Ventes d'œuvres le 1835.05.23

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  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Venus and Cupid, life size: Signor Bettini, a friend of Micahel Angelo Buonarotti, wishing to have a picture of this subject to hand in the centre of an apartment decorated with portraits of the Italian poets, procured from him a Cartoon, from which he employed Puntormo to paint this picture under the immediate inspection of Michael Angelo; a work, which for all the higher attributes of art does equal honour to the designer and the painter; there being no known picture in oil by Michael Angelo (for the picture in the Tribune at Florence is surely not by his hand) imparts the highest consequence to this work, a most interesting account of which may be found in Vasari, "Vita da Puntormo." The style of drawing is in the finest taste; and two pentimentos, one over the knee, and the other under the left arm of the Cupid, where the line of the contour has been much increased, shew the corrections of the great master under whose direction it was executed. The Cartoon is in the royal collection at Naples (Jacopo da Puntormo)|Venus and Cupid, life size: Signor Bettini, a friend of Micahel Angelo Buonarotti, wishing to have a picture of this subject to hand in the centre of an apartment decorated with portraits of the Italian poets, procured from him a Cartoon, from which he employed Puntormo to paint this picture under the immediate inspection of Michael Angelo; a work, which for all the higher attributes of art does equal honour to the designer and the painter; there being no known picture in oil by Michael Angelo (for the picture in the Tribune at Florence is surely not by his hand) imparts the highest consequence to this work, a most interesting account of which may be found in Vasari, "Vita da Puntormo." The style of drawing is in the finest taste; and two pentimentos, one over the knee, and the other under the left arm of the Cupid, where the line of the contour has been much increased, shew the corrections of the great master under whose direction it was executed. The Cartoon is in the royal collection at Naples]] réalisée par Jacopo da Puntormo, vendue par Geddes au prix de 65.2 £. [1]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ and the Canaanitish woman interceding for her daughter; a picture equal to the oothers already described for elegance of composition and richness of colouring: the back-ground is enlivened by the setting sun, and a most exquisite landscape, shewing his powers in that department equal to his talent for the higher, reminding us in that respect of his great contemproary Titian (Schiavone)|Christ and the Canaanitish woman interceding for her daughter; a picture equal to the oothers already described for elegance of composition and richness of colouring: the back-ground is enlivened by the setting sun, and a most exquisite landscape, shewing his powers in that department equal to his talent for the higher, reminding us in that respect of his great contemproary Titian]] réalisée par Schiavone, vendue par Geddes au prix de 54 gs. [2]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Christ disputing with the doctors; a grand gallery picture of the life size, composed with the greatest talent and ingenuity: the young Saviour is judiciously kept apart from the audience by his elevated situation, and his placid expression is finely contrasted with that of the stern professors around him; whilst the introduction of the Virgin and Joseph at the extremity of the picture, who remain with passive attention and devotion, finish the group, and give all that can be wished in such a subject. Schiavone has exerted his utmost powers on this composition, evidently intending it as a chef-d'oeuvre, and his satisfaction in his sucess may be inferred from his placing his name on a tablet in the centre of the picture, a thing quite unusual with him. The colouring is of the most grand and impressive character, and it is altogether a picture that would add consequence to any collection however select (Schiavone)|Christ disputing with the doctors; a grand gallery picture of the life size, composed with the greatest talent and ingenuity: the young Saviour is judiciously kept apart from the audience by his elevated situation, and his placid expression is finely contrasted with that of the stern professors around him; whilst the introduction of the Virgin and Joseph at the extremity of the picture, who remain with passive attention and devotion, finish the group, and give all that can be wished in such a subject. Schiavone has exerted his utmost powers on this composition, evidently intending it as a chef-d'oeuvre, and his satisfaction in his sucess may be inferred from his placing his name on a tablet in the centre of the picture, a thing quite unusual with him. The colouring is of the most grand and impressive character, and it is altogether a picture that would add consequence to any collection however select]] réalisée par Schiavone, vendue par Geddes au prix de 76 gs. [3]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Holy Family, attended by saints; the Virgin is presenting the infant to St. John, who is on his knees before him; the appropriate character of the heads is admirably expressed, and the drawing has all the elegance of Parmegiano, of whom Schiavone was an ardent admirer; whilst the colouring ranks in the very highest class of Venetian art. The great works of this master are little known in this country, and it may be asserted, that such a collection has never before been offered for sale: he was during his life so much esteemed, that Tintoretto not only kept a picture by Schiavone always before him in his painting-room, but painted a picture in imitation of his master, which exists to this day in the Chiesa de Carmine at Venice. This picture was purchased in Venice a few years ago by the present proprietor (Andrea Schiavone)|A Holy Family, attended by saints; the Virgin is presenting the infant to St. John, who is on his knees before him; the appropriate character of the heads is admirably expressed, and the drawing has all the elegance of Parmegiano, of whom Schiavone was an ardent admirer; whilst the colouring ranks in the very highest class of Venetian art. The great works of this master are little known in this country, and it may be asserted, that such a collection has never before been offered for sale: he was during his life so much esteemed, that Tintoretto not only kept a picture by Schiavone always before him in his painting-room, but painted a picture in imitation of his master, which exists to this day in the Chiesa de Carmine at Venice. This picture was purchased in Venice a few years ago by the present proprietor]] réalisée par Andrea Schiavone, vendue par Geddes au prix de 235 gs. [4]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of the mother of the artist, half-length life size; she is in the act of plucking a fowl -- a picture of his more early time, when he finished with a degree of care he seldom attained in his later pictures: it is in a high state of preservation and tone. From the collection of the Hon. Francis Charteris; it has been engraved by Houston (Rembrandt)|Portrait of the mother of the artist, half-length life size; she is in the act of plucking a fowl -- a picture of his more early time, when he finished with a degree of care he seldom attained in his later pictures: it is in a high state of preservation and tone. From the collection of the Hon. Francis Charteris; it has been engraved by Houston]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par Geddes au prix de 95 gs. [5]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Interior of a cottage, with figures in conversation; a work that, simple in appearance, shewing the greatest ingenuity in the principles of composition, and the union of the figures with the back-ground, proves him a consummate master of his art; the disposition of the interior is most picturesque. Altogether it may be pronounced a most perfet gem. From the collection of the late Henry Hope, Esq (Adrian Ostade)|Interior of a cottage, with figures in conversation; a work that, simple in appearance, shewing the greatest ingenuity in the principles of composition, and the union of the figures with the back-ground, proves him a consummate master of his art; the disposition of the interior is most picturesque. Altogether it may be pronounced a most perfet gem. From the collection of the late Henry Hope, Esq]] réalisée par Adrian Ostade, vendue par Geddes, achetée par Macpherson au prix de 87.3 £. [6]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of his daughter; she is dressed in green velvet, and holds two carnations in her left hand; the effect is at the same time simple and grand. The tone of the picture is that of an afternoon sun, giving that glow of colouring so much recommended, and happily imitated by Reynolds in his best works (Titian)|Portrait of his daughter; she is dressed in green velvet, and holds two carnations in her left hand; the effect is at the same time simple and grand. The tone of the picture is that of an afternoon sun, giving that glow of colouring so much recommended, and happily imitated by Reynolds in his best works]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Geddes au prix de 34.25 £. [7]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of a cardinal; a splendid performance in the highest style of art; the extreme degree of minute finishing, without hurting the general effect, is most happily executed; it was imported into this country by the late Sir Robert Strange -- on copper (Scipio Gaetano)|Portrait of a cardinal; a splendid performance in the highest style of art; the extreme degree of minute finishing, without hurting the general effect, is most happily executed; it was imported into this country by the late Sir Robert Strange -- on copper]] réalisée par Scipio Gaetano, vendue par Sir James Stuart Bart au prix de 85 gs. [8]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A sea-piece, with a stormy effect of sky; a passage-boat is making for harbour, and in the distance two other vessels are caught in a squall; the vigour and truth with which the whole of this picture is painted, ranks it as one of the happiest efforts of the master in this class of art, -- on panel (Jacob Ruysdael)|A sea-piece, with a stormy effect of sky; a passage-boat is making for harbour, and in the distance two other vessels are caught in a squall; the vigour and truth with which the whole of this picture is painted, ranks it as one of the happiest efforts of the master in this class of art, -- on panel]] réalisée par Jacob Ruysdael, vendue par Sir James Stuart Bart au prix de 97.3 £. [10]
  • 1835.05.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Interior of a Dutch church during the celebration of divine service; the opposition of the dark figures to the lightness of the architecture is finely understood and true to nature, giving the whole a vivacity which many of his finest pictures want, from being too sombre (De Witt)|Interior of a Dutch church during the celebration of divine service; the opposition of the dark figures to the lightness of the architecture is finely understood and true to nature, giving the whole a vivacity which many of his finest pictures want, from being too sombre]] réalisée par De Witt, vendue par Geddes, achetée par Mrs Thorpe au prix de 37.5 £. [19]