of his larger pictures which bear the same title, one of which may be seen in the National Gallery, Pall-mall (Richard Wilson)|Painted for his friend and patron, Sir John Leicester. -- The great excellence of this picture is best proved by maintaining its importance in competition with some of Claude's most beautiful and celebrated works. It is executed with more spirit and vigour than either of his larger pictures which bear the same title, one of which may be seen in the National Gallery, Pall-mall]] réalisée par Richard Wilson, vendue par [[[William Buchanan]]]. [42]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, peasants driving sheep and goats over a brook; a lady on horseback, attended by her servant and dog, waiting to pass the rivulet; several groups of forest trees and chateau in the distance -- a lovely specimen of this fine master, 1759 (Zuccharelli)|A Landscape, peasants driving sheep and goats over a brook; a lady on horseback, attended by her servant and dog, waiting to pass the rivulet; several groups of forest trees and chateau in the distance -- a lovely specimen of this fine master, 1759]] réalisée par Zuccharelli, vendue par John Jackson, achetée par Stewart au prix de 18.18 £. [51]
  • 1828.04.21/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[APOLLO presiding over The Arts. An Allegorical Subject, wherein the talents of these two eminent Painters have been united with great success. The colouring of the Figure is eminently beautiful, and the productions of Art as well as the Animals, are touched with great spirit, coloured with a brilliant effect, and very highly finished (Vandyke)|APOLLO presiding over The Arts. An Allegorical Subject, wherein the talents of these two eminent Painters have been united with great success. The colouring of the Figure is eminently beautiful, and the productions of Art as well as the Animals, are touched with great spirit, coloured with a brilliant effect, and very highly finished]] réalisée par Vandyke. [126]