Ventes d'œuvres le 1833.03.16

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  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Triumph of Religion, a grand composition of eighteen figures. See the annexed Etching. In this Finished Study, Rubens has surpassed his usual successful efforts, from the attention bestowed on every part of this splendid chef-d'oeuvre. It was brought from Spain some years since, and is superior to the larger picture sold to the French Gonernment by General Sebastiani, in which production Rubens has been assisted by his pupils. 2 f. 1 2/8 in. h. 2 f. 11 3/8 in. w. This Picture, painted entirely by the hand a of Rubens, and in the finest preservation, is described in Smith's Catalogue Raissoné (vol. ii. p. 139,) as being "of the Rarest Excellence and Beauty." Mr. Smith mentions, that it was sold in 1814 for 410 guineas, and 1816 for 300 guineas; but adds, that "If it remains in the same pure state it was in when first sold, 600 guineas would be a reasonable estimation of its worth." It may be stated, that the late Proprietor was a few years ago in treaty for selling it to the National Gallery of Pictures for a much larger sum (£.1800) (Rubens)|The Triumph of Religion, a grand composition of eighteen figures. See the annexed Etching. In this Finished Study, Rubens has surpassed his usual successful efforts, from the attention bestowed on every part of this splendid chef-d'oeuvre. It was brought from Spain some years since, and is superior to the larger picture sold to the French Gonernment by General Sebastiani, in which production Rubens has been assisted by his pupils. 2 f. 1 2/8 in. h. 2 f. 11 3/8 in. w. This Picture, painted entirely by the hand a of Rubens, and in the finest preservation, is described in Smith's Catalogue Raissoné (vol. ii. p. 139,) as being "of the Rarest Excellence and Beauty." Mr. Smith mentions, that it was sold in 1814 for 410 guineas, and 1816 for 300 guineas; but adds, that "If it remains in the same pure state it was in when first sold, 600 guineas would be a reasonable estimation of its worth." It may be stated, that the late Proprietor was a few years ago in treaty for selling it to the National Gallery of Pictures for a much larger sum (£.1800)]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Woodburn au prix de 315.0 £. [137]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Calm, with four Dutch fishing-boats and a ship of war in the distance. One of his most exquisite and elaborately finished productions. This Cabinet gem is in fine state of preservation, and evidently proves the Artist's superiority over all his competitors (Wm. Vandervelde)|A Calm, with four Dutch fishing-boats and a ship of war in the distance. One of his most exquisite and elaborately finished productions. This Cabinet gem is in fine state of preservation, and evidently proves the Artist's superiority over all his competitors]] réalisée par Wm. Vandervelde, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Woodburn au prix de 130 gs. [138]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Encampment of Travellers, a rich composition of twelve figures and five horses in a landscape. See the annexed Etching. This charming and interesting picture is painted in his most exquisite, high-finished style, and is in the highest state of preservation (Wouvermans)|An Encampment of Travellers, a rich composition of twelve figures and five horses in a landscape. See the annexed Etching. This charming and interesting picture is painted in his most exquisite, high-finished style, and is in the highest state of preservation]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Woodburn au prix de 194.5 £. [139]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Grand Mythological Composition, from the Fable of Cupid and Psyche, after designs painted by Raffaele in the Chigi Palace. It consists of a serious of groups representing Venus in her Car drawn by doves, Mercury ascending with Psyche, the Three Graces and Cupid, and Jupiter, and other Heathen Deities in Olympus. This truly capital picture is in his finest manner, the drawing being more correct, with a chasteness of colour superior to the usual works of Rubens (Rubens)|A Grand Mythological Composition, from the Fable of Cupid and Psyche, after designs painted by Raffaele in the Chigi Palace. It consists of a serious of groups representing Venus in her Car drawn by doves, Mercury ascending with Psyche, the Three Graces and Cupid, and Jupiter, and other Heathen Deities in Olympus. This truly capital picture is in his finest manner, the drawing being more correct, with a chasteness of colour superior to the usual works of Rubens]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Sir J. Craig au prix de 57.15 £. [143]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin and Child, with St John, Elizabeth, and Joseph, with a beautiful landscape in the background. This exquisite Cabinet gem is finished with the utmost care throughout, and the colouring of his most rich and brilliant style, forming an ensemble of rare merit (Garofalo)|The Virgin and Child, with St John, Elizabeth, and Joseph, with a beautiful landscape in the background. This exquisite Cabinet gem is finished with the utmost care throughout, and the colouring of his most rich and brilliant style, forming an ensemble of rare merit]] réalisée par Garofalo, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Sir A. Campbell au prix de 42.0 £. [144]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Last Judgment, a very rich composition, in which the Artist has shwon great skill and knowledge of the human figure, displayed in a variety of attitudes. The whole is executed with that care and exquisite finish which renders it a chef-d'oeuvre of this eminent Painter (Rotenamer)|The Last Judgment, a very rich composition, in which the Artist has shwon great skill and knowledge of the human figure, displayed in a variety of attitudes. The whole is executed with that care and exquisite finish which renders it a chef-d'oeuvre of this eminent Painter]] réalisée par Rotenamer, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Mrs Gibson au prix de 36.15 £. [145]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Martyrdom, companion to the preceding. Capital picture, and in every respect of equal ability. 3 f. h. 3 f. w. See Note to No. 47 The above two Lots, along with Nos. 99 and 100, in the Second Day, and Nos. 164 and 165, in the Third Day's Sale, will, at the option of purchasers, be offered for sale in One Lot. These Six Pictures form a splendid Series of compositions by Tintoretto, illustrative of part of the Services of the Romish Church; and cost the late Proprietor L.850 (Tintoretto)|A Martyrdom, companion to the preceding. Capital picture, and in every respect of equal ability. 3 f. h. 3 f. w. See Note to No. 47 The above two Lots, along with Nos. 99 and 100, in the Second Day, and Nos. 164 and 165, in the Third Day's Sale, will, at the option of purchasers, be offered for sale in One Lot. These Six Pictures form a splendid Series of compositions by Tintoretto, illustrative of part of the Services of the Romish Church; and cost the late Proprietor L.850]] réalisée par Tintoretto, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par [[Thomson [or] Thompson]] au prix de 262.10 £. [146]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Presentation of a Monk. A very splendid and powerful picture by this great ornament of the Venetian school The above two Lots, along with Nos. 99 and 100, in the Second Day, and Nos. 164 and 165, in the Third Day's Sale, will, at the option of purchasers, be offered for sale in One Lot. These Six Pictures form a splendid Series of compositions by Tintoretto, illustrative of part of the Services of the Romish Church; and cost the late Proprietor L.850 (Tintoretto)|The Presentation of a Monk. A very splendid and powerful picture by this great ornament of the Venetian school The above two Lots, along with Nos. 99 and 100, in the Second Day, and Nos. 164 and 165, in the Third Day's Sale, will, at the option of purchasers, be offered for sale in One Lot. These Six Pictures form a splendid Series of compositions by Tintoretto, illustrative of part of the Services of the Romish Church; and cost the late Proprietor L.850]] réalisée par Tintoretto, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par [[Thomson [or] Thompson]] au prix de 262.10 £. [147]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[King Lear and Attendants in the Strom, a Coast Scene, with an ancient Castle in the distance. One of the most splendid efforts of this very promising Artist's pencil, painted with the energy of Rubens, and coloured equal to the best works of the Venetian school (John Runciman)|King Lear and Attendants in the Strom, a Coast Scene, with an ancient Castle in the distance. One of the most splendid efforts of this very promising Artist's pencil, painted with the energy of Rubens, and coloured equal to the best works of the Venetian school]] réalisée par John Runciman, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par [[Thomson [or] Thompson]] au prix de 35.14 £. [148]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An Interior, an interesting Group of Three Boors Regaling, and another in the background. A charming picture of the Master in his best manner, and in perfect preservation. 1 f. 2 1/4 in. h. 10 1/2 in w. This picture was formerly in the well known Collection of Sir Laurence Dundas. (Engraved) (Teniers)|An Interior, an interesting Group of Three Boors Regaling, and another in the background. A charming picture of the Master in his best manner, and in perfect preservation. 1 f. 2 1/4 in. h. 10 1/2 in w. This picture was formerly in the well known Collection of Sir Laurence Dundas. (Engraved)]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Craig au prix de 42.0 £. [158]
  • 1833.03.16/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, with Horses and Figures, after the original Picture by Wouvermans, which is preserved in this Collection. See No. 56. An elegant composition, finished with a delicacy of pencilling equal to Wouvermans, and formerly sold as the original picture (Van Falens)|A Landscape, with Horses and Figures, after the original Picture by Wouvermans, which is preserved in this Collection. See No. 56. An elegant composition, finished with a delicacy of pencilling equal to Wouvermans, and formerly sold as the original picture]] réalisée par Van Falens, vendue par Hon. John Clerk of Eldin, achetée par Dyse au prix de 43.1 £. [169]