A grand terrific storm and shipwreck, on the Norwegian coast; the ships appear dashing against the rocks, whilst the unfortunate mariners are struggling for their lives in the tremendous surf (Backhuysen)
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Type : Peinture. (Wikidata : Q3305213)
- 1806.05.26/ maison de ventes : European Museum. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme A grand terrific storm and shipwreck, on the Norwegian coast; the ships appear dashing against the rocks, whilst the unfortunate mariners are struggling for their lives in the tremendous surf réalisée par Backhuysen. [1]
- 1806.12.29/ maison de ventes : European Museum. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme A grand terrific storm and shipwreck, on the Norwegian coast; the ships appear dashing against the rocks, whilst the unfortunate mariners are struggling for their lives in the tremendous surf réalisée par Backhuysen. [2]