Ventes d'œuvres le 1832.07.27

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  • 1832.07.27/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Peter delivered from Prison. This Picture must command attention, as a most forcible piece of perspective. The French School have latterly much indulged in these subjects. His late Majesty George the Fourth was particularly partial to those specimens he possessed; -- but the one here seen was formerly in the collection of King James the Second, and has no equal in modern art (H. Steenwyck)|St. Peter delivered from Prison. This Picture must command attention, as a most forcible piece of perspective. The French School have latterly much indulged in these subjects. His late Majesty George the Fourth was particularly partial to those specimens he possessed; -- but the one here seen was formerly in the collection of King James the Second, and has no equal in modern art]] réalisée par H. Steenwyck, vendue par [[[Taylor]]] au prix de 75.12 £. [9]
  • 1832.07.27/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John -- in a Landscape, with an Antique Ruin in the back-ground. A picture known by the name of the "Sleeping Jesus" Painted on thick panel. The young St. John, in an attitude of religous admiration, with his mouth half open, and hands scarcely closed, seems to have fixed his eyes on his beloved Master, expressive of a desire to behold him; and the fond mother acceding to his desire, gracefully and softly, raises the transparent veil that covers him (Raffaelle, or Raffaello Sanzio)|The Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John -- in a Landscape, with an Antique Ruin in the back-ground. A picture known by the name of the "Sleeping Jesus" Painted on thick panel. The young St. John, in an attitude of religous admiration, with his mouth half open, and hands scarcely closed, seems to have fixed his eyes on his beloved Master, expressive of a desire to behold him; and the fond mother acceding to his desire, gracefully and softly, raises the transparent veil that covers him]] réalisée par Raffaelle, or Raffaello Sanzio, vendue par [[[Taylor]]] au prix de 120 gs. [10]
  • 1832.07.27/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family. Painted on thick panel. In the fore-ground is seated the Virgin, with her right hand resting on an open book, and her left thrown lightly over the finely-drawn body of the Infant Saviour, who, on his knees, is resting his head on her lap: in the rear, near some steps leading to an arch-way, is St.Joseph conversing with the young St.John: further on are buildings, and St. Elisabeth reading. -- The composition of this fine picture, which is much in the style of Michael Angelo, shews that the commendations of that great Artist, said to have been bestowed on Pontormo, and to have created the jealousy of Andrea Del Sarto, were not unmerited (Giacomo Carucci Da Pontormo)|The Holy Family. Painted on thick panel. In the fore-ground is seated the Virgin, with her right hand resting on an open book, and her left thrown lightly over the finely-drawn body of the Infant Saviour, who, on his knees, is resting his head on her lap: in the rear, near some steps leading to an arch-way, is St.Joseph conversing with the young St.John: further on are buildings, and St. Elisabeth reading. -- The composition of this fine picture, which is much in the style of Michael Angelo, shews that the commendations of that great Artist, said to have been bestowed on Pontormo, and to have created the jealousy of Andrea Del Sarto, were not unmerited]] réalisée par Giacomo Carucci Da Pontormo, vendue par [[[Taylor]]] au prix de 125.0 £. [13]
  • 1832.07.27/ maison de ventes : Phillips (Harry). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Holy Family and Saints -- in a Landscape, with architectural back-ground. Circular, on thick panel. This fine specimen of so old a Master is in a perfect state of preservation, and evinces the dawn of that great style which was afterwards improved by his scholar Perugino, and perfected by Raffaelle (P. Della Francesca, called Pietro Borghese. -- Born 1398; D)|The Holy Family and Saints -- in a Landscape, with architectural back-ground. Circular, on thick panel. This fine specimen of so old a Master is in a perfect state of preservation, and evinces the dawn of that great style which was afterwards improved by his scholar Perugino, and perfected by Raffaelle]] réalisée par P. Della Francesca, called Pietro Borghese. -- Born 1398; D, vendue par [[[Taylor]]] au prix de 10.10 £. [45]