An n-gram is a subsequence of n elements constructed from a given sequence. [1]
This notion is generally used with sequences of characters or words:
- n-gram of characters : consecutive and ordered sequence of n characters.
example: If the sequence is "the cat runs." the list of 3-gram of character is "the", "he_", "e_c", "_ca", "cat", "at_", "t_r", "_ru", "run" and "uns".
- n-gram of words : consecutive and ordered sequence of n words.
example: If the sequence is "the black cat runs fast." the list of 3-gram of words is "the black cat", "black cat runs" et "cat runs fast".
n-gram viewer
The n-gram viewer is the tool used to display the graph of the ENG-normalized_frequency normalized frequency (usually per year) of n-grams of words over time (usually years). It allows to visualize the temporal_profile ENG-temporal profile of the words, ie the evolution of the frequency of use of the words, in a given corpus.