Ventes d'œuvres le 1831.06.25

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  • 1831.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Halt of a Hawking Party at an Inn near a ruined Archway; a Cavalier, dismounted from a white Horse, is conversing with a female Servant at a Well; a mounted Attendant, with a Hawk and Dogs, and a Female, are advancing through the arch; Boys are gathering Grapes from a Vine trained over the door -- an exquisite Picture of the highest quality (Wouvermans)|A Halt of a Hawking Party at an Inn near a ruined Archway; a Cavalier, dismounted from a white Horse, is conversing with a female Servant at a Well; a mounted Attendant, with a Hawk and Dogs, and a Female, are advancing through the arch; Boys are gathering Grapes from a Vine trained over the door -- an exquisite Picture of the highest quality]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par Sir T Sykes. [10]
  • 1831.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Repose of the Holy Family under a Tree, a Cradle at the Virgin's feet, and Joseph resting upon fragments of ancient Sculpture; a Mountainous Landscape, with Buildings, forms the back-ground. This picture was brought from Rome by Mr. Byers (Giulio Romano)|A Repose of the Holy Family under a Tree, a Cradle at the Virgin's feet, and Joseph resting upon fragments of ancient Sculpture; a Mountainous Landscape, with Buildings, forms the back-ground. This picture was brought from Rome by Mr. Byers]] réalisée par Giulio Romano, vendue par Litt. [21]
  • 1831.06.25/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Italian Sea-port, with Architecture, and figures preparing to load a Vessel, and numerous figures landing on the Steps of a Palace; a Merchant inspecting merchandize is in the fore-ground: lighted up with powerful effect of sun -- a capital picture (Claude)|An Italian Sea-port, with Architecture, and figures preparing to load a Vessel, and numerous figures landing on the Steps of a Palace; a Merchant inspecting merchandize is in the fore-ground: lighted up with powerful effect of sun -- a capital picture]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par J G Campbell Esq au prix de 164 gs. [32]