Ventes d'œuvres le 1838.06.23

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  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Landscape; on the foreground are several figures and sheep by Rubens, sheltered by a hanging wood; on the right a meandering river, and a vast extent of country, bounded by a large town; from the cabinet of Mons. Godefroi and of Mons. Erard (Lucas Van Uden)|Landscape; on the foreground are several figures and sheep by Rubens, sheltered by a hanging wood; on the right a meandering river, and a vast extent of country, bounded by a large town; from the cabinet of Mons. Godefroi and of Mons. Erard]] réalisée par Lucas Van Uden, vendue par Roake, achetée par Edwards au prix de 16.5 gs. [9]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Interior; a smoker, sitting at his ease on a three-legged stool, his left arm resting on a barrel whilst he fills his pipe, occupies the centre; between the barrel and the chimney, an old man, seated, his back towards the spectator -- on panel; from the sale of Mons. Auguste Miron, of Orleans, at Paris, 1823 (Adr. Van Ostade, signed 1649)|Interior; a smoker, sitting at his ease on a three-legged stool, his left arm resting on a barrel whilst he fills his pipe, occupies the centre; between the barrel and the chimney, an old man, seated, his back towards the spectator -- on panel; from the sale of Mons. Auguste Miron, of Orleans, at Paris, 1823]] réalisée par Adr. Van Ostade, signed 1649, vendue par Roake, achetée par [[Dr Franck [or] Frank]] au prix de 8.18 gs. [12]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Town of Scheveling, fish-market; on the right a woman cheapening fish; farther on a quack doctor vending his nostrums to a crowd round his stall; on the left a beggar asking charity of an oyster-merchant, who feigns sleep; from the sale of Mons. Auguste Miron, of Orleans, at Paris, 1823 (Van der Poel, signed 1656)|Town of Scheveling, fish-market; on the right a woman cheapening fish; farther on a quack doctor vending his nostrums to a crowd round his stall; on the left a beggar asking charity of an oyster-merchant, who feigns sleep; from the sale of Mons. Auguste Miron, of Orleans, at Paris, 1823]] réalisée par Van der Poel, signed 1656, vendue par Roake, achetée par [[Dr Franck [or] Frank]] au prix de 18.0 gs. [13]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A View of the Thames from a Terrace at Mortlake; the river is enlivened by a state-barge and other vessels; a brilliant and magical effect of after-noon sun lights up the picture; the foliage of the row of limes is touched with a feathery and beautiful pencil (Turner, R.A.)|A View of the Thames from a Terrace at Mortlake; the river is enlivened by a state-barge and other vessels; a brilliant and magical effect of after-noon sun lights up the picture; the foliage of the row of limes is touched with a feathery and beautiful pencil]] réalisée par Turner, R.A., vendue par Harriott au prix de 84 gs. [113]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Wreck. Upon a rocky coast the body of a drowned mariner is cast; near it is a buoy, upon which sea-birds are perched; in the stormy distance the wreck is seen. This capital picture was exhibited at the British Institution, and commanded universal admiration (Stanfield, R.A.)|The Wreck. Upon a rocky coast the body of a drowned mariner is cast; near it is a buoy, upon which sea-birds are perched; in the stormy distance the wreck is seen. This capital picture was exhibited at the British Institution, and commanded universal admiration]] réalisée par Stanfield, R.A., vendue par Stewart, achetée par [[Daubeney [or] Danvenay]] au prix de 100.16 gs. [115]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A small whole length of Gibbon. A fine historical portrait of this eminent character, possessing vigour of expression, appropriate attitude, and energy of character, carried throughout the whole figure; he appears in the act of declaimimg. The background may be supposed to represent the buildings of modern Rome (Gainsborough)|A small whole length of Gibbon. A fine historical portrait of this eminent character, possessing vigour of expression, appropriate attitude, and energy of character, carried throughout the whole figure; he appears in the act of declaimimg. The background may be supposed to represent the buildings of modern Rome]] réalisée par Gainsborough, vendue par Brett au prix de 15.15 gs. [120]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Royal Family. This picture was painted expressly for George III., and represents the introduction of the Duchess of York to the Royal Family. King George III., Queen Charlotte, and George IV., occupy, with the Duchess of York, the centre; immediately behind George III. are the Princesses Royal, Augusta, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia, and Amelia, the youngest in front; the late King is in conversation with the Duke of York, who occupies the extreme right of the spectator. From Queen Charlotte's Sale. It is engraved in mezzotinto (West)|The Royal Family. This picture was painted expressly for George III., and represents the introduction of the Duchess of York to the Royal Family. King George III., Queen Charlotte, and George IV., occupy, with the Duchess of York, the centre; immediately behind George III. are the Princesses Royal, Augusta, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia, and Amelia, the youngest in front; the late King is in conversation with the Duke of York, who occupies the extreme right of the spectator. From Queen Charlotte's Sale. It is engraved in mezzotinto]] réalisée par West, vendue par Webb au prix de 63.0 gs. [121]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Dr. John Thomas, Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster, painted in the robes of the Bath This is one of the few pictures of which Sir Joshua left a manuscript memorandum, in his curious list of experiments; it is as follows: -- "1781. Bishop of Rochester, hands light R. and Verm. and Ultramarine." This picture is in his latest manner, in the full vigour of a long practice: he knew well how to express, by broad and vigorous touches, the individuality and reality of life. It has been several times engraved, but all have failed to convey the speaking and refined expression of the original (Sir J. Reynolds)|Dr. John Thomas, Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster, painted in the robes of the Bath This is one of the few pictures of which Sir Joshua left a manuscript memorandum, in his curious list of experiments; it is as follows: -- "1781. Bishop of Rochester, hands light R. and Verm. and Ultramarine." This picture is in his latest manner, in the full vigour of a long practice: he knew well how to express, by broad and vigorous touches, the individuality and reality of life. It has been several times engraved, but all have failed to convey the speaking and refined expression of the original]] réalisée par Sir J. Reynolds, vendue par Brett. [125]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Portrait of Lady Montague, whole length. This is a splendid picture, in the powerful manner of Titian, and on twilled canvas, after the manner of that master: nothing in portraiture can exceed the grace, elegance, and power of this picture; the hand is (also) a model of beauty, and the background and accessories painted in the richest and most surprising manner (Sir J. Reynolds)|Portrait of Lady Montague, whole length. This is a splendid picture, in the powerful manner of Titian, and on twilled canvas, after the manner of that master: nothing in portraiture can exceed the grace, elegance, and power of this picture; the hand is (also) a model of beauty, and the background and accessories painted in the richest and most surprising manner]] réalisée par Sir J. Reynolds, vendue par Brett. [126]
  • 1838.06.23/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Group of Lord Clive and Family with a Malay Girl. This picture appears to have been painted in the year 1764, when Sir Joshua was in his 41st year, and previous to the second return of Lord Clice to India, and 20 years previous to the portrait of the Bishop of Rochester. It may be said to be an unequalled picture of this great master of portraiture. As an example of the care necessary to attain great excellence, this, above all the pictures of Sir Joshua Reynolds, is the most valuable to place in a national school. The exquisite care with which every minute object is painted, even to the flowered muslin of the Indian girl, the Indian gauze of the child, and the satin dress of the mother, to the finish of the ornaments and accessories; and, above all, the soul of truth and simplicity in the expression of the different heads and hands, while even the oily or smooth texture of the skin of the Malay, in contrast to that of the white, is not forgotten (Sir J. Reynolds)|Group of Lord Clive and Family with a Malay Girl. This picture appears to have been painted in the year 1764, when Sir Joshua was in his 41st year, and previous to the second return of Lord Clice to India, and 20 years previous to the portrait of the Bishop of Rochester. It may be said to be an unequalled picture of this great master of portraiture. As an example of the care necessary to attain great excellence, this, above all the pictures of Sir Joshua Reynolds, is the most valuable to place in a national school. The exquisite care with which every minute object is painted, even to the flowered muslin of the Indian girl, the Indian gauze of the child, and the satin dress of the mother, to the finish of the ornaments and accessories; and, above all, the soul of truth and simplicity in the expression of the different heads and hands, while even the oily or smooth texture of the skin of the Malay, in contrast to that of the white, is not forgotten]] réalisée par Sir J. Reynolds, vendue par Brett. [127]