Ventes d'œuvres le 1833.05.14

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  • 1833.05.14/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A beautiful Landscape with Hills, Mountains and Woody Banks; a Water Mill, Bridge, and numerous large groups of Cattle and Figures, on two diverging Roads; another group of Hunters in repose in the front, near a lofty Tree, and part of a Roman Temple. The glow of an Evening Sun is richly dispensed on all objects within its range (Claude Loraine)|A beautiful Landscape with Hills, Mountains and Woody Banks; a Water Mill, Bridge, and numerous large groups of Cattle and Figures, on two diverging Roads; another group of Hunters in repose in the front, near a lofty Tree, and part of a Roman Temple. The glow of an Evening Sun is richly dispensed on all objects within its range]] réalisée par Claude Loraine au prix de 190 gs. [29]
  • 1833.05.14/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Good Centurion. Our Saviour, surrounded by his Disciples, is at the moment described by the Artist, exclaiming "That he had not found such faith in all Israel." Formerly in the Duke of Modena's collection, and subsequently in the Orleans gallery (P. Veronese)|The Good Centurion. Our Saviour, surrounded by his Disciples, is at the moment described by the Artist, exclaiming "That he had not found such faith in all Israel." Formerly in the Duke of Modena's collection, and subsequently in the Orleans gallery]] réalisée par P. Veronese, achetée par Norton au prix de 75.12 gs. [31]
  • 1833.05.14/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin with Infant Saviour and St. Joseph, and choir of little Angels, in celestial glory, holding the emblem of the Crucifixion. The taste of this composition is marked with a character that sufficiently distinguishes it from a multitude of spurious imitations (Corregio)|The Virgin with Infant Saviour and St. Joseph, and choir of little Angels, in celestial glory, holding the emblem of the Crucifixion. The taste of this composition is marked with a character that sufficiently distinguishes it from a multitude of spurious imitations]] réalisée par Corregio. [34]