Ventes d'œuvres le 1834.03.22

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  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Conversion of Saul; a splendid picture, of unusual size, which, for delicacy and correctness of colour, for the beauty of the Horses and Figures, and for skill in composition and vigour of pencil, may justly be stiled a chef-d'oeuvre -- from the Collection of Mons. D'Orville (Carl Du Jardin)|The Conversion of Saul; a splendid picture, of unusual size, which, for delicacy and correctness of colour, for the beauty of the Horses and Figures, and for skill in composition and vigour of pencil, may justly be stiled a chef-d'oeuvre -- from the Collection of Mons. D'Orville]] réalisée par Carl Du Jardin, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]] au prix de 115 gs. [196]
  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A magnificent gallery picture, which places the talents of this distinguished artist at the point they merit; a rich impasto, great breadth and vigour of colour, impart a truth and beauty not often equalled. The subject may shortly be described thus -- a Lady and Gentleman, are standing on a Balcony, enjoying the infantine amusements of two lovely Children. The Gardens and Grounds, the Peacocks, the Shrubs and Flowers, and the rich Carpet overspreading the Balustrades, are introduced with skill and effect -- formerly belonged to M. Le Steenegracht (F. Boll)|A magnificent gallery picture, which places the talents of this distinguished artist at the point they merit; a rich impasto, great breadth and vigour of colour, impart a truth and beauty not often equalled. The subject may shortly be described thus -- a Lady and Gentleman, are standing on a Balcony, enjoying the infantine amusements of two lovely Children. The Gardens and Grounds, the Peacocks, the Shrubs and Flowers, and the rich Carpet overspreading the Balustrades, are introduced with skill and effect -- formerly belonged to M. Le Steenegracht]] réalisée par F. Boll, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]], achetée par Thorp au prix de 44.2 £. [203]
  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Nymph having received the Crown of Flowers as a tribute to the beauty of her form, is admiring herself in a small Mirror. This figure, the size of life, and standing in an erect posture, is considered a chef-d'oeuvre, and known as the Venus Calypyga. Formerly in the Cabinet of Augustus, King of Poland (Titian)|A Nymph having received the Crown of Flowers as a tribute to the beauty of her form, is admiring herself in a small Mirror. This figure, the size of life, and standing in an erect posture, is considered a chef-d'oeuvre, and known as the Venus Calypyga. Formerly in the Cabinet of Augustus, King of Poland]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]] au prix de 32.11 £. [204]
  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Scourging of Christ. The Saviour with a meck and resigned countenance, is represented bound to a Marble Column in the centre of a Court Yard; the Figures to the right and left are drawn with great care, and the Landscape back-ground adds to the beauty of the whole -- from the Collection of A. Hope, Esq. (Raffaelle)|The Scourging of Christ. The Saviour with a meck and resigned countenance, is represented bound to a Marble Column in the centre of a Court Yard; the Figures to the right and left are drawn with great care, and the Landscape back-ground adds to the beauty of the whole -- from the Collection of A. Hope, Esq.]] réalisée par Raffaelle, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]], achetée par Peacock au prix de 25.4 £. [208]
  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Interior of a Study, with table covered with Books, and a rich carpet; in the centre is seated a Gentleman habited in a rich loose Robe, and Cap of red velvet on his head; figures on either side pointing to an Orrery and a Terrestrial Globe, probably intended to point out the high and extensive attainments of their patron (F. Mieris)|The Interior of a Study, with table covered with Books, and a rich carpet; in the centre is seated a Gentleman habited in a rich loose Robe, and Cap of red velvet on his head; figures on either side pointing to an Orrery and a Terrestrial Globe, probably intended to point out the high and extensive attainments of their patron]] réalisée par F. Mieris, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]] au prix de 21.0 £. [226]
  • 1834.03.22/ maison de ventes : Foster (Edward). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A woody Landscape, trunks of Trees and Brambles in the fore-ground; a winding Road is brought up to the centre of the picture, on which are Figures and Dogs introduced by Wouvermans; in the half distance a Cottage and hilly Country; painted with a full rich pencil, and in fine preservation (J. Ruysdael)|A woody Landscape, trunks of Trees and Brambles in the fore-ground; a winding Road is brought up to the centre of the picture, on which are Figures and Dogs introduced by Wouvermans; in the half distance a Cottage and hilly Country; painted with a full rich pencil, and in fine preservation]] réalisée par J. Ruysdael, vendue par [[[Edward Solly]]], achetée par Peacock au prix de 21.0 £. [227]