A Woody Country; in the foreground is Water and a Road -- on a hill at a distance is seen a Castle. A beautiful and nobly coloured picture, painted with all the power of this able master's pencil of which it is a very choice production. (Jacob Ruysdael)
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Type : Peinture. (Wikidata : Q3305213)
- 1843.05.25/ maison de ventes : Winstanley. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme A Woody Country; in the foreground is Water and a Road -- on a hill at a distance is seen a Castle. A beautiful and nobly coloured picture, painted with all the power of this able master's pencil of which it is a very choice production. réalisée par Jacob Ruysdael, vendue par James Johnson, of Manchester au prix de 43.1 [?] £. [1]