Ventes d'œuvres le 1828.04.26

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  • 1828.04.26/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Princess of Saxony and her infant Son, the former superbly dressed, in a hat and gown of gold brocade, enriched with jewels, the latter in ducal robes; among the jewellery are various small family portraits; the name of the Artist is inscribed upon the head-dress of the female, and the date, 1550, appears in the back ground N.B. This picture has been termed the Portrait of John Frederick, Son of John the Constant, Duke of Saxony, and his Mother, but this does not appear to accord with the date inscribed. Charles, Prince of Lorraine, succeeded to this Father (when two years old) in 1545, under the regency of his Mother, Christina, Niece of Charles V. and of his Uncle, Prince Nicolas. He would have been seven years old when this Picture was painted. Christina was deposed as Regent by Henry II. of France, in 1552, and in the following year, 1553, L. Cranach died, aged eighty-one. -- See L'Art de Verifier les Dates, vol. 3, page 58. The Portraits are therefore, probably those of Prince Charles of Lorraine, and his Mother (LUCAS CRANACH)|A Princess of Saxony and her infant Son, the former superbly dressed, in a hat and gown of gold brocade, enriched with jewels, the latter in ducal robes; among the jewellery are various small family portraits; the name of the Artist is inscribed upon the head-dress of the female, and the date, 1550, appears in the back ground N.B. This picture has been termed the Portrait of John Frederick, Son of John the Constant, Duke of Saxony, and his Mother, but this does not appear to accord with the date inscribed. Charles, Prince of Lorraine, succeeded to this Father (when two years old) in 1545, under the regency of his Mother, Christina, Niece of Charles V. and of his Uncle, Prince Nicolas. He would have been seven years old when this Picture was painted. Christina was deposed as Regent by Henry II. of France, in 1552, and in the following year, 1553, L. Cranach died, aged eighty-one. -- See L'Art de Verifier les Dates, vol. 3, page 58. The Portraits are therefore, probably those of Prince Charles of Lorraine, and his Mother]] réalisée par LUCAS CRANACH, achetée par Abrahams au prix de 29.8 £. [40]